Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 313

"Lu" made a surprised expression, staring in the direction of the piano lying on his back.

Following Kuang San's gaze towards Qin Li, Mu Hantian also widened his eyes.

"This is?" Mu Hantian said dullly.Flames erupted from the countless gunshot wounds engraved on the Qin's body, as if to **** the whole body.

"Really, your ability is really troublesome." Using his heel as a fulcrum, Qinli stood up with an unnatural movement.

After the flame passed, no matter whether it was wounded, blood, or spiritual outfit cracked, everything was gone, as if reborn.

"how come……"

As if shocked by this scene, Kuang Sanchao took a step back and raised his eyebrows.

Probably noticing this, the Qin was re-arranged with'Burning Annihilating Ghost', glaring at Kuangsan.

"For me, it's the best thing to make you lose your intent to fight."

"Don't try to tease me."

Kuang San regained his senses, and his two-handed guns faced his back.

Immediately, the clock in the left eye of the piano began to rotate at a high speed, and a shadow leaked from the "1" of "Ke Ke Di", and it was sucked into Kuang San's gun.

"One bullet." Kuangsan yelled, squeezing the trigger of the gun held by both hands.'One bullet' hit the remaining mad three on the roof.

After firing dozens of rounds of'One Shot', Kuang San put his muzzle against his chest again and pulled the trigger.


Qinli smacked his mouth in disgust, and suddenly kicked his left foot backward, hitting Mu Hantian's side abdomen.

"Damn, Qinli, you don't know how to start, ah no, is it lighter." After rubbing the ground with his back and head, Mu Hantian "touched" his head and got up and shouted.

The many Kuang Sans who had achieved amazing speed flew back and forth like they were about to surround the piano, punching and kicking like rain, and bullets into the piano.

"Cut it apart,'Burning Killing Ghost'!" Qin Li roared.

The volume of the blade of'Burning Fighter Ghost' expanded several times, extending to a wider range.

Then, countless Kuangsan were swept, cut, and penetrated by the flame blade, turning their bodies into ashes.


At this time, with this depressed "groan", Kuang San escaped from the piano.

It seemed that the attack of the'scorching ghost' hit.From the shoulders all the way to the abdomen, a strange incision was formed that was terrible, like a burn.

Chapter 443 Qin Li vs Kuang San (Part 2)

"Huhu, it's really not bad, this kind of power, but the engraved emperor-four bullets." With the fall of the Kuang San spell, the engraved emperor's scale is part of the iv, and another shadow emerges from it in an instant. Slowly came out, pouring into the muzzle in Kuangsan's hand.At the same time, the hour hand on Kuang San's left eye quickly turned a few times in a clockwise direction.

"Bang!" Kuang San pointed his gun at him, squeezed the trigger lightly, and shook his head slightly, and then the area hurt by the piano healed immediately.

"You are really difficult, then..." Qinli lifted the'Burning Fighter Ghost' high in the air, and then let go of his hand.Immediately, the blade of'Burning Fighting Ghost' disappeared in the air, and the part of the stick stopped in place.

"'Burning Killing Ghost'——[Cannon]!"

As if responding to the sound in the piano, the'Burning Annihilating Ghost', which had lost its blade and only the stick body, began to move.

The handle part is housed in the main body, covering the right hand held high in the piano.

From the elbow to the lyre covered with huge sticks, the front end was aimed at Kuangsan.That' a cannon equipped on a battleship.

The'Burnt Fighting Ghost' gradually unfolded, releasing a red light.

Then the flames wrapped around the piano were sucked into its tip.

He probably saw that look, pointed his muzzle at Kuang San in the piano and frowned.

"'We!" While Kuangsan shouted, the clones crawled out of Kuangsan's shadow, as if they were trying to block the two.

Qin Li said quietly.

"Turn to ashes,'Scorching Ghost'!"

In the next moment, a terrible rush of heat was released from the'Burning Fighting Ghost' set up in the piano.

As if condensing the eruption of a huge volcano to within a few tens of centimeters, the overwhelming "sexual" heat traversed the sky from the roof of the university in a straight line.For a moment, the surrounding area was dyed a red "color" like the setting sun earlier.

Mu Hantian and others do not forbid their hands to cover their faces.Just inhale the air slightly, the heat from the nose and mouth begins to burn the mucous membranes and hinder breathing.Even though he was behind the piano, his skin still seemed to be scorched by fire, and it was very difficult even to open his eyes.

After a few seconds, the hot light that burned the sky gradually reduced its volume, and the large tube equipped with the right hand in the piano spewed out strong white smoke like a machine that had ended its harsh work.

"Ahem... ahem!"

Cough gently and look up.

The smoke covering his vision dissipated, and Mu Hantian's shoulder trembled slightly.

The floor and fence of the roof melted by the terrible heat, and nothing was left after the gun passed.But there still remained the figure of the deity Kuang San and the angel "Ke Ke Di".

But the clones who appeared to protect Kuangsan turned into ashes and disappeared, and Kuangsan himself lost his left arm.Probably because it was blown away by the terrifying heat, the section turned into a charred black "color" like charcoal, and no blood flowed.

"Hey, do you want to admit defeat? You have no chance of winning." Mu Hantian walked to the deity Kuangsan and said softly.

"It's true that I don't have any fighting power anymore. So, Hantian, are you going to kill me and make the clone become the deity?" The deity Kuangsan didn't shy away from Mu Hantian's eyes and said with a cough.

"I won't kill you, but... I won't let you leave my side, so I'm sorry, your power, I want to seal it off." As he said, Mu Hantian smiled slightly, inconceivable in the deity. In his eyes, slowly, his lips overlapped with Kuang San's lips.

Gradually, the deity Kuangsan gave up the struggle and let Mu Hantian kiss her lips. Slowly, the deity Kuangsan began to become naked, and Mu Hantian said to this that I was a gentleman and would not peek.In fact, I was already spitting out in my heart. I knew I would be ****, so I brought it to my home and talked about it.

"Han Tian, ​​now you are satisfied!" The deity smiled wildly.

"How can you be satisfied, you are still sad!" Mu Hantian sighed softly.

Kuangsan was just about to say something, but Shixiang had already rushed up at this time, separated the two, and then glared at Kuangsan, but could not say anything, and finally looked at Mu Hantian aggrievedly.

Looking at Shixiang who was about to cry, Mu Hantian directly took Shixiang's hand and whispered in her ear: "Shixiang, I will make you what you like when I go back tonight. You can eat whatever you want."

As a foodie, Shixiang finally failed to resist the temptation of food, and compromised.

At this time, the clone Kuangsan walked to Mu Hantian and said to Mu Hantian: "Hantian, you are really gentle, obviously the deity has done such an unforgivable thing."

Looking back at the clone Kuangsan, Mu Hantian said, "My gentleness will only be given to those I identify."

"Qinli, you take Zhenna and the others to check their bodies. If Kuangsan is the case, I will take them home first." Mu Hantian said to Qinli as the surrounding barriers were lifted.

"No problem, leave it to me." Qinli responded very readily.

"Then, see you tonight." After saying this, Mu Hantian walked off the rooftop with two Kuangsan.

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