Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 326

"It is you who gave us courage. Guided us."

"This will be firmly engraved here, in this heart."

Teoncho wiped away the tears with his arm, and nodded vigorously in response: "Then let's way of living, let you see clearly!"

After speaking, Teoming stretched out and peeped through the lightly split gap in a part of the wall.


Four eyes, facing each other.

It was Toeichi Origami who watched from the female bath.

"...Hug, sorry to interrupt."

Teoming said in a dry voice and returned to his original position.



"Fuck" in the room as the tone of the small terminal, suddenly tilted his head.From outside the doorway, there were pattering footsteps.

Then the sound seemed to stop in front of the room, and clicked on the door.

"...Please come in."

After Ling Yin finished speaking, the door was slowly opened, and Mu Hantian, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, entered the room.For some reason, there is a feeling of guilty conscience.

Seeing this, Ling Yin thought for a few seconds--then patted his palms.

"Han Tian, ​​do you want to attack me at night?"

"Yeah, you ghost, I have something to ask you, who is that Mia? Nicholas, I think she is very suspicious, you can check it for me, by the way, this may be a fake name, please pay attention See if there is a name similar to this one."

"No, based on the information we currently know, if I'm not wrong, she should be Mia Knicks. Dem is also the strongest magician in the world." Lingyin tweeted. Glasses, said.

"So, is it from Dem? Then her purpose should be Shixiang and the others." Mu Hantian frowned slightly and said.

"It should be, but no matter what, you have to be careful. Qinli has gone to participate in the'round table meeting'. Now the deputy commander is in charge of'Flacsis'. We will come to support if necessary."

"I know."

Chapter 457 Family members?

Today Mu Hantian is in a very bad mood. Simply put, he is exhausted and desperately wants to go back to the room to rest.But God seems to be deliberately targeting Mu Hantian.

"cold day!"

"Repeat! Han Tian!" Hearing these two familiar voices and the special way of speaking, Mu Hantian's expression stiffened, and the frequency of his steps suddenly increased.

"Don't try to escape!"


With the falling of the two voices, Mu Hantian, who was about to flee, was immediately hit by two cotton cannonballs. Under that heavy attack, following the forward trend, Mu Hantian was simply thrown down. Up.

"I said, aren't you making enough noise? What else do you want." Mu Hantian struggled to stand up, looking at the two women, speechless.

"Huh! Why? Concubine bent forward to find you, this is your honor! What is your expression? Isn't the concubine welcome?"

"Disappointed, Han Tian didn't even welcome me. It really made me sad." Xi Xian said, and squeezed her eyes hard to make herself cry.

", it's just that for this big night, you two girls staying with me and a boy will be misleading, and it's bedtime, don't you go to rest?"

"Well, good idea, there is no place to sleep anyway, Hantian, why don't you sleep with your concubine tonight." Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Ye Juzhi said without thinking.

"No, Ye Juya's flat figure can't satisfy Hantian, so I should be allowed to sleep with him."

"What! Do you dare to say that my concubine's body is flat!"

"Yes. This is an undeniable fact." After saying this, Xi Xian nodded affirmatively.

"That's enough. Don't quarrel with you two. None of you can sleep with me. Come with me and find Lingyin to find a way." Mu Hantian saw that the two women were about to scold again, so he quickly came out to stop it.



Ling Yin, who was about to rest, got up from the bed.

"Come in!" Following Lingyin's words, the door was slowly opened, and Mu Hantian took the Bawu twins and walked in.

"Han Tian, ​​why are you here again?"

"Uh, this..." Mu Hantian was interrupted by Lingyin before he finished speaking.

Just listen to Ling Yin said: "I see, do you want to play 4p?"

"4p, you are so big, where did you see it?" Mu Hantian twitched the corner of his mouth, speechless.

"It's Qin Li that let us find more information about the relationship between men and women."

"Lingyin, you are not allowed to look at these things in the future, it's not good for you." Looking at the silly Lingyin, Mu Hantian said helplessly.

"I see." Lingyin nodded, with a learned expression.

"Okay, don't talk about it, I have something to find you, the two of them..." After that, he pointed to the Bawu twins, and continued: "The two of them don't live where they live, so I beg you. , I'll go back to the room first." After speaking, there was only one back left for the three women.


"Hehe... inferior human beings. Feel honored to share a sleeping place with your concubine. Engrave your concubine's name in your heart. The son of the hurricane, the name of Yashima Yasagi! "

The girl who came to Room 401 where Shixiang and the others were staying sat back on the table and introduced herself with an attitude that could not help but tell.Although it was an extremely rude tone, it was not annoying and a high-pressure feeling because of Ye Juzhi's proud face and sharp voice.Like a child.

"I have to get along well in the future. Please take care of me!" Shixiang put his hands on his chest and nodded.As if to cooperate with her, the group members Yai, Mai, and Mii who were sitting next to each other also "exposed" a smiling Mimi expression.

Suddenly by Lingyin, she asked, "This girl is staying in your room this night." Although the three of them were shocked, basically everyone is a member who likes happy things and cute things. Soon Became accustomed.

Meiyi, Yai, and Mai became excited with "Wow!", "Lu" smiled, and began to "touch" Yajiya's head.

"Really, so cute. So cute to say."

"Hair is very good "touch". Cheeks flick."

"Do you like sweets? Do you want pocky?"

"No, wait! Don't be rude! Mumbling..." Yeshuya cried out unbearably.By the way, she also ate pocky.

"Ah! Meiyi, I want pocky too!"

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