Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1006

"What's the matter?" Mu Hantian kept yelling while protecting his eyes to avoid being hit by flying rocks.

It was like a rain.

A burst of intense and intense shelling poured mercilessly on the two elves like heavy rain.Suddenly the sky shook, and countless pillars of fire rose.

After the shelling stopped...

In front of him, only the destroyed square was left.The two high elves have disappeared and were completely wiped out.

Mu Hantian frowned and looked in the direction of the bombardment-looking up.

Right above the shelling-there was a huge fortress floating in the air.The fortress has layers of overlapping composite armor and countless muzzles.A pair of frozen water-blue "color" eyes were condescendingly staring at the ground.

The strongest elf of the academy who destroyed the square in an instant, slowly descended to the ground.

"There is a mountain as high as a mountain. In the face of power, it will be destroyed with a stronger force. The half-hearted effort is completely worthless."

"Vilselia...!" Mu Hantian glared at Versilia.

The buildings on the square collapsed due to shelling.

The scattered rubble also hit the crowd who ran a step slower.

"Why fire the cannon! You clearly know the consequences of using such a powerful elven outfit!"

"I just wiped out the elves who were running away. Those who didn't have time to escape were considered unlucky-no, this kind of damage was considered to be very minor, and it should be said that they were lucky."

"Sister! Do you really think so!" Alice said excitedly.

However, Verseria just looked down at her coldly.

"I can't even deal with this little thing, Alice, it seems that it was a big mistake for me to hand over the Knights to you. I don't care what chivalry you want to promote, but-if the ideal is not accompanied by the matching strength, It’s just a dream. You don’t deserve to be a knight."

After speaking, Verseria pushed Alice away, planning to leave.

At this moment--

"Just wait a minute!"


"Take your words back! Apologize to Alice!" Mu Hantian slowly'approached' to Verseria.

"It's your business to stick to your ideas. However, you don't understand anything at all, so why trample on Alice's dream!"

"I'm just telling the truth. The knights of the Wranglerto family will never distort the truth."

"You are the one who is not worthy of being a knight! The virtues of a knight: compassion, honor, sacrifice, apology, spirit, bravery, notarization, honesty. What do you have! Like you who don’t put human life in the eyes Guy, you don't deserve to be a knight!"

There was a wave of waves in Versilia's eyes.It's not boredom, or anger-it's another emotion.

"Male "sex" wizard, you are too eye-catching. Go away, don't show up in front of me."

"Apologize!" Mu Hantian did not back down.

"I'll talk until you win."

"That's the case. Also, our team will meet yours sooner or later, okay, I will beat you then!"

The first thousand eighty-eight chapters follow-up

The two elves who transplanted the curse and engraved them were later found in the forest, and both of them lost consciousness.

After the Knights arrived, they immediately arrested the two and escorted them to the imperial capital.Implanting the curse and engraving is not as simple as violating school rules. It is a very serious crime and will be punished by the Fairy Council.

As for Versilia, who implicated the public, although she had gone too far, it concluded that she had minimized the overall damage, and no one died, so she was not held accountable.

It is said that the person who made this ruling was Greyworth.But in fact, it is very likely to be a resolution under the Odesian Empire Council.The Elf Sword Dance Festival is here, and of course the strongest representative players in the academy cannot be punished.

In Claire's room, Mu Hantian was discussing follow-up matters with her.

"Han Tian, ​​is it okay for you to offend her like that?"

"We will meet her sooner or later, won't we?" Mu Hantian smiled slightly, probed the chest pocket of the uniform, and "touched" the gift box and chocolate.

Although the chocolate had melted and squashed away, after all, Claire made it by himself, and Mu Hantian decided to eat it gratefully.

After he was mentally prepared, Mu Hantian threw the chocolate into his mouth, and a sweet smell suddenly spread out in his mouth.

"Huh? It was unexpected..."

Although it is a bit bitter, the taste is normal and delicious.Compared with the mass production of coke, it is a very big improvement.

"Is it delicious?" Claire asked nervously.

"Well, the chocolate you gave me was delicious. You really worked hard." Mu Hantian praised honestly.

When she heard these words, Claire blushed immediately.

"Huh, then...then need to say! This lady has been practicing for a long time."

"Ah, that's right. Claire, sorry, this thing was given too late."

Mu Hantian handed the small box that he had just taken out of his uniform to Claire.

"what is this?"

"Birthday present. Although time has passed. But you also know that there were too many things yesterday."

Claire opened her ruby ​​eyes wide.

"No... how did you know that yesterday was my birthday?"

"It was Linsley who told me. Although it's not a valuable thing for you, a noble daughter."

Claire who took the box untied the ribbon with trembling fingers.In the box, is a silver necklace with cat pendant.

"This...isn't it the necklace I really want..."

"I saw you staring at it before, and I knew you would like it, so I bought it."

"Well, yes. But..."

She took out the necklace carefully.

"Isn't this expensive? You are not a nobleman, how can you have money to buy such expensive things?"

"I asked Alice to help advance the salary of the Knights."

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