Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 324

After waiting for a while, nothing happened.Mu Hantian slowly opened his eyes.

The two people occupying the left and right sides of Mu Hantian were just looking at each other provocatively.

"Huh... Xixian, please be courteous, and allow you to come first."

"Negative. Don't say it. It's better to say that the one who needs to make the match is the right one. Give you the preemptive right."

"Haha, I really don't know what to do. Han Tian's eyes will be locked tightly on the concubine the moment the concubine starts to act. I don't even understand the painstaking effort the concubine takes to make you appear for a moment."

"Doubt. In fact, you don't know what to do, don't you?"

After Xi Xian said, Jejiya shook with a shock.

"How could it be possible! It's super "color" and "color"! What are you talking about! I have a lot of adult skills that you don't even know!"

"Suspicious. Then, please show it."


Ye Shiya stood up on the spot, looking at Mu Hantian's direction, pressing his right hand on his head and left hand on his waist, posing like an outdated cover girl.

Suddenly, Xi Xian covered her mouth with her hands, and made a pooh-hee-hee.

"That..." Mu Han didn't know what to say.It's not that Yakushi's appearance is not attractive.On the contrary, the current Yakuya is full of female "sex" charm.It's just that...Compared with this, an unbearable feeling occupied Mu Hantian's heart.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Yajiya's face turned red and dived into the hot water again.

"What's the matter with you two."

"Laughing. It's worthy of Jeshuya's beauty."

"What are you talking about! Isn't it the same for you? You are. Actually, I don't know what to do!" Yashuya pointed and said with a finger.

As a result, Xi Xian's brows wrinkled in surprise.

"Negative. There is no such thing."

"Ha, who knows. If you can do it!" He said, and shrugged provocatively.

"Understood...Come on then." Xi Xian said this, while facing Mu Hantian, and then blew a kiss in the same manner as an idol in the past.

"Ah, um." No longer knowing what to do, Mu Hantian's forehead broke out with cold sweat and "showed" a wry smile.

Seeing this, Jeshuya couldn't help laughing.

"Hip hop ha ha! What is this, what is this-ah! It's ridiculous."

"Disappointed. I don't want to be said by Jeshiya."

"Ha, each other!"

"Negative. Speaking of which, Yasushi is originally a child's body shape, so he can't entice him to'confuse.

"Yours is not a big deal!"

"Contrary. Even if there is only a slight difference in numbers, the tactile feeling of "kneading" will be different."

"Hehe... don't you understand that there is a charm called frailty in this world."

"Laughing. Slender. It's just a better word and nothing has changed."

"Hmph...! Isn't something like that just adipose tissue after all!"

"Indignant. It doesn't matter if you have heard it. This shows Jesuke's jealousy."

"I'm not jealous, I don't envy at all! Han Tian must also think I am more cute than a fat pig like Xi Xian!"

"Negative. When attracting men to'sex', there is no saying that **** is fatal to'sex.' The other party doesn't feel like Yajiya's chicken ribs.

"Who do you think is tasteless!"

"Challenge. Who is the fat pig."

"What? You have more forks than me! Look—Han Tian, ​​such a woman is very annoying."

"Crimination. Yajiya is, compared with Yuxian, the charm of being a female "sex" has fallen."

"What! You are the one with a higher body fat ratio than mine!"

"Pity. I can't help but feel sad for the ending to blame for this kind of place."

The quarrel between the two began again.But... another door opening caught Mu Hantian's attention.

"Hey... Someone has come in. Wouldn't it be bad if you don't hide?" This is a men's bath.Therefore, the new interlopers should be male students.

It's just that Yajiya and Yuxian said in a nonchalant manner: "Hehe...what are you talking about, Hantian."

"No. Please don't worry."

Not understanding the meaning of what the two said, Mu Hantian tilted his head.then……


With the energetic voice, the new bather jumped into the hot water in one go.

Then, he faced Mu Hantian who had come in first.

Familiar bitter voice.Ye's long hair.It is impossible for a man to be "sexual", depicting a beautiful curved body.That's right, that's——Yadao God Shixiang.

At this time, Shixiang also seemed to notice the first comer.Looking at Mu Hantian with a dull look.



After the two looked at each other, they uttered exactly the same grief.

Shixiang moved his hands in a panic, immediately covering his chest and lower abdomen.

"Why, why are you here, Hantian!"

"No, no, that's why you came in, this is a men's bath!"

"What are you talking about! I have already consulted everyone well, go to the red side!"


At this time, Mu Hantian's body couldn't help shaking.I felt a nasty premonition behind him.

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