Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 416

"Of course. That person didn't make irresponsible stance to me."

"I didn't mean that. No, I shouldn't be qualified to'interfere' with your father and daughter before."

"I didn't treat him as a father." Zhu Nai made a firm assertion.

"That's it. But, I think it's not bad for you to become a family member of Gremory. If it's someone else's family member, what will Baiqiu do?"

Zhu Nai did not respond to Asacher's words.Just being silent, "exposed" a complicated expression.

"Asathier, they'll leave it to you, Zhu Nai, you come with me." After Mu Hantian said this, he left the department, and Zhu Nai followed up with his head down.

Chapter 561: Zhu Nai's Heart

"So, what's the matter for asking me to come out? If it's just now, don't need to say it." Zhu Nai's tone was a little cold.

"Zunai, what I want to say is that power is not right or wrong. The important thing is how to use it. Can you understand it, and you were hesitating just now? This shows that you treat your father... , That man, there are still some reluctances."

"There is no such thing, he killed his mother, I will not forgive him." Zhu Nai cried.

"Even so, he is your father. You have lost your mother. Do you still want to lose your father?" Mu Hantian persuaded.

"You don't understand, you don't understand anything."

"No... I know you, I understand. Indeed, he also has something wrong with this matter. How can he not pay attention to his own woman? I can't agree with this, but in other places, I think he Well done." Mu Hantian continued to persuade.

"But... Without him, my mother would not die. Where was he when my mother died?"

"Zhu Nai, I can’t agree with you saying that, if you don’t have him, how could you exist? And at that time, he was still fighting, forget it, it seems that it’s useless to tell you more, you Go in first and study with everyone, and wait until you figure it out." Mu Hantian patted Zhu Nai on the shoulder, and Mu Hantian left directly.

"Han Tian, ​​what you said makes sense, but in my heart..." Zhu Nai sighed and entered the room.


"Hey, Baiqiu, I did this too. As for whether Zhu Nai will forgive you, I don't know, it depends on your luck." Mu Hantian said to the fallen angel beside him.

"Well, please." Baiqiu nodded.

"Then I will really fight in a while, don't cry out." Mu Hantian chuckled lightly.

"Of course, please do your best."

"So... let's get started."


After speaking, Mu Hantian gave Baiqiu a punch and knocked him into the air.At this time, Mu Hantian had already changed his appearance.

Baiqiu exhaled and attacked Mu Hantian.Asacher in the Supernatural Research Department also felt the strong aura of the two, and the corners of his mouth were aroused.It seems that he is also a participant in this project.

"Everyone, come with me and see the battle of the strong." Asathier said to Issei and the others behind him.

"Yes, Asacher... teacher."


"Come on, be more serious, you can't do a show." Mu Hantian said, and with a wave of his hand, the sword energy formed by energy hit Baiqiu, and Baiqiu also sent out energy barrage.

"That's... Baiqiu! The opposite of him?" Asacher made a surprised expression.Zhu Nai has a complicated expression.

"Eh? That is the fallen angel cadre? Baiqiu... isn't that the father of Senior Sister Zhu Nai?" Yicheng seemed to remember it, a little surprised.

"Well, that's right, but who is his opponent, he is not lost to me at all, how could such a powerful existence have never been heard of." Asachel said.

"What? Asachel, you said that that person is not inferior to you, then that person is not..." Zhu Nai covered her mouth and did not finish.

"Well, I'm going to help. Hurry up and hide. You can't help with this level of battle." Asacher finished speaking, spread his wings, flew up, and flew to Baiqiu's side.

"Oh, I didn't expect Asachel you to also appear, just right." Mu Hantian looked at Yicheng and others below, and said.The voice has also changed.

"Who is your excellency? It seems that I don't want a demon or an angel. Why do you want to hurt my fallen angel cadre? Do you want to declare war?" Asacher understood Mu Hantian's meaning and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go with you two."

"Yeah!" Asacher and Baiqiu looked at each other and shot together.

Asacher waved his hand, a large light gun aimed at Mu Hantian, and Baiqiu did the same.

Although it looks very powerful, I don't know how powerful it is. After all, it's acting.

Facing the flying light gun, Mu Hantian just smiled lightly, and instantly moved behind Baiqiu with a light gun in his hand.

"Be careful!" Although Asacher reminded, but...


The light gun still pierced Baiqiu's chest. Baiqiu lost his balance and fell from the air. Mu Hantian made up another kick and kicked him to where Zhu Nai and the others were.

"Asshole." Asacher cursed, his body exploded with incomparable aura, and he attacked Mu Hantian desperately with a light gun.Mu Hantian smiled lightly, backed quickly, and Asacher quickly followed.Soon, the two disappeared.


"You... are you okay!" Zhu Nai ran to the place where Baiqiu fell, helped Baiqiu up, and asked with concern.

"Also... I can't die, cough!" Baiqiu coughed up blood.


"Now, Zhu Nai, listen to me, I'm sorry about your mother, it's all because of my recklessness."

"Is an apology useful?" Zhu Nai said coldly.

"It's true, but... Zhu Nai, your mother is dead, I can't die yet, because you are still there, and you can't let you lose your father again." Baiqiu also had some difficulty speaking.

"Even...even if you say so...I won't forgive you, your life can only be mine, and I should do it if you want to kill you." Zhu Nai's aura is stronger than ever. .


The sound of falling objects.

"Finally caught you bastard." In the sky, Asacher laughed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, next time i have to call back

"You fellow!" Zhu Nai roared, rushing towards Mu Hantian, holding a long spear made of thunder and lightning in his hand.

"Go to hell!" The spear pierced Mu Hantian.

"Nani?" Zhu Nai was taken aback, wasn't the person in front of him seriously injured?How could it be so strong.

"Haha, Zhu Nai, are you planning to kill me? Really cruel." Mu Hantian grabbed Zhu Nai's spear and restored his appearance.

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