Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 303

"Ellen, why are you here?" Shixiang looked at Ellen standing in front of him in surprise.

"Han Tian found out about you a long time ago. He called and asked me to take you to eat instead of following him." Allen said slowly.

"But, I..." Shixiang felt very entangled when he heard eating food, and didn't know how to choose.

"Okay, let's go in!" Allen pulled the three women directly into the restaurant where Mu Hantian and Kuangsan had just been.

Chapter 431 Zhenna and Crazy Three

At the entrance of a zoo in Tiangong City, Mu Hantian and Kuangsan appeared here and walked directly inside. After the two entered the zoo, a giant panda wearing a panda costume was Appeared in front of both of them.Under Kuang San's relatively "confused" gaze, the giant panda gave Mu Hantian a piece of ice cream in his hand, and then walked away casually like a worker in a zoo.

Regarding this, Kuangsan expressed considerable doubts. After all, she had never heard of it. After entering the zoo, ice cream would be delivered. Only Mu Hantian took the ice cream in his hands for granted and continued with Kuangsan. Go inside.

From the angle that Kuang San had not noticed, Mu Han gave a thumbs up at the position of the giant panda, and the giant panda also pointed towards Mu Hantian and gave a thumbs up.

"Huh..." The giant panda breathed a sigh of relief until the two of them disappeared from sight, and took off the panda's head, "showing" a handsome face. That's right, this person is Jin Wuyan!(It's not Jinmuyan, but Jin and Wuyan.)

"It is really not an easy job to eliminate all the bad treatment of animals in the zoo. I hope he can succeed."

As for Latatosk's arrangement, Kuangsan is naturally impossible to know. At this time, she was looking at a little leopard in a fence with joy, the expression on her face was like a girl who liked animals very much.

"Here you are!" Mu Hantian smiled slightly and handed the ice cream in his hand to Kuang San.

"Give it to me?" Kuangsan took the ice cream "confused" and said, "What about you in the cold sky?"

"Well, no way, there is only one ice cream, of course I have to give it to girls."

"This..." Kuang San hesitated to raise the ice cream in his hand, and then said with a smile: "Or, Hantian, come and eat with me."

"That's not good." Mu Hantian was taken aback, he didn't expect Kuang San to say such a thing.


"Forget it, if I want to eat it, I just buy one. Anyway, it's sold in the zoo." Mu Hantian said.

"Really, then please ask Hantian to buy another one for me!" Kuangsan smiled.

"Well, then you wait for me here."

"Well, delicious snacks should be enjoyed slowly." Seeing Mu Hantian's back, Kuangsan muttered.


"Come and see, this cat runs very fast, so it won't be hit."

"That's useless for you, look at me."

Hearing the sound coming from the forest not far away, Kuang San frowned Xiu's eyebrows slightly, and then walked over.

Kuangsan walked over and saw three people "shooting" a cat with toy guns

"Ah, I'm very interested in the games I'm playing. I don't know if Huan welcomes me to join?" Kuangsan smiled slightly at the three of them, and at the same time two flintlocks appeared in his hands at some point.Pointing the gun at the three people, Kuang San pressed the trigger.


"Huh? Why isn't Kuangsan here? I've promised not to go "chaotically", that's true." Mu Hantian held two ice creams in his hands and looked around the empty space. Somehow, his heart surged. Feeling uneasy.

"There is a smell of blood, although it is a little weak, but I can still smell it, is it Kuangsan..." Mu Hantian, who was about to find Kuangsan, suddenly smelled the bloody smell in the air, and his anxiety became stronger.


Mu Hantian, who was chasing the smell of blood, saw a very bloody scene, and saw Kuangsan's hand passing through a boy's stomach, and then many arms appeared under the boy's feet, dragging the boy into the dark shadow underground. in.

"Ah, it seems that Hantian you have seen my indecent side. What should you do?" Kuang San turned his head to look at Mu Hantian, and said calmly.

