Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 323

The setting sun has already set, and the heat like the sun has improved a little.As if corresponding to this, the noisy cicadas in the morning gradually disappeared.

After taking the group of people who were waiting for Toka to wake up and moving to the hotel, they transported their luggage to the room and enjoyed the free time after lunch.But... it seems an accident happened.

"Hey... Ye Juya and the others are too clingy, I don't know what to do." Mu Hantian pressed his hand on the wall and walked around in the hotel corridor, feeling emotional.

"Forget it, let's go to Lingyin's room and talk about business!"

However, the moment Mu Hantian was about to stop when he was turning at the T-shaped intersection... both sides of the left and right passages stretched out their heads and stared at Mu Hantian closely.

"Damn, what are you doing, Yajiya, Yuxian, don't you know if this scary person will scare people to death?"

After Mu Hantian finished speaking, the two walked out of the passage.

"Oh ha ha... I can actually detect the aura of my concubine. It's amazing!"

"Accusation. It's just that the means of hiding are too clumsy."

"I... I don't want to be said by Xi Xian! You don't hide well by yourself!"

"Contrary. Jejiya can't hide better than Yuxian.

"Alright, I said, what are you two doing?"

After Mu Hantian asked, the two of them looked at each other for a moment and then turned their eyes back to Mu Hantian.

"Huh... I will tell you. Anyway, come here first."

"Indeed. Come here, please." Then they dragged Mu Hantian's arms at almost the same time.

"Where are you taking me Do not you want to ...... No, I am a pure man?." (Author: these ideas would you still 'pure', are you kidding me?) Mu Han struggled, but It was useless and was dragged away by the two women.

The two adjacent entrances were hung with blue and red curtains, each of which was written with'male' and'female' in large fonts.It is the entrance of the famous "Rakuten" bath of this hotel.

"Feng Lu?" (ps: means taking a bath)

"Hehe... Your body has accumulated too much of the filth of the dark. I allow you to purify this body."


"Please enjoy it."

"Ah...It turned out to be like this. But, it's a bit early before the bath time. I don't have a'hair' towel and substitute clothes ready. Besides, I still have something to do." Mu Hantian said. He was about to turn around and leave, but his arms were tightened even harder.

"It hurts, let go quickly."

"Do you think you have the right to choose? You don't have to make irresponsible remarks and just get rid of the filth on your body."

"Petition. Please. The preparations for bathing have been sorted out here."

Yuxian lowered his eyes.There are bath towels and face towels, and folded bathrobes.

"What are you trying to do?" Mu Hantian was still convinced of the sentence of not going to the Three Treasure Hall.

"Huh...Is the lofty and mysterious thinking of the concubine body still incomprehensible to ordinary people?"

"Tip. A large bath without other people is actually good."

Mu Hantian looked at the two in surprise, and sighed deeply.

They already knew about it when they wanted to come to Qin Li, but they didn't contact me. Is it for me to solve it by myself?

Poor Mu Hantian didn't know that Qinli had already left, and the current'Flacsis' was in charge of Shen Wuyue.

Wanting to do this, Mu Hantian, in order to prevent the two women from fluctuating in their emotions, said directly: "Understood. I will go there first."

"Haha... just understand."

"Appreciation. Pay tribute to Hantian's decision."

Although they don't understand their intentions at all, it is true that the bath can wash away sweat and fatigue.He picked up the specially prepared "wool" towel and walked in the direction of the men's bath.

At this time, I turned my head and looked to the rear. Why, Yajiya's face was a little red as if he was very shy, and Duo Xian also covered his mouth with his hands.

Even if he feels suspicious about the appearance of the two of them, Mu Hantian took off his clothes in the dressing room and put on a "hair" towel to open the sliding door that was blurred by the steam.

"Oh...This is really amazing." Then, Mu Hantian couldn't help sighing at the "color" that appeared in front of him.

The huge bath made of rocks is filled with light brown "colored" hot water, and thick steam is constantly emerging.Moreover, there was a seaside near the bath, and there was a quiet rippling sound.

Since it was not time to take a bath, there was no one except Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian quickly washed his body and head, put the "hair" towel on his head, and soaked his body in hot water.


Involuntarily, he let out a comfortable moan.Stretching his hands and feet, he soaked his whole body in a little hot water.

Then, at this time.There was a clicking sound, and the sliding door of the bath was opened.

Chapter 455 men and women changed again?

Mu Hantian heard the sound, looked at the door, and then made a surprised voice.This is a matter of course.Because, Yajiya and Yuxian, who had separated from them in the corridor just now, stood there in a posture wrapped in a towel.

"What are you doing? This is a men's bath." Even Mu Hantian couldn't help but yelled, the two of them still soaked their feet in the bath and walked to the side of Mu Hantian.

The thin bath towels clung to the skin because of the steam, and the outlines of the two limbs clearly emerged.Although it wasn't that she hadn't seen the girl's body, Mu Hantian's face turned red.

Seeing Mu Hantian's reaction like this, Ye Shuya's blushing wrists crossed her chest.

" Even you can only bow down in front of the beauty of your concubine body."

This sentence caused Xi Xian, who was standing on the other side, to grunt uncomfortably.

"Laughing. Beautiful "Lose"? Is there such a thing? This is the first time I have heard of it."

"Hmph, anyway, soon you will be crying. Hantian is destined to be captured by the charm of the concubine!"

"Challenge. It's really exciting."

After speaking, the two of them slowly bent their knees and entered the bath with Mu Hantian in the middle.

"Haha...have you been enlightened, Hantian. Has it become a body that cannot be satisfied without a concubine body? Then, choose the concubine body, and the concubine body will satisfy you."

"No. Han Tian will be captured by Xi Xian's body."


The conversation between the two made Mu Hantian a little speechless. Have you ever asked my opinion?


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