Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 314

Chapter 444 Transition

"Han Tian! Get up." A soft body pressed against Mu Hantian's body, awakening Mu Hantian in his sleep.

"Um... Crazy three?" Mu Hantian looked at the girl who was pressing on him with some sleepy eyes. His black hair was tied into a long and short double ponytail, and the bangs on his forehead covered all his left eye. Live, with pearly white skin and charming voice, wearing a black pajamas.

"Are you still reluctant to wake up? Is it to ask someone to give you a good morning kiss to wake you up?" Seeing Mu Hantian closing his eyes again, Kuang San slowly lowered his beautiful face and kissed with thin pink lips Xiang Mu Hantian's cheeks.

"Alright!" Mu Hantian stretched out a hand to block Kuang San's lowered head, and turned his head to the side in a daze.

"Han Tian, ​​my power is with you, I won't leave." Kuang San smiled.

"Don't make a fuss, if Shixiang sees her, she will go crazy again." Mu Hantian "rubbed" his eyes and said lightly.I don't know what's going on. After I came into this world, I kind of like to sleep late. Is it because of the will of the world?

"Hmph, what about being seen, you belong to me." Kuang San began to speak again with Bing Jiao.Then he was... and Mu Hantian bounced his forehead.

"Kuang San, you are not allowed to say this in the future." Mu Hantian sat up and said solemnly.

"I see, that's true, the person who plays it hurts." Kuang San "rubbed" his forehead and complained.

"Really, let's go out first, I want to change my clothes." Mu Hantian smiled and shook his head and said.

Kuang San was very excited when he heard this, as if he was about to watch Mu Hantian change his clothes, but how could she see Mu Hantian's "fuck", he took Kuang San out of the door directly, and then locked the door.The mad three who felt boring had to leave.


As soon as the dressed Mu Hantian walked to the living room, he saw Toka with his puffed up mouth glaring at Kuangsan, while Shishino was sitting on the sofa, eating snacks, and watching TV.Allen is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Han Tian, ​​tell me why she came out of your room and is still wearing clothes." Seeing Mu Hantian coming out, Shixiang hurriedly went over and took his hand and asked.

"Uh, this..." Mu Hantian's heart was about to collapse. Kuangsan, you will come out and get some clothes. Fortunately, you will live with origami, otherwise, this home may be demolished.

"Shixiang, listen to me, Kuangsan came to my room to wake me up, don't think "chaotically". Right, Kuangsan." Mu Hantian said, giving Kuangsan something you understand Look.

"Yes, yes, there is nothing between Hantian and I, but Hantian hugged me when I came out." Kuang San blinked and said with a smile.

There's mud, haven't you seen Shixiang going crazy?You still said that, well, I did hold you out.

Sure enough, Shixiang went wild after hearing Kuangsan's words.Now Shixiang doesn't know anything. With the help of Sanyi Combination, Shixiang already understands a lot of knowledge.

Shixiang wanted to have an attack, but he didn't know what he thought of, so he put his mouth to Mu Hantian's ear and said softly: "Hantian, don't close the door when you sleep at night."

"Shixiang, who called you this." Mu Han was embarrassed, and returned my innocent Shixiang.

"It was Yayi and the others who taught me." Shixiang replied honestly.

"Damn, these three women have nothing to do. What are they teaching, Shixiang, remember that you can't just listen to others in the future, understand?" Mu Hantian complained first, and then he spoke earnestly. Shixiang said.

"I see!" Facts proved that Shixiang still listened to Mu Hantian's words, Mu Hantian said, and decisively agreed.

"Okay, let's have dinner. After dinner, I'll go see Zhenna." Mu Hantian said quickly when Alan brought out the breakfast.

"It's great, Allen's breakfast is the best." Shixiang said.

Chapter 445 Overheard

"Han Tian, ​​let me go too, so I can apologize to her." Kuang San said as he looked at Mu Hantian who was about to leave.