"Kuang San, Qin Li did not make a mistake. I can't agree with you killing people at will." Mu Han roared.He originally thought that the elves were kind, but now it seemed that he was wrong. Kuang San was not saved at all. He just left for a while and three people died.

"Hehe, what you say is good, but..." Kuang San looked at Mu Hantian and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by an untimely voice.

"Huh! I didn't expect that I was a little late, Nightmare, you are killing innocent people again!" Mu Hantian turned around, and a blue-haired single ponytail girl appeared in front of him, only about fourteen years old. He was still wearing casual clothes, but it seemed that he was carrying a visualization device, because the random area had been opened around him, and he was holding a laser sword in his hand.

"Oh, I remember that you seem to be called Chonggong... Zhenna, right?" Kuangsan bent down, observed Chonggong Zhenna back and forth several times, and then said with a happy smile.

"Hmph, being called by you by my name will only make me sick." The blue-haired girl who was called Chonggong Zhenna frowned displeasedly and snorted coldly.

"Allah, allah, I’m really sorry. But the name is really important. If you can, I still hope you can call my real name, Tokazaki Kakusan!" Kuangsan first bent down and apologized, and then "exposed" With a sad expression, he said a little unhappy.

"I have no time to talk nonsense with you! Go to hell to redeem your sins!" Zhen Na's hand raised gently, holding the laser sword and rushing towards Kuang San.At a distance of tens of meters, Zhenna had already crossed it in the blink of an eye, and the laser sword pierced Kuang San's chest fiercely.

"This woman is not simple. Although she is not as strong as Alan, she is not weak in this world." Mu Hantian admired as she watched Zhenna's attack.

"Die!" Although Kuang San summoned countless hands reaching out to Zhenna's laser swords, they were all strangled instantly by Zhenna with extremely fast hand speed.Kuang San, who had lost his protection, was stabbed in the chest by Zhenna, and fell to the ground with a smile. Then the blood in his chest began to spill out, and his surroundings soon became red.

"It's really annoying!" Zhenna put away his laser sword, glared at Kuang San's corpse fiercely, and then took out a communicator that seemed to be calling a member of the elven army.

"Why are you killing her!" Mu Hantian's roaring voice reached Zhenna's ears.

"What are you talking about, I saved your life. She wanted to kill you just now. If it weren't for me, you would have died." Really complained dissatisfied.

"Hey, Han Tian, ​​you are really gentle, I obviously want to kill you." Kuang San's voice was full of exhaustion, but he still said a whole sentence.

"Kuangsan, you can't die, I won't let you die." Mu Hantian suddenly rushed to Kuangsan's side, picked her up from the ground, and ran directly to a place where no one was still bleeding. go with.

Chapter 432 I will definitely save you

"Xiao Guang, can you save her? I want to save her, I don't want to watch her die." Holding the bleeding Kuang San, Mu Hantian asked Xiao Guang in his heart.

"Master, it can be cured, but Master, are you sure you want to do this? The Tokisaki Kuangzo in your arms seems to be just a clone." Xiaoguang said.

"Clone?" Mu Hantian was very surprised.

"Yes, the clone, but she is very powerful. The clone is exactly the same as the real one. If I guess correctly, her ability should be to'fuck' time." Xiaoguang said affirmatively.

"I understand."


"Kuang San, come out, I have something to ask you." Mu Hantian put down the dead Kuang San in his arms and shouted around.

"Ah, Hantian, you are not an ordinary person, you know that I am not dead." Mu Hantian's abusive voice came into Mu Hantian's ears.

Mu Hantian looked back and found that Kuang San was looking at him.

"Kuang San, why did you kill those three people? I want to hear the truth." Mu Hantian said.

"Oh, the truth? Okay, I just want to kill them, nothing more." Kuang San said with a slight smile.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe you will be such a person." Mu Hantian looked at Kuangsan and said firmly.

"Hehe, I know about you. Didn't you investigate me beforehand? Don't you know that I killed a lot of people? It doesn't matter if I kill a few more!" Kuang San was taken aback for a while, and immediately came again. The vice does not matter.

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