Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 344

"I am very honest."

"Then you go, Ellen, send her off, don't be surprised."

Allen nodded, and at this moment, Meijiu spoke: "This is for you. This is my concert ticket. Give me a thank you! I will let you understand that you can't beat me." , Took out a ticket from the wallet, it looks like it is for someone!

"Is there only one?"

"This is for you. If you have this, you can bring a few more people, but no more than 10." Mei Jiu frowned, and took another ticket from her bag, which was different from the previous one.

"I know, but I want to tell you that the really good songs are sung with heart." Taking the ticket, Mu Hantian said to Mei Jiu.

"Humph!" Meijiu ignored Mu Hantian and left on her own.Seeing Mei Jiu leaving, Allen looked at Mu Hantian, who nodded, and Allen quickly followed Mei Jiu.

Chapter 479 Persuasion

The large square in the north of Tiangong City is where Meijiu invited Mu Hantian to come.

When Mu Hantian came here with Toka, Shishino, Yakuya, Yuxian, and Qinli, there were already a lot of people.

"Good... lots of people!"

"This is too much."

"Exclamation, I saw so many people for the first time." Toka, Yakuya, and Yuxian looked at the crowd, and they were already stunned. Shishino, who was afraid of life, was even more timid. She timidly hid behind Mu Hantian, clutching his clothes.

"Cut, what's this? When my brother had a concert, he got more people." said with a treasure orb in the piano.

"Well, I can't say that. I have both men and women in my concert, and for Meijiu, I guess I might be the only man." Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Okay, let's go quickly, it's not good to let Meijiu wait a long time."



"Hmm, then hurry up!"

"Agree, Xixian is the same as Ye Juya."

When the girls answered, Mu Hantian smiled and shook his head, leading the girls to the direction of the central venue.

Due to too many people, about ten minutes later, Mu Hantian and his party squeezed out and arrived at the central venue.

Compared to the venue where I met Mei Nine last time, this venue is undoubtedly larger and more conspicuous.The girls with excitement on their faces handed the tickets to the guard, and walked into the venue happily in groups.

"Oh oh oh~~~" Shixiang screamed exaggeratedly with his toes on his toes, amethyst eyes flashing with special colors.

"There are many people here, too."

"After you go in, you will find more people." Mu Hantian smiled and walked in with the girls.

"Now, Hantian, I think they are all women here, but you are a man, how do you get in?" Ye Juya pulled Lamu Hantian's clothes and asked.

"Well, Meijiu said, let me go in as your bodyguard. Meijiu's concerts have always been limited to female'sex's. Only those fans who joined her fan club will have tickets. The place is not available, so from now on, I will be your bodyguard."

"Oh?" Ye Juya suddenly narrowed his eyes."Oh haha, then be a bodyguard with peace of mind, Han Tian!"

"Okay, let's go in first!" After handing the ticket to the door guard and clarifying his identity, Mu Hantian walked in with the girls.

Entering the venue, Mu Hantian did not see Meijiu, but seeing the enthusiasm of the audience, Mu Hantian still guessed where Meijiu was.

"It seems that Meijiu is in the lounge, I'll go take a look, you find a place to sit down first." After leaving this sentence, Mu Hantian left and walked to the background.


"Boom..." A knock on the door sounded.

"Didn't I say it? Don't bother me." Meijiu's beautiful but very annoying voice came from the room.

Standing outside the door, Mu Hantian frowned slightly, pushed open the door and walked in.

"I didn't mean... it was you?" Mei Jiu looked at Mu Hantian in shock.

"It's me, as promised, I'm here. What's wrong with you?" Mu Hantian frowned when he saw Mei Jiu's appearance.

"Don't worry about it." Mei Jiu looked at Mu Hantian with an angry expression.

"Don't move'chaotic'." Mu Hantian walked over directly, grabbed Mei Jiu's hand, and pulled her to the dressing table.Of course, resistance during the period is also indispensable, as evidenced by the clearly visible scratches on Mu Hantian's hands.

"You said don't move "chaotically", look, your hair is "messy"." I didn't care about the injury on his hand and Meijiu's resistance.Mu Hantian directly took the comb and combed it on Mei Jiu's somewhat "messy" hair.

Knowing that resisting the useless Meijiu, he had to let Mu Hantian do whatever he wanted.(Um, this word doesn't seem right.)

"What's the matter with you, I don't feel that your mental state is very good." The gentle combing of her hair, coupled with the gentle and caring words, made Mei Jiu's heart a bit "chaotic".

"I... had a nightmare, and now I still think of the past."

"The previous things are over, don't think about it anymore." Mu Hantian comforted.

"What you said is easy, do you know? I no longer exist in the past, and my voice in the past does not exist anymore. If my spiritual power is sealed, I think, I may be the same as before, unable to sing Right!"

"Don't you really understand? Your current voice is only given to you by the power of the elves! It is not your own real voice. I want to hear, your real voice, not this false voice. Your current voice The sound is just a fake."

"What do you know, you don't know anything, without the power, without the current voice, the fans will leave me again."

"What kind of fan is that kind of fan, true fan, is the kind of person who will support you at all times, rather than abandon you when you are the lowest "fan". If you want a true fan, then, I am willing." Mu Hantian said loudly.

"Are you really willing?" Mei Jiu's voice was a little hoarse.

"Of course, this is my promise, a man's promise to a woman."

"Okay, then please, when the Tianyang Festival, show your strength and defeat me!"

"I will, but now, your fan is still waiting for you, so let's finish singing first, come to my house at night, and have dinner!" After speaking, Mu Hantian walked out.

"Is it false?" Looking at Mu Hantian's leaving back, Meijiu sighed and walked out.

Chapter 480 What kind of person is Mu Hantian

"Brother, what did you do just now? You Xiao Meijiu's favorability rose to intimacy suddenly. It was not you who beeped her, right?" Mu Hantian, who was walking in the corridor, listened to the earphones. The shocked sound in the piano.

"I didn't do anything, I just enlightened her well, don't think about it." Mu Hantian twitched the corner of his mouth and said silently.

"Oh, really?"

"I said Qinli, what's the matter with your disbelieving tone!"

"Well, don't care, don't care. By the way, brother, where are you, why didn't you see you."

"I'm on the high platform at the edge of the venue, so I won't go looking for you. Later, I asked Meijiu to have dinner at home. You can bring Shixiang and the others to my house." After that, Mu Hantian hung up. Headphones, quietly listening to the singing of Mei Jiu that just came out.

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