Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 1007

"So it's like this..."

Claire held the necklace and looked up at Mu Hantian.

"Thanks...thank you...hantian." Claire said shyly.

"Cough cough." There was a sudden cough at this moment.

The two looked back.

"You...what are you here for! You are such a rosy princess!"

"The academy has announced the list of tomorrow's team matches, I am here to inform you specially." Feiyana said.

"List of team matches?"

"Well, our opponent is No. 1 on the leaderboard-the team of Verseria Eva."

Upon hearing this, Claire's expression suddenly sharpened.

"Quiet Fortress?"

Just as Mu Hantian said, if you continue to win, you will meet this opponent sooner or later.Claire was already mentally prepared.

"Virsalia is up to me. This is a bet between me and her."

"You...what are you talking nonsense!" Claire stared at Mu Hantian.

"It's not that you didn't see her power, how can you be reassuring by yourself!"

"No problem, trust me!"

"Oh, I have heard what you guys said!" A graceful voice suddenly came from outside.

The girl who walked in with her light golden "color" hair-it was Linselei.Following her is the respectful maid Carol.

"Linsilei, why are you here?"

"It seems that you all need my strength very much."

Lin Silei ignored Claire's protest and walked over to herself.

"If it's me, that fortress girl can definitely be knocked down from the sky."

"The young lady meant that she wanted to join Miss Claire's team." Carol translated Linsley's words simultaneously.

"Linsilei, is this true?"

"It's...not so! I just..."

Lin Silei suddenly became very flustered and kept asking Carol

For help.

"Hehe, Miss is so unconfessed." Carol covered her mouth and smiled.

"Lin Silei, you were originally from our team. Are you not?"

"Han Tian, ​​how can you make a decision without authorization!"

"Kleier, don't you be so frank." Mu Hantian shrugged indifferently.


"Haha." Mu Hantian couldn't help laughing as he looked at Claire's appearance.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Claire walked over and opened the door.Standing at the door were two unexpected visitors.

"Why... how are you two?"

Claire's hand was still on the doorknob, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Claire "Lu" Qiu, we have something to ask you."

"Although we have no position to ask you for this kind of thing, there is really no way."

The two men were supposed to be resting in the college's medical facilities and were Alice's teammates.That is, Raqqa and Lacie of the Wind King Knights.


In a dim room with the curtains completely closed, Alice was sitting on the bed with her legs alone, her face without domineering.

Her eyes were dull, her gaze stayed on the elven ore that sealed her memory.The person reflected in the elven ore is the ideal knight in Alice's mind when she was young-Verseria.

This morning, Alice still did not attend the Knights Meeting.Of course, this was her first absence.

She didn't wear a school uniform, but a pajamas printed with dots.He didn't tie a ponytail on his head, leaving his long hair scattered on the bed.

You don't deserve to be a knight at all.

Verseria's words awakened in Alice's mind again.

Indeed, as my sister said...

Alice gripped the sheets tightly in the dark.

Usually he only speaks big words, but can't save anyone at a critical moment.

Street people looking forward to the festival.A college student who engraved with a curse.

It's all my responsibility.If I could cheer myself up, things wouldn’t be like this anymore—

It is only natural that those senior students will follow Verseria to leave the Knights.With a mouth but no strength, how could anyone be willing to follow such a leader.

"I don't deserve to be a knight at all—"

"Yes, you really don't deserve to be a knight now."


The "wool" blanket covering Alice bounced.

"Claire "Lu" Qiu?"

"Sorry, I burned the keyhole."

As Claire said, he stabbed into the room without any embarrassment.

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