Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1000

These three girls were all members who joined after Alice became the leader, and they were quite dissatisfied with the behavior of the former leader Vercellia.

"No one came out to protest?"

Mu Hantian was a little puzzled. According to theory, the students in the college were all aristocrats with strong self-esteem.For this practice of using violence to control violence, many people should come out to resist.

"Of course there are, and there are so many."

Alice said to the side: "But even the senior students of the best class are not the opponents of my sister. Later, because of pressure from some high-powered nobles, my sister was forced to give up the seat of head."

"The students who insisted on fighting to the end were the students of the Crow Class. Especially the fire cat-Claire "Lu" Jo, even the Knights at that time felt quite tricky. However, Claire "Lu" Qiu is still a problem man."

"That's it."

Mu Hantian nodded, he also felt a bit about Claire's problem.

At this moment--


Something flashed past Mu Hantian's sight.

He blinked and squinted his eyes to look carefully.

From the park, you can see the main road.

In the crowded crowd, there is a small red tail.

Is that... Scarlett?

Scarlet shuttled through the crowd flexibly, just about to walk somewhere.However, Claire was not seen nearby.

Suddenly, Scarlett seemed to be aware of Mu Hantian's sight——

It stopped and turned to Mu Hantian's direction.Then immediately turned back and disappeared into the crowd.

Are you letting me pass?

"Han Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?"

"Sorry, I suddenly remembered something important. Wait for a while, I'll be back right away."

After speaking, Mu Hantian got up and left, chasing the tail that disappeared in the crowd.


"Really, where did Scarlett go!"

Claire exhaled with red ponytails upright.

She lost her way after being separated from Scarlett on the road and came to this alley unknowingly.

Claire had never been to Academy City, so naturally he didn't know the way here.And Scarlett hasn't returned to the elemental elves world, so he can't be called even if he wants to.

There is no one in the alley.The Lover's Sacrament had already begun on the other side of the square, and the crowd went there.

"Hate...what is it now..."

Claire kept looking around, looking restless.

As an elf messenger, ordinary mobs are certainly not her opponents, but she is still very disturbed.

"I don't know where that guy has gone. I haven't seen anyone early in the morning."

She tucked the red double ponytail, and then took a small bag from her uniform pocket.The yellow "color" ribbon is tied on it, which looks very cute.

In the bag, there are handmade chocolates by Kreier.

After constant practice, the chocolate material finally stopped turning into coke, and turned into ordinary chocolate.

"Obviously I still want him to taste it, huh, it's just a tasting, it has nothing to do with the lover's holy sacrifice!"

Just as Claire muttered to herself--



Claire was so scared that she jumped up.

Turning his head in a panic, Scarlett was standing at his feet with his head tilted.

"Hate, don't be scary... You kid is so easy to "get lost"."

In fact, it was Claire who was "lost", but I did not seem to want to admit it.

At this time, a running sound gradually came from the other end of the alley.


Hearing the familiar voice, Claire turned her head and saw Mu Hantian appear at the corner of the alley.

"Cold sky! Why are you here—"

"I just saw Scarlett. I didn't see you. I felt a little uneasy, so I came after him."


He worried about me...

Claire didn't know whether to be angry or happy, her expression was very complicated.

"Hey, Hantian. As for me, this afternoon is very, very coincidental, and it just happens to be free."

"That's it." Mu Hantian didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"Yeah. go find a coffee shop and ask me to eat cake! In this case...this lady can consider that the Valentine's Saint will be with you."

Claire's face flushed slightly, and she glanced at Mu Hantian.

"Sorry. I'm not free today. I have to patrol the college city with Alice."

"Really, okay. Is it right with Alice... Wait, what did you just say?"

Claire's facial features suddenly froze.

"Han Tian... I didn't hear the sentence just now... Can you say it again?"

"I said I have a job with the Knights today, and I want to patrol with Alice." Mu Hantian said clearly again.

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