Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 343

"Eh! Will be hated? Humph! Okay, I won't quarrel with you anymore."

"With each other." After hearing Kuang San's words, Origami and Shixiang fell silent.But Mu Hantian sighed deeply.

Just as Mu Hantian passed through the towering stone wall while grumbling in his head, he saw the school as the meeting place of the joint conference.

The solemn school gate is made of red bricks, and the iron grid-like fence extends to the left and right sides, and green branches emerge from the gaps in the grid.After that, a road that stretched straight forward was paved with red bricks, and in front of that, you could see a magnificent school building like a castle.Perhaps because of club activities and preparations for the Tianyang Festival, students can be seen everywhere even on weekends.

Chapter 477 diva?Lu Xiao Meijiu

Private Longdan Temple Women's College.Many famous children go to school here, and it is the top school in Tiangong City.

"Oh... this is really amazing. Hantian, is this also a school?"

"Just leave it, let's go in and take a look."

'Ok!'Shixiang replied in full spirit, Origami nodded silently.Kuang San, still smiling, had no idea what he was thinking.

After showing their student IDs to the security guards, Mu Hantian entered the campus.Then enter the school building from the guest entrance, get the school permit from the office, and go to the venue as the destination.

"The second meeting room. Is it here?" Mu Hantian finished speaking and opened the door.Several students in different school uniforms have gathered in the room.There was still some time before the meeting began. The tables were put together into a square, and the nameplates with the names of the high schools had been placed on the tables, but there were also many students who did not sit in their seats to talk.Mu Hantian quickly found their chairs and sat down.

Soon after, someone knocked on the door of the meeting room.

After Mu Hantian turned his neck, he found that the students from all schools in the room also raised their heads.

After seeing everyone's reaction, Mu Hantian was very curious.Who on earth is going to come in.

However, from across the door, there was a depressed but gentle voice."Then, I'm going in."

After hearing this sentence, the door was slowly opened.

What came in quietly was a group of young girls in snow-green sailor suits.Then, as if to welcome the nobles, he lowered his head and stood in two rows.

Just when Mu Hantian was in a daze, from the middle of the two rows of girls, a student walked in leisurely like a female emperor.

A girl who spreads her hair into strands.The fine hair that emits violet "color" light under the light.Shiny silver pupils.Although she was wearing the same sailor suit as the girls around, the overwhelming sense of "sex" released from her body made the curve of her body clearly emerge.

"is her……"

After seeing her appearance, Shidao and Origami couldn't help holding their breath.

"Hello. You are welcome to come here. I am Longdan Temple Women's College, Tianyang Festival Executive Committee Chairperson, tempting Xiao Meijiu." The girl said in a leisurely tone, and bowed her head to greet the other students.

After hearing her voice, Mu Hantian was convinced of one thing.This lure Xiao Meijiu is the elf'diva' I saw yesterday!

"It's you rubbish!" Mei Jiu said unhappy when she saw Mu Hantian.

After hearing Yu Xiao Meijiu's words, everyone looked at Mu Hantian.

"You are still annoying as always." With a helpless sigh, Mu Hantian didn't know how he had offended her.

"Hmph, how dare you say that to your elder sister." This time, Yu Xiao Meijiu did not speak, but the girl next to her.

"Okay, okay, after all, such a cute girl is there, how can you say this kind of thing." Yu Xiao Meijiu said, and at the same time looked at Toka, Kuangsan and Origami.The gaze was like a hunter seeing the prey.

As if feeling that nasty look, Shixiang hid behind Mu Hantian.

"Okay, let's visit by yourself!" Seeing Shixiang's little action, Bai Xiao Meijiu didn't say anything, but just let everyone visit at will, and left, as if she didn't want to stay longer.

Seeing Meijiu who was leaving, Mu Hantian seemed to have thought of something and walked to Kuangsan.

"Han Tian, ​​that girl..." Kuang Sanyi said pointedly.

"Yes, it's an elf, but she seems to hate me. No, it's better to say that she hates men. I want you to investigate her. Isn't your'ten bullets' able to convey the memory of the target's past ?" Mu Hantian said.

"Oh, I see, Hantian, do you want to know why she became like this? Then you can have a chance to attack her. That's it!" Kuang sank his mouth and chuckled.

"Not exactly, I feel like I'm where seen her, so I want you to look up." (Author: United States nine I had already dug a pit, in the very beginning that the appointment papers chapters.)

"Okay, then check it out, and I will give you the answer tonight."

Chapter 478: Conversation

On the night of September 9th, Mu Hantian's room.

At this time, Mu Hantian was lying on the bed naked with Kuangsan.

Kuang San turned over, not knowing where to pull out a CD, and said to Mu Hantian: "Through this CD, I know a lot of interesting things, this CD. It was when the Meijiu sister was still a human being. Published."

"Wait!" Mu Hantian interrupted Kuangsan."You just said that she was'when she was still a human'? So, she is the same as Qinli?"

"I don't know about this. I just learned something you are interested in. This lure Xiao Meijiu, formerly called Xiaodai Yueno, is a very famous singer... But later, it seems to suffer There are some bad things."

"Wait a minute, did you just say that she used to be called Xiaodai Yuena?"


"So, I finally know why she feels familiar. She used to be a singer in Allen's company. Later, her agent made a request. I think you should understand. At that time, Meijiu refused her agent. People made excessive demands, so they were banned, and they were betrayed by fans because of the fabricated scandal, and finally left the stage. Later, after the matter was investigated, I wanted to find her, but I couldn't find it.

"That way, I understand. Because of this incident, Xiao Meijiu has started to hate humans, especially men!" Kuangsan held his clean jaw with both hands and squinted at Mu Hantian.

"Then, my dear Hantian, would you like to pretend to be a girl to try and see if you can capture this little girl?"

"I don't have that time. She is special. For her, I have my own method. Okay, let's go to bed today." "Touched" Kuangsan's hair, Mu Hantian hugged Kuangsan Three went to sleep.


After the rain with Kuangsan last night, Mu Hantian was very tired, but he still dragged his exhausted body to give Alan an order to bring her to Zhao Xiao Meijiu.

Allen’s work efficiency is really reliable. After Mu Hantian had eaten earlier, after returning from'Flacsis', she saw Yu Xiao Meijiu sitting in the living room reluctantly, while Allen was sitting opposite her. .

"Following your instructions, the people have been brought." Seeing Mu Hantian's return, Allen said quickly.

"I see." Mu Hantian said, looking at You Xiao Meijiu, and said, "I'm sorry to bring you here this way."

"Huh, you dirty bug, what do you want?"

"Although I know about you, I still feel a little unhappy with your tone. Let's get back to the subject, I want you to apologize. I didn't handle your affairs properly when you were still on behalf of the moon. I'm sorry." Han Tian bowed slightly to express his apology.

"you are?"

"I can be regarded as the real person in charge of that company. At that time, I didn't know these things. Later, I found out the truth and wanted to find you, but I didn't find it.

"That's it, huh, I have forgotten the past, and now I am just tempting Mijiu Xiao."

"Well, then Meijiu, let me talk about my purpose. I hope to seal your power, of course, just a little bit."

"I promise you, but I have a condition. I will play against you this time. This is the Tianyang Festival. If you win, I will let you seal my power. If you lose, then you will become my plaything. , You have to do what I tell you to do." Mei Jiu said, considering that she was not the opponent of the woman opposite at all.

"I agree, but I don't want you to break your promise then."

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