"Forget it, in order to avoid you quarreling with her, I'll go alone." Shaking his head, Mu Hantian walked out of the house.


A little bit of sunlight enters the room, and the carnations next to it dot the room, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The ward was very clean and spotless, with carnations lying quietly on the table.The blue-haired girl on the hospital bed had her eyes closed tightly, her face was extremely pale, her heroic face was a little weak, which made people feel distressed, and wanted to do her best to care for her.

"I hurt you... I'm so sorry." Looking at the person in the hospital bed, he said to himself apologetically.

After coming out of the house, Mu Hantian bought a bunch of carnations directly at the flower shop and then came to the hospital.

The girl on the hospital bed was Zhenna, lying quietly on the hospital bed, making an inaudible snoring sound, her chest slowly rising and falling, and her long eyelashes'hairs' kept flickering.

"Kuang San's attack is too heavy, but I have no reason to blame her. After all, the two of them were still enemies at the time." Mu Hantian said to himself.

"Hey..." Zhenna snorted, and his closed eyes slowly opened.

"Are you awake?" Mu Hantian said while sitting on the chair beside him, looking at Zhenna with a smile.

"Hmm... Brother-in-law? Why are you here?" I was shocked for a while, and I was sober.

"Idiot, of course I came to see you. But the brother-in-law, please remove it." Mu Hantian said, squeezing Zhenna's nose.

"Why, Sister Sister obviously likes you very much." Soon Zhenna regained some vitality, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, forget it, whatever you like!" Mu Hantian said a little funny looking at his serious look.

"That's right, but, brother-in-law, you, don't do anything to be sorry for your sister." Zhenna didn't know what was thinking, and said so after thinking for a while.

"That's it, your sister and I can't be together." Mu Hantian sighed and said.

"How come? As long as your sister likes you, you also like your sister, isn't it all right." asked really puzzled.

"Forget it, let me tell you, you are the third person who knows my secret. Actually...I am not a person in this world, my future is full of dangers, Shiori is just an ordinary person, if you stay with me , She will be in danger." Mu Hantian said.

"Ha! Brother-in-law, do you... have a fever?" Regarding Mu Hantian's words, it really means I don't believe it.

"I know you won't believe it, but what I said is true. Although I can make Shizhi stronger, I still don't want her to be hurt." Mu Hantian said lightly.

Mu Hantian didn't lie, just send the Shizhi directly to the practice space. The time flow in there is 100 years from the real world: one day. Of course, the exchange point is what Mu Hantian has now.

"But..." Zhenna wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mu Hantian.

"That's true, you won't understand the horror of the enemy I'm facing." Mu Hantian thought of what he faced that day, although it was just a clone, if there was no Xiaoguang, he might have died long ago!

"Brother-in-law...I understand." Jinna closed his eyes and said nothing.

"By the way, I have seen the physical examination she gave you in Qinli. You can only live for ten years. But with me, I won't let you die. Don't worry. Okay. I'll give it. You buy some food." After saying these words, Mu Hantian gave a sigh of relief and left the ward.

"Sister, did you hear that!" Zhenna said to the balcony as he watched Mu Hantian close the ward.

"But Zhenna, why did you do this." Shizhi didn't know when he had already arrived.

"In the beginning I just wanted to ask brother-in-law if he likes his sister, but I didn't expect to ask this kind of thing. Brother-in-law, he is not from this world." Zhenna was very upset, and she didn't know if Mu Hantian was talking about it. Really.

"Anyway, I want to be with him. It doesn't matter whether what he said is true or not, and he also said that there is a way to make me stronger." Shiori smiled slightly when he looked at Zhenna.

"That's true, I'm leaving first. I have to ask someone something. As for the matter with Hantian, I will find a chance to explain it to him."

Chapter 446 Eight Dances of Elves

In an abandoned building, a young girl was standing, as if talking to something.

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