Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 328

"It looks like you have a cold." Mu Hantian said softly after "rubbing" his nose.

"Master, your body is really weak." Xiaoguang said.

"No way, I am just a stronger person now. By the way, how much energy is still missing to fully recover?"

"It's still two elves. The power of these elves is like a baby, not complete, and I feel familiar with this power, but I just can't remember it."

"Are you familiar?"

"Yes, but..."

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, seal Yejuya and Yuxian, and I will take Kuangsan out of this world."

"Master, it's not enough. Yejuya and Yuxian are separated from the same elf, which means that they are only equivalent to one elf. Therefore, besides them, there is still one."

"Damn, it's really troublesome. Alas, I don't understand the plot of this world at all. In terms of technology, this world is not a different world, so it can only be anime."

"Master, someone is coming."

"Cold sky, my concubine is here to see you."


"Damn! What are you doing, I want to sleep." Mu Hantian was startled when he saw the people coming.By the way, sisters, can we still play well?You guys came so late and said you didn't try to believe anyone.

"Teacher Yuanyi said that if you want to attack a man, you must act at night."

what?Teacher Toeichi?Origami, you actually sell brother.

"Hmph, my concubine just met Xi Xian on the road." Ye Juya slapped his lips with a glance at Xi Xian.

"So cold day! Should you make a choice now? You will choose a concubine, right?"

"Refutation, Han Tian would not choose the uncharming Ya Ju Shi. Xi Xian is the most correct choice!"

"No! Concubine's charm is much stronger than you!"

"Question, I haven't seen any charm in Ye Juya's body."

"Okay, stop arguing." Seeing that Ye Juzhi and Xixian were also quarreling, Mu Hantian hurriedly persuaded.

"If you want me to choose, then you have to answer my question honestly. Do you really hate each other?"

"This..." Ye Juya was speechless, only she knew what she thought of Xixian.

"Sigh. Xixian doesn't know how to answer."

"You don't even know the other party's existence in your own heart, so let's change the question. Do you want the other party to disappear? Answer me honestly." Mu Hantian looked at the two women and asked.

"This... of course, as long as Xi Xian disappears, the concubine body will be the real eight dance."

"You are lying, although I can't see through your heart, mine tells me directly, you don't want anything to happen to Xixian!" Mu Hantian directly rejected Ye Juzhi's words.

"Hmph, whatever you say, you must give the answer tomorrow." With that said, Ye Juya pushed open the door and ran out.

"Petition. Hantian, in this victory, please choose Yasushi."

"Are you serious?"

"Confirm." Xi Xian looked at Mu Hantian with determination in her eyes.

"I understand, but don't worry, I won't let any of you die." With a slight sigh, Mu Hantian pointed to the door and signaled Xi Xian to leave.

"Then, please choose Ye Juzhi tomorrow." Xi Xian didn't take Mu Hantian's words seriously, only thinking that he was comforting herself.

"I will do it for you, Xixian."

Chapter 459 Action

The second day of school trip.

Mu Hantian came to the Chiliu Coast, located in the north of Ormei Island.

This coast, which was shaken from the space 30 years ago, can be seen from above and depicts a smooth arc. It seems to be called the beautiful crescent coast in the tourist brochure.

However, half of the tourists can not be seen here.

"It's not bad." The weather is fine.The strong sunlight was reflected by the transparent sea water, and Mu Hantian narrowed his eyes into a line.

"In any case, make a decision!" Mu Hantian sighed.As if corresponding to this, from the earphone worn on the right ear, a sound as if he was about to fall asleep sounded.

"Han Tian, ​​Ye Ji Shi and Xi Xian have changed their clothes. Are you ready?" To Ling Yin's words, Mu Han Tian took a deep breath and replied "Okay."

As I explained earlier, two headphones were given.I will not do things like sea bathing, but follow the various instructions here.Please cooperate as much as possible."

"I know, but I don't really need it."

"It's okay, this is also to monitor your conversation, I will help you analyze it."

"I know."

When Mu Hantian's words fell, Ling Yin hung up the earphones, and at the same time, heard the voices of two people from behind.

"Hehe... Did you hide in such a place?"

"Discovered. I finally found you, Hantian."

Special tone.No confirmation at all.Mu Hantian turned around slowly.

Standing there was the expected Yajiya and Yuxian.Yajiya wears a black "color" bikini decorated with white "color" lace, while Yuxuan is the opposite white "color" fabric with black "color" lace.

"It's beautiful!" Mu Hantian exclaimed.

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Ye Shiya blushed in surprise and opened his eyes, and Xi Xian stared at her dress blankly.

You could be taken aback immediately, Jeshiya folded his wrists in front of his chest.

"Hahaha... It's right. But don't get me wrong. Clothes of this level are nothing but clouds in front of the charm of the concubine." It can be seen that Ye Juya was not affected by what happened yesterday. Some scruples.

"Thanks. Thank you very much indeed. I am very happy to say." Xi Xian nodded frankly.



"Confirm. Okay."

Yajiya and Yuxian's brows twitched suddenly, and they both pressed their hands to their ears.Upon closer inspection, their ears were all wearing the same type of headphones as Mu Hantian used.

"Hehe... That's it, I understand."

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