Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 999

"Yes...Is it? It's just like normal."

Hearing Mu Hantian's praise, Alice lowered her head shyly.

In the larger lunch box, there are not only sandwiches, but also potato salad, hot dogs, poached eggs, and fruits cut into appropriate sizes.

"The leader is deceiving, usually there are only peanut milk sandwiches."

"The apple is cut into a rabbit shape!"

"Hot dogs are also cut into octopus!"

Alice couldn't help feeling at a loss when the trio rolled his eyes.

" are not the same--"

She stretched out her index finger to the three of them, trying to blur the focus.

"I was so scared to see Han Tian this morning, but now I am sitting here, what the hell is going on!"

The trio looked at each other and hesitated for a while before saying: "Well...Actually...I'm still a bit scared.

"But seeing the way the team leader talks to him, I think he should not be a bad person."

"Also, he actually dared to resist Verseria, it's really amazing."

The trio gradually held their cheeks, blushing for some reason.

Seeing their reaction, Alice couldn't help but pursed her mouth slightly.

"It's nothing, it's just that I can't stand it."

After speaking, Mu Hantian picked up a sandwich prepared by Alice.

The sandwich is filled with ham and egg, and pepper is added.Although simple, it is delicious.

"Very good. Such simple food can be made so delicious, which proves that you are really good at cooking."

"Yes... Is it? That's great..." Alice breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then... Then try to eat! It doesn't matter how much you want!"

"Well, then I'm not welcome."

Just when Mu Hantian was about to put the sandwich into his mouth.


The sandwich in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Chew chewing.

"Ester, what are you doing?"

I don't know when, next to Mu Hantian, there was another Astor who became a human.

"Han Tian, ​​I am hungry too. I want to eat."

"I really can't help you, take it." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly and picked up a sandwich.

In order to facilitate the entrance, he tore the sandwich into small pieces, and then put it into Esther's mouth.

Chew chewing.

Esther was chewing on the sandwich blankly, like a cute little animal.

"Um-Hantian, that's the sandwich I made specially for you." Alice puffed up her cheeks in protest.

"Wow, Esther is so cute!"

"I want to feed her too!"

"And my sandwich! Come on! Eat!"

The trio of the Knights delivered food one after another.

"It feels good to be enshrined by humans."

"No, they should treat you completely as a pet."


After eating a lovely yawn, Esther lay down on Mu Hantian's lap.

Before long, there was a lovely sound of sleeping breathing.

At the moment she fell asleep—her body turned into particles of light and returned to the posture of a sword.

The first thousand and eighty-four chapters of Claire's anger

After that, the group had a pleasant and peaceful time eating sandwiches.

Most of the chat content is unfocused lecture notes or recent books.

At first, the trio of the Knights was still a little nervous facing the gods, but after the conversation opened, they gradually became familiar...but I don't know why, but Alice is always in a lack of interest.

During the conversation, Mu Hantian suddenly noticed something.

"Although it is called the Knight Order, you are actually ordinary girls."


The three blushed at the same time.

"Uh... Excuse me... What do ordinary girls... mean?"

"Nothing special, but I always thought you were the same as Alice."

"Han Tian, ​​what do you mean by this?" Alice said, staring at Mu Hantian.

"Uh, I thought the Cavaliers were very serious and felt very reliable..."

"It was true before. At that time, people like us were kicked out." One of the trio whispered.

"Well, it was when Vilceri Adam was the captain."

"She, she likes to use force to solve everything. To be honest, the atmosphere on campus was really not good at that time."

The other two also nodded.

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