Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 364

In front of the fountain in the park.

"Holder, although you don't know how your artifact is, at least you have a good fighting consciousness. But that's not enough!" The man in the black suit looked at Mu Hantian and said.

"The power of this world is not low, but I haven't done anything yet." Mu Hantian smiled secretly as he looked at the fallen angel in almost perfect condition.

"Why don't you use the power of the divine tool? Don't tell me it has no power, but I feel the magic fluctuations in it!" said the fallen angel.

"Fighting with an enemy like you, even if you give me a broken sword, it's okay, because you... are too weak." After that, Mu Hantian's eyes flashed brightly, and he swung the sword faster.

"What's wrong? This is your strength? It's not so good at all." The fallen angel smiled.


The sound of weapons entering the body!

"How could it be...obviously...I obviously..." the fallen angel said intermittently.

"No need to pretend. As a fallen angel, if you died just because of this ordinary attack, you fallen angel would have been extinct." Mu Hantian laughed at the lame acting skills of the fallen angel.

"Although there will be nothing wrong, it is also injured by the artifact, and it still has a certain impact on the action. I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me. I admit that you have a certain strength. But it is not enough!" Tao.

"Haha, isn't it? Then I'll be a little serious." With a slight smile, Mu Hantian swung his sword again.

The Fallen Angel watched Mu Hantian swinging his sword, and did not dodge, but was ready to kill Mu Hantian directly, but at the moment he shot Mu Hantian, Mu Hantian disappeared, there was only a sword light in front of him, and Mu Hantian did not see the figure. .

"Hey, where are you looking." Seeing the fallen angel blocking the sword light, Mu Hantian appeared from behind him.


puff!Mu Hantian's sword pierced his body again, but this time, it added strength.

"Damn it, if there were only two of us, I might leave, but now..." When the fallen angel said, he gathered a spear of light and dropped it at Ise standing on the edge of the battlefield.

"Despicable!" Mu Hantian couldn't help but rushed to Yicheng to help him resist the attack while seeing this scene.

"Thanks for the compliment! But what's next?" The fallen angel answered while continuing to throw the spear of light.


The spear was shot off!

I saw a magic circle appeared in front of Mu Hantian, and several figures appeared in it...

"Gui'an! Mr. Fallen Angel!" A beautiful woman with bright red long hair walked out of it.

"Can you please leave my dependents?" a beautiful girl with bright red long hair walked out of the red magic circle.

"Red-haired...Are you from the Gremory family?" The fallen angel stared at the red-haired girl and said.

"Yes. I won't spare you lightly if you want to continue to attack my lovely family members!" Lias said.

Lias Gremory.

That's right, it's the elder sister from the same school as I (Ise), that's the red-haired beauty.

"...Humph. It turns out that he is your dependent. That is to say, this place is your territory. Not to mention, I apologize for what happened today. But remember, don't let your dependents go "chaos" everywhere. Run. Maybe someone like me will kill him while walking?" The fallen angel made a dangerous declaration.

"I will keep your advice in mind. This place belongs to my jurisdiction. If it gets in the way again, I won't be merciful at that time." Lias said rudely.

"I'll return this sentence as it is, the successor of the Gremory family. My name is Donahic. I hope we won't meet again." Donahic said.

When Donahic finished speaking, he flapped his black wings, and his floating body flew into the air.After flying into the air, I looked back at Ise and Rias, then disappeared into the night sky.

Chapter 504 Tentative

"Oh, it's Senior Lias, is there anything going on here?" Mu Hantian asked, looking at Lias in front of him.

"Oh, Brother Hantian, you really have a divine tool." Lias looked at Mu Hantian's Jingjue and said.

"In other words, what is the matter, if it's okay, I will take Yicheng home." With that, Mu Hantian took Yicheng and prepared to leave.

"Yudo!" Lias shouted.

"Yes, Minister!" A sword appeared in the hand of the man named You Dou, and he slashed it at Mu Hantian.

"It's really boring." There was no extra action, Mu Hantian just picked up the sword in You Dou's hand.

"I said, do you want to fight?" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"No, you misunderstood, I just want to see if you are qualified to be my dependent." Lias said.

"Lias, this person is what I saw first." Another magic circle unfolded, and a beautiful girl with short hair and glasses walked out of it.

"Cangna? Do you want to fight me?" Lias looked at Cangna and said.

"No, it's just that I saw this person first." Cang Na pushed her glasses and said.

"What did you say..." Lias was taken aback.

"Slowly quarrel, I'll go back first." Mu Hantian left after leaving such a sentence.

"Huh? Just... just leave?" Lias stared at her surroundings blankly.

"It seems to be." Cang Na nodded silently.


'...If I get up, I will kill you.......If you get up again, you will fall apart.'

When Ise opened his eyes again, it was the usual morning.

what's going on?Are you dreaming again?

It's a dream, that.But it is too real.Yicheng couldn't help thinking like this.

This time he was not being chased by Xi Majiang, but by a man who did not know where he came from. Only Black Wing was the same.

Shaking his head, he wanted to lift his spirits by this action.

I still remember that I went to school yesterday, went to Matsuda's house to watch DVDs at night, and then went home.On the way home, he was attacked by dangerous elements and was rescued by his brother. Later, Lias-senpai also appeared.

Eh, how did i get home?——He noticed the contradiction, no memory, no memory of going home!Have you been demented since this age?

"Ise, get up, come down for breakfast." This is the voice of the old man.


"Yicheng, are you okay?" Mu Hantian asked after dinner.

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