Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 417

"Han Tian!...Why are you...could it be?" Zhu Nai seemed to have thought of something. Looking back, Baiqiu was standing like this, there was no sign of injury.

"You lie to me!"

"Well, Zhu Nai, if you don't, how can you understand yourself? Don't thank me, just call me Lei Feng." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"This...I didn't count what I just said, I didn't forgive you." With that said, Zhu Nai turned and flew away. Although Lias and others were a bit "confused", they already understood at this time.

"Now, Baiqiu, catch up, explain it well, Zhu Nai still cares about you." Asacher said, patted Baiqiu on the shoulder.

"I see." Baiqiu nodded and ran after him.

"Hey, Hantian, is this your idea?" Lias asked while looking at Mu Hantian.

"Well, it is not that simple to want Zhu Nai to forgive Baiqiu, but it is still very simple to let Zhu Nai know his heart." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"That's a really good idea."

Chapter 562: To the Underworld

It's summer now.High school life has also entered the summer vacation.

"Go back to the underworld?" As soon as Mu Hantian and Aisha finished their breakfast, Lias came with all the members of the Supernatural Research Department.

"That's right. Because you are my servants, servants and demons, of course you have to be with your master. Accompany me to my hometown. Hantian's words are made by Gurefia. By the way, Aisha and Jello It’s the first time to go!"

"Yes...Yes! It's really nervous to go to the Hades while I'm alive! I...I thought I could go only if I had to die!" Aisha said.

"Yeah. Underworld—Hell I was quite interested in it before. However, in order to go to heaven, I have been serving the Lord... Since I have become a demon, now I can’t go to heaven. Step into the place of people who have been punished by heaven. The hell he was sent to is really ironic. Hahahaha, hell? This is really suitable for the original believer of the devil."

"Well, I have to spend the 20 days in August over there. When I come back here, August is about to end. I plan to practice and do various things in the underworld." Lias pointed out the schedule Everyone announced it.

"That's it, but I have a lot of things I want to do during the summer vacation," Mu Hantian said.

"Ah, Hantian. Do you have any plans to go?" Lias asked Mu Hantian in surprise.

"Well, I promised to take Aisha to the hot springs and watch the sea."

"If the sea is the case, the underworld is gone, but there is a huge lake. And there is a swimming pool in my hometown, and there are hot springs too. Is this okay?"

"Aisha, what do you think?" Mu Hantian looked at Aisha.

"Well, I want to see the legendary underworld!"

"That's it, then go." Mu Hantian smiled slightly.

"Oh, I also want to go to the underworld."

I don't know when, a handsome black-haired man "sex" sat in a corner of the table.That's Asachel... teacher.

"You...Where did you come in?" Lias asked Asachel with her eyes widened.

"Huh? I walked in through the gate very ordinary. By the way, your maid is very nice!"

"Ah, Sakuya is perfect." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"That's it, but I didn't feel the breath at all." Kiba said his thoughts without reservation.

"This is because of your lack of practice. I just walked in normally. Don't talk about this, are you going back to the underworld? If this is the case, I want to go too. Because I am your'teacher'."

With that, Asacher took out the notepad from his arms and opened it to read.

"Itinerary in the underworld... After returning to her hometown, Lias introduced the demons of her family to the current head. Then, there was a meeting with the new young demons. Then there was your practice course. I am mainly responsible for your practice. . During your stay at Gremory’s house, I will go to meet Suzex and the others. It’s really troublesome."

"Then Asacher—Where is the teacher going together? I can make the appointment, right?" Lias asked.

Asachel nodded after hearing what Lias said.

"That's it, I trouble you. This is the first time to enter the underworld by the devil's route. It's really exciting. I usually use the fallen angel's route."

Underworld?How did it go?Sure enough, do you still need to use the magic circle?The words of the underworld are divided into two parts by the world of demons and the world of fallen angels.But now that the estrangement disappeared because of peace, the two sides began to communicate.Mu Hantian thought so.


It's the day of departure.The first place Mu Hantian and others went was the nearby station.All he wears is the summer uniform of Koo Academy.Lias said this is the most ideal formal outfit if she is going to the underworld.

Everyone walked to the elevator in the station. It was an elevator that would feel a little narrow when five people squeezed in with luggage.

Lias and Zhu Nai went in and said, "Then, first of all, Hantian, Aisha, and Xenovia will come in first. Let's go down first.

"Go down?" Aisha puzzled.

"Well, just come in." Lias waved to the three with a wry smile.The three looked at each other and walked in.

"Ise, you have been here several times, so let's join Yudou and the others."

"Yes, Minister."

At this moment, after Ise responded to Rias, the elevator door closed.

Sure enough, there are only 1 and 2 on the floor panel.But Rias took out something like a card from her skirt pocket and put it on the electronic panel.


There was an electronic tone.It was a reaction to the card.



A sense of decline struck Mu Hantian!Eh!Falling?interesting.Aisha was quite surprised!Xenovia just tilted her head in confusion.

Lias explained: "Under this station, there is a secret floor. This is a route dedicated to the devil. Ordinary humans will never come to it even if they spend their entire lives. The area dedicated to the devil like this is in this city. It’s pretty hidden."

About a minute or so after the start of the descent.The elevator finally stopped.

After the door was opened, "Okay, let's go out." Lias urged like this. As soon as she walked out, what was caught in everyone's eyes was the vast artificial space!There is a huge hole in the ground!It looks like the platform of a station.However, there is a little difference between the styling degree search and the things in the world... and the railway!Is this really a station?

After waiting for a while, Ise and Asacher also took the elevator down.Following Rias and Juna, everyone began to move.

Zhu Nai didn't know when he came to Mu Hantian's side, and suddenly took his hand!Mu Hantian smiled bitterly, and then he held Zhu Nai's hand just like holding Aisha's hand.

Well, from that day on, Zhu Nai had an idea for Mu Hantian.

After turning right and left, everyone came to an empty space again.

What is in front of everyone is like a train!

The body has sharp angles, and it is also engraved with a coat of arms indicating the identity of the devil...that is the coat of arms of Gremory!

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