Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 327

"Okay, okay, Shixiangjang.... Ah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Now Yajiyajang is the last bite. Want to eat yamyam chocolate bar?"

"That...what is that?" After Toka kept gazing at the cylindrical object he handed over with a serious expression, Ai Mai Mii questioned Yajiya one by one.

"By the way, um, where did Yasuo Yachan come from?"

"Yes, yes, what do you like to eat?"

Mai Mei continued to ask questions.Yajiya hummed his thighs.

"From there? A good question. The concubine's body is from the top of the sky to the bottom of the earth. From the end of the secluded world to the side of this world. It is a field that you cannot understand in the scope of your thinking."

"Youshi...this world...?" Shixiang tilted her head.

"Umhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes, yes, it's amazing to know a lot of powerful words!"

"Hehe...I don't understand. Concubine likes it very much. Let's report her name."

"Hmm, my name is Shixiang, the god of night swords!"

"Shixiang?..., a good name. Come over and let the concubine "touch" her body."

"Why? Why, I feel embarrassed."

"You are quite promising. With this dark baptism, you can become a concubine's family member."

"Dependent? What is that."

"That refers to the qualifications to be allowed to join the concubine army. It also means to be listed among the greatest race in the world."

"Although I don't know what it means, but it feels very powerful!"

"Of course! The concubine body will protect you with the whole body of the whole body! Even feel honored!"

"Hmm, glorious!" Seeing the two of them like this, Yayi Maimei made a sound of admiration while supporting her chin with her hands."

"I can't stand it. Shixiangjiang and Yashiya are so cute."

"Take a picture, can one? Please look over here!"

"It really makes me feel that'sex' is just a trivial thing." After speaking, she twisted her body and held the camera for some reason,'licking' his lips with sparkling eyes.

Yeshua couldn't help frowning at this line of sight, but suddenly he noticed something and his eyes rounded.

"Your name is Shixiang. Was it you that Hantian was carrying?"

"What's wrong with Hantian?" After Shixiang replied, Yehuya narrowed his eyes and took Shixiang's hand to the corner of the room.

"From now on, the concubine body and the concubine's family members intend to share a very important piece of information. It is a curse that ordinary people cannot bear. If you hear it, your ears will rot and fall. If you don't mind, just don't mind. Put your ears up."

"Don't worry, we won't overhear." Ya Yi said with a bright smile.

But Shixiang looked terrified.I pressed my ears with my hands, and my body shook with clicks.

"Does the ear fall...?"

"Don't worry about it. As a concubine's family member, you will have incredible power in your body, so it doesn't matter."

"The family members are really amazing." Shixiang whispered with a look of sigh.

Ye Shiya nodded contentedly, and asked in a low voice: "Shixiang, are you very close to Hantian?"

"Hmm, I know Hantian's affairs very well."

"That's it. Haha... Then there are a few things that I need to ask."

After Shixiang answered, Yeshua put up a finger and asked.


"Petition. I'm going to disturb here tonight, Ba Wu Xi Xian said. Please give me your advice."

After speaking, the girl who narrowed her eyes in a dazed manner bowed her head in a three-finger salute.

"No, you can say without being so cautious."

Xi Xian's meaningless intentions made everyone in Room 402 show respectful attitude.He was very nervous and couldn't calm down, his hands and eyes were constantly moving "chaotically", "showing" a hard, wry smile.

Chapter 458, Answer Me Seriously

"Question. There is one thing I want to ask, can I answer it?" Xi Xian looked at everyone and asked

"Hmm, of course. What is it?"

"Petition. Please enlighten me on how to attract male "sex"."


Facing Xi Xian's expressionless question, the students stiffened.

"Excuse me...? What did you just say?"

"Repeat. Ways to attract male "sex". Please teach me some tempting tricks that can lift the shackles of "sex" and make people uncontrollable."

Because of Xi Xian's question, the students blushed, but since they have already said that they can ask anything, then they can't shrink back. The girl who spoke at first cringed.

"What about that... so, pretending to be accidentally touching his hand and so on...?"

"That won't work, right?"

"Hey...what should I do then?"

"Let me think about it..."

"Don't bother, you are all too tender." Origami directly denied what everyone said.

"Yiyi-student, you actually said that we are too tender...?"

"You can't help but say it. Such aimless actions can't make the person you want fall." After Origami said this, Xi Xian's eyes flickered quietly.

"Petition. It doesn't seem simple to you. Please give me some advice."

After Origami sighed, his body faced Yuxian's direction and pointed to the place in front of him.So Xixian stood up, walked to the place indicated by the origami and sat down.

"First of all, the important thing is..."



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