Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 415

"Interesting. It's so funny." Valli laughed, even though he was beaten badly, still smiling.

"Valley, the analysis of his halving power has been completed. As long as we compare our control methods, it can be handled."

"That's it. Then there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Arubian, the current Hyoudou Issei's words should have the value of the'tyrannosaurus' that allows him to see the White Dragon Emperor?"

"Valley, that's not the best option right now. Maybe'Tyrannos' will untie Draig's curse."

"The request is fulfilled, Arubion. —'I, awakening, the principle of tyrants...'"

"Enough, Valli! Is it your wish to be immersed in my power?" Arubian was angry.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Ise took the opportunity to attack Vali.

At this time, a figure appeared against the background of the moon in the night sky, and "inserted" between Ise and Vali quickly.It was a man wearing the armor of the Three Kingdoms generals.

"Vali, I'm here to pick you up." It was a young man with a refreshing face.

"Monkey. Why are you here?" Valli wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up.

"That's too much of you. I heard that you were in a crisis and I came to this island country after a long journey. The other guys are already in a mess in the headquarters. Since the mission to fight the northern country gods has failed, then Should I go back soon? The assassinations of Michael, Asathel, and Lucifer of Cadileya also failed? That way, your mission as a watcher is over. Come back with me."

"So that's it, it's time."

"Who the hell are you?" Ise was a little upset, obviously he could defeat Vali.

"If you use a name that you can understand. That guy is Monkey King. The famous bastard monkey in Journey to the West." Asachel explained.

"Sun... Monkey King?"

"Ah, to be precise, that is the monkey monster that inherited the power of Monkey King. However, I didn't expect that even you would join the'Mission Group'. This world is about to end. But'White Dragon' and Monkey King. Really. Comparing it."

"Sorry, I am not the same as the first generation who became Buddha. I want to live a free life. My name is Monkey. Please give me some advice, Emperor Chiryu."

The monster named Meihou called out the stick from his hand, turned it dexterously, and then stood on the ground.

In an instant, the darkness on the ground expanded.As soon as he caught the monkey and Valli, it began to sink slowly.

"Wait! Don't try to escape!"

"Well Yicheng, your performance today is good enough." Yicheng wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Mu Hantian.

"Hyoto Issei, as the bloodline of the old demon king and the white dragon king, I am very busy. The enemies are not only angels, fallen angels, and demons. One day, we will fight again, and we will fight again at that time. Right."

Just leaving these words, Valli and the monkey disappeared into the darkness.

Chapter 560 Talk

"So, from today on, I will be the consultant of the Paranormal Research Department. Call me Teacher Asacher. Or the Governor?" Asacher appeared in the department of the Paranormal Research Department dressed in a disheveled suit.

"Why are you here?" Lias held her forehead with her hand, looking confused.

"I asked him. After all, you are still very weak. How can you not be strong in the face of future enemies." Mu Hantian stood up and said.

"It turned out to be the brother you asked." Ise's expression suddenly realized.

"But, your hand? Isn't it gone?" Issei pointed to Asacher's hand.It was indeed cut off at that time.

"Ah, this. This is a prosthetic that is almost the same as the original made based on the Artifact Research Institute. It is a universal armor that can carry lasers and small missiles. I wanted to install this kind of thing once before. I put it on because I lost a hand."

Snapped!Asacher's left hand flew out.Rolled a few times aside.

"My mission in this academy is to allow the immature artifacts possessed by the demons of Gremory's family to grow correctly. Well, that is to say, the knowledge of artifact madness is useful. You should also want to know,'Woe What kind of organization is Tuan? According to the information I know, Vali also has his own team. Let's call it the'White Dragon Emperor's Clan' for the time being. The identified members now include Vali, Monkey King and several others."

"Walli will attack here again?" Ise asked.

Asacher shook his head."Should not attack here anymore. The only assassination of the leaders of the three major forces has also failed. Their current opponents are the heaven and the underworld. All the fallen angels in the underworld have joined forces with the demon because of my order. The underworld is no longer able to Easy to be attacked. If the heavenly realm is concerned, the seraphs shouldn't sit still. Moreover, the heavenly realm is still inhabited by powerful holy beasts and monsters."


"No, it's just a level of skirmish now. It is still in the preparation stage for them and us. Don't worry, the war shouldn't break out before you graduate from high school in this academy to college. However, it is rare. Preparation stage. It's impossible to prepare well."

"Emperor Chiryu, don't think about things that are too complicated. Anyway, you worry about so much is unnecessary. After all, your enemy is Vali. Don't forget this."

"The reason you were able to repel Vali was because you got the sword of the dragon slaying and the cageman of the Sekiryuutei from Michael. Also, that guy was merciful. If not, you would have lost. Thanks to the good "sexuality" this time, you can retreat all over. If your opponent has power equal to Vali and exists outside the dragon, you have already been killed."

"By the way, can the White Dragon Emperor's power be used from then on?" At this moment, Asacher asked suddenly.

"No, not at all."

"I think so. That kind of powerful thing is definitely not easy to control. It doesn't matter if you integrate into the power of other dragons. Wanting to use it as you like is another matter. Maybe it's better than reaching forbidden Hand skills are even more difficult. However, once the power obtained should land on Draig's soul. The rest depends on the practice. Presumably this also requires a long period of hellish practice. If you are too weak to die, you will die if you "chaos" come."

I'm so weak, I'm really sorry, Governor!

"In short, the power of the Sekiryuutei is not very stable now. Although the explosive power is very powerful, it is only temporary. If the opponent is not as good as you, it can be defeated instantly, but if you encounter an opponent stronger than you, you will definitely be blocked. Yes. Since you want to participate in the rating game as a demon in the future, you need to stabilize the power of the powerful Sekiryuutei. This first needs to reach the forbidden hand. Even so, the rating game is not easy to deal with. Even if you consume a piece of chess The'soldier' ​​can also defeat the'king'. It all depends on the tactics. I will give you this along with it.

"You know the details about ratinggame."

"It's not only the devil who likes this? Thanks to the peace agreement, there have also been many angels and fallen angels who can watch the battle upright."

"In short, we must first have the physique that can cope with the protracted battle."


"By the way, that... can I... become stronger?" This was Ise's question.Very simple question.Can it become stronger?

"I will make you stronger. After all, I am a very idle fallen angel." Asacher "exposed" a mischievous smile.

"Even if you attack here again, Gasper's time stop should be useful, right?" Issei pointed to Gasper and asked.

"Pre... Senior! What are you... What are you talking about!" Gaspar cried out crying.

"I'm very sorry! I'm sorry for not being able to use it! Anyway, I'm useless at all! I'm rubbish! I will reflect on deeper than the sea, and I will have a goal higher than Mount Everest." Gasparbian Crying and fled into the cardboard box.Hey, graduate from the carton soon!

"Well, don't worry about this, use the Holy Demon Sword. How long can you fight in the forbidden state?" Asachel waved his hand.

Kiba answered Asacher's question."Now, one hour is the limit."

"That won't work. At least you can fight for three consecutive days."

Then Asahir looked at Senior Sister Zhu Nai.

"Still hating us-right, Baiqiu?"

Zhu Nai replied with a serious expression."I didn't mean to forgive him. Mom died because of that talent."

"Zhu Nai, when you became a devil, that guy didn't say anything."

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