Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 365

"Huh? Could it be that... it wasn't a dream last night?"

"Of course not, do you know that if I hadn't arrived, you might have died." Mu Hantian said.

"Huh? Will... Will die? What the hell is going on." Ise felt baffled.

"Well, I think Senior Lias will explain it. Okay, let's go to the college first." Mu Hantian patted Yicheng on the shoulder and said.



After school.

"Yo. Hello." A handsome blonde came to Ise's seat and greeted him.

Yicheng squinted his eyes and looked at the boy who came to him in front of him.

Standing in front of Ise is this school and the second-ranked male prince, Yuto Kiba.He captured the hearts of countless female students with a hearty smile, and he was in the same grade as Ise, but in a different class.Why is it second?That's because Mu Hantian defeated him in many ways.

In the corridors, classrooms, there were girls everywhere screaming at Kiba.

"It's so annoying! It's so annoying! What's the matter. Isn't it just a little more handsome? What's so great? The eldest brother is a schoolmaster with full marks for cooking and full marks for singing." Yichengxin said.

"What can you do with me?" Ise asked lazily.

Although Ise's tone was bleak, Kiba still kept smiling: "I was sent by Senpai Rias Gremory."

"So? What should I do?" Ise stood up and asked.

"Please follow me." Kiba said with a smile.

"No!" The girl screamed this time.

"How can Ki and Kiba go with Hyoudou!"

"You will be defiled, Kiba-san!"

"I definitely don't allow Kiba-classmates x Hyoto this kind of pairing."

"No, maybe it's Hyoto x Kiba classmates!"

They said a bunch of inexplicable things.

"I see." Yicheng decided to listen to him and follow him.

Kiba walked forward, and Ise followed.

"Hey, hello, Ise!" Matsuda stopped me.

"Don't worry, my friend. I'm not going to a duel." Yicheng replied.

"This! "I and the idiot sometimes have udon noodles" what to do!" Matsuda said while holding up the porn.

Yicheng looked at the sky silently.


Ise followed behind Kiba and walked towards the back of the school building.

There is a building surrounded by trees. The students call this old school building, which is no longer in use.

The old school building was the former school building of this school, but now no one will come here, it feels quite gloomy, and even the seven wonders of the school have been spread around.

However, although the appearance of the wooden building is very old, the glass of the windows is intact, and there is no obvious damage at first glance.

The old belongs to the old, not too bad.

"The minister is here," Kiba said.

"Director?" Yisei thought "confused" suspiciously. "Is it talking about Senpai. Huh? Chief? Senpai participates in a club? Kiba is also a member of that club? Things are getting more and more mysterious. Forget it, anyway. Follow this guy to see Senior Sister."

Ise and Kiba walked up the stairs in the two-story wooden school building.Go all the way to the end on the second floor.

The corridor is also very clean.The unused classrooms also look spotless.

Old buildings often have layers of spider webs and thick dust, but they have not been seen so far.

Does this mean someone is cleaning here?

As he walked, Ise seemed to arrive at his destination.Kiba's footsteps stopped in front of a classroom.

Seeing the sign hanging on the door, Ise was startled.

"Supernatural Research Department"

Just seeing the name of the club made Ise couldn't help but tilt his head.

"Minister, I brought the people." Kiba reported before opening the door.

The senior sister's voice came from inside: "Okay, come in. The cold weather should be coming soon."

"Looks like Lias-senpai is inside." Ise thought after hearing Lias' voice.

Kiba opened the door, and Ise followed him into the room, and was taken aback by the situation inside.

Enigmatic words are written in every corner of the room.It is a kind of wonderful text that has never been seen before, on the floor, wall, and even the ceiling.The most special is the central circle.

The circular array occupies most of the classroom area and looks like a huge magic cube array.The strange and strange feelings are almost full marks.

There are only a few sofas and desks.

Someone is sitting on the sofa.She is a petite girl.

She is a Tacheng kitten in the first grade!

Loli looks and petite, at first glance, she is the primary school student's high school life!

Some male classmates like her very much, and female classmates also think she is very cute, which can be regarded as the mascot of the private Komao Academy.

She ate the yokan in silence, and she looked like a sleepy expression whenever she saw her.

She seemed to have found Ise, and her eyes met Ise.

"This is Hyoto Issei. Mu Hantian's cousin."

Kiba introduced Ise to her.Tacheng kitten nodded to Ise.

"Ah, hello."

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