Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 430

"Yeah." The woman nodded, indicating her identity.

"Hey, don't ignore me, what happened?"

"After Ise and Aisha disappeared from the battlefield, Yuto Kiba, Rias, Juno, and Kitten stayed here. There are three opponents left. Cangna, Shinra, and Ichi from the student council members Named'monks'. Half of them were killed.

The game that was originally in the upper hand is really unexpected from now on.Half of the people on the dominant side were killed.But I didn't expect Asia to be knocked down.The ability to recover, and the expanded version, was actually targeted by the'reversal'.The opposite of the reply is hurt.......Aisha's recovery ability is very powerful.The damage caused by'reversal' is also beyond imagination.Therefore, Aisha will leave the field in an instant.The opponent's'monk' disappeared with one blow."

"Oh, it seems that Cangna did a good job, and all the preparations were done. Well, let me take a good look at the next game." After that, Mu Hantian watched it seriously.


Lias stood up and looked up.Probably looking at Cangna on the roof.

"Kitten, can you feel it?" Lias asