Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 302

At Du Lilai Zen High School, on a certain corridor, Mu Hantian and Tokisaki Kuangzo walked here together, looking ahead, they looked like strangers, and they had never said a word at all. If you ignore Tokisaki Kuangzo The words that frequently looked at Mu Hantian's face.

Walking leisurely on the corridor, neither of the two spoke first, and they walked in one direction tacitly. If you observe carefully, you will find that as the two walked, the pedestrians on the corridor were more and more The less come.

When they came to a corridor with no humans, the two people began to slow down. Mu Hantian looked at Tokisaki Kuzan, and said lightly: "So, what is the matter with you here? Tokisaki-san."

"Ah, I'm here for the cold weather. Since I heard about you, you have been in my mind. That feeling is really good!" Tokisaki Kakuzo's beautiful eyes It narrowed into a crescent shape, stepped forward a few steps, and approached silently, until it touched Mu Hantian's body and did not stop, his head still leaned towards Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian frowned slightly, watching Kuangzo Tokisaki who got closer and closer, taking a step back subconsciously.However, Shizaki Kuangsan posted it in desperate pursuit, and continued to move forward, making Mu Hantian reluctant to continue backing.Over time, after a cold touch and blocking came from behind.Mu Hantian couldn't retreat, but Shizaki Kuzan was still close to his body and still in his arms. From the outside, it looked like a little girl in love.Throwing into the arms of your sweetheart.

"Tokasaki Kakusan! I really want to bombard you!" In the commander's room, the piano that saw this scene on the big screen bite into the'treasure bead' in his mouth, and the crisp sound made the whole commander. The people in the room were a little bit cold, because from this action, they could sense the grievances of their commander.

"San Shiqi Kuang, what do you want to do!" Mu Hantian gritted his teeth.

The smile on Tokisaki Kuangsan’s face became a little wicked at this moment, and the burgundy "color" pupils also flashed with a fanatical "color", she raised her small face and said every word. Said: "I don't want to do anything, I just want Han Tian you to agree to my request and become one with me!"

"Being one? Are you kidding me? I have no interest in''sex' for you, so I can only say sorry!" With this sentence, Mu Hantian was about to leave. He found that Tokisaki Kuang San really does not play his cards according to his routine.

"Wait a minute, if Han Tian-san refuses, then I'll change my request, date me, I know everything about you." Tokisaki Kuangsan smiled lightly.

"Brother, promise her!" For Kotori, this is a very rare opportunity. Although she is very upset with Tozaki Kuzou, she seems to be looking forward to the date very much.

"I see, then, as a boy, Tokisaki-classmate, I want to invite you on a date, can you?" Mu Hantian fully demonstrated what a gentleman should do (don't think about it, it's not a pervert.)

"Okay, but you are not allowed to call me Toki-saki-classmate again, call me crazy three good. Haha!"

Chapter 429 Let's Date

"I'm sorry Shixiang, I won't be able to accompany you at home tomorrow." Back home, Mu Hantian said to Shixiang, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV and eating snacks in his hands.

"Why? Didn't you say that you will play games together at home tomorrow?" Putting down the snacks in his hands, his gaze shifted from the TV to Mu Hantian's body, just a few words, which has already made Shixiang become Tears are streaming down.It's just that you can't accompany her for a day, so is it so hard for her?This makes Mu Hantian somewhat unable to understand!

"Sorry, there is something very important to deal with tomorrow, but rest assured, I will be back in the evening."

"Ah! What is so important?" Shixiang asked "confused".

"That's right, I have a date tomorrow with Tokisaki Kuangsan." Mu Hantian said honestly.

"Tokisaki Kakusan! Why, even if it is Toiichi origami, I don't know what to say, but why is it her!" Toka is very angry. Now she already understands what a date is. It is a matter between lovers. However, what does this have to do with Tokazaki Kakuzo.

"This... Toka, let me tell you the truth, Tokazaki Kazumi... is also an elf, but her situation is very special, but anyway, I promised you and Shiitono to save the elf."

"Well, that's all right, but Han Tian, ​​you have to promise me that you will save Tokizaki Kakuzo just like saving me." Toka said very openly (that's it).

"Well, I will." That's how it was said, but Mu Hantian still wanted to spit out and save Shiqi Kuangsan like he did you?I think too, but Tokizaki Kakuzo obviously can't kill a meal.Well, if you complain in such a place, you really lose.

Well, anyway, Shixiang is still very kind, but if she can not follow Mu Hantian.

No, the next morning, when Mu Hantian had breakfast and had just left, Shixiang dragged Shishino and his helper, Shiori, and followed Mu Hantian.(Shiori: Didn’t I just get deceived by Toka? I clearly said that I invited me to dinner, who knows... Alas! It’s tears if I say too much!

Mu Hantian felt that someone was following him behind him, and Mu Hantian didn't care. He turned his head and saw a purple "color". Mu Hantian understood it instantly.

With a helpless sigh, Mu Hantian decided to let it go, and followed, because he didn't do anything shameful anyway.


"Brother, do you really need our support? In'Latatosk', there are quite a few experts in this field." I don't know how many times Qinli was on the radio, saying to Mu Hantian like this In his tone, he seemed to be full of confidence in those so-called'experts', which made Mu Hantian feel very painful.

"Really don't need it!" Mu Hantian resolutely rejected Qinli's so-called support. He really didn't know where the confidence of such a shrewd Qinli came from, and he had high hopes for those so-called'experts'. of.

"Then be careful yourself!" The voice in the piano was full of helplessness.However, for her elder brother's skill, she is still at ease. At least, here, there are two elf girls who have been successfully attacked. No, maybe, it should be three.

I don't know how long it has passed. At a certain moment, at the end of the street, Kuang San's figure finally appeared there, slowly walking towards Mu Hantian.Mu Hantian raised his head and looked over. Today, Kuang San tied his long hair into two as always, and stretched it on his chest. However, the hair band that tied his hair turned into two black colors. On the forehead, Liu Haiqi's eyes are tilted down to cover her left eye. She is wearing a noble black pleated dress and black high boots on her feet. The whole image looks like an elegant flower. Like a noble black rose, coupled with the faintly "exposed" snow-white skin, it is like a beautiful young lady from a famous background!

When Kuangsan appeared here, the people on the whole street stopped their steps involuntarily, and their eyes were attracted to the past involuntarily. Even some girls couldn't help but look sideways.

The only left eye of the wine-red "color", when he saw Mu Hantian waiting for his own on the other side of the street, his pupil suddenly lit up, and a very dazzling smile appeared on his face, making All the people who were looking at Kuangsan were stunned on the spot, but the person involved seemed to have found nothing, his pace accelerated a little, and walked towards Mu Hantian.

Chapter 430 Eat first

"I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time." Standing in front of Mu Hantian, Kuang San said to Mu Hantian with a smile, and at the same time bowed.

"Well, this kind of thing doesn't matter. Besides, for dating this kind of thing, shouldn't boys and girls wait for them?" Mu Hantian spread his hands and said indifferently.

"Ah pull, Han Tian, ​​you really are a very gentle person!" The corners of Kuangsan's mouth twitched, seemingly satisfied.

"Then, Hantian, where shall we go?" Kuang San looked at Mu Hantian with great expectation. He looked at Mu Hantian very helpless. Mu Hantian smiled bitterly in his heart. If she didn’t know who she really is, ah No, it's an elf, uh, it seems awkward.

Well, anyway, Mu Hantian already knew the true face of Kuangsan, but he was still looking forward to it.

"Kuang San, this is my first date between a man and a woman, and I don't know what to do, so I'll listen to you!" Mu Hantian's answer may cause dissatisfaction among girls. But Kuang San is not an ordinary girl, so this answer can test what Kuang San likes.

"Well? As long as you can be with you, you can do anything." Kuang San was slightly taken aback, but he reacted immediately.

"In that case, let's go eat something first, I think you may be hungry too." Mu Hantian said.But in the headphones, Qinli’s complaint came over, "Brother is such a fool, this

At that time, she should be taken to the house, and have sex as much as possible, and then, you can reap the third one."

"Qinli, I don't care where you learn these things, but you shouldn't say it in front of me, so at night, I decided to come to your house to educate you." Mu Hantian whispered to Qinli.

"Brother, I have something to do tonight, so I won't go back. You don't have to wait anymore. You should go with Shixiang and the others. They still follow."

"Fortunately for you." Mu Hantian really forgot that there were three small tails behind Qin Li.

"Han Tian, ​​Han Tian, ​​what's the matter with you?" Kuang San's voice pulled Mu Hantian back from thinking.

"Oh, that madman, I just thought about it. Let's go to the zoo for a while after dinner. Yesterday, Diancho gave me two tickets for the zoo. Are you going to go?" Mu Hantian suddenly found an excuse. I want to see it with Shixiang, but there is no way, Kuang San is too difficult to master, the whole process is so perfect, there is no breakthrough at all.

"Okay, since you have said so, of course you are going, but let's eat first!" As he said, Kuang San proactively stretched out his hand and took Mu Hantian's arm.

"What are Hantian and Tokisaki classmates doing?" Don’t forget, Mu Hantian is dating Kuangsan today, and there are three little tails accompanying him. Shixiang knows the situation, but Shizhi is true. Was scared.

What she never expected was that the relationship between the two was so close, it was like a couple

same.Could it be that these two are lovers, but what's the matter with Shixiang?

"Let's follow up!" With Shixiang's "sex" style, it was impossible to think of Shizhi's thoughts. She just followed her original thoughts. She wanted to know the whole process of Mu Hantian's date with that elf.Even when she saw Mu Hantian's hand held by the elf called Tokisaki Kuangsan, her heart was very heavy and uncomfortable, but she still didn't know what kind of feeling it was.

All she can do now is to subconsciously drag Sergeant Shiori and Shitono, and follow Mu Hantian closely.

Feeling inexplicable, Shiori and Shishino were dragged by Toka, and watched Mu Hantian and Kuangsan’s date from the beginning to the end, watching the two go shopping together, having a pleasant conversation together, and even watched the two walking. Enter a restaurant that looks very good for lunch.And following the trio, they could only hide outside the restaurant with eyesight, watching Mu Hantian and Kuang have a delicious lunch at three o'clock.


"Then, let's go to the zoo next!"

"Okay!" Kuang San smiled slightly, agreeing very much.

"Then let's go." Mu Hantian was a little silly just now, this beautiful smile, like Xue'er, is a woman with a story.

"They're gone, let's catch up quickly." Toka looked at the two who left, and directly pulled Shiori and Shitono, ready to follow. However, he was stopped.

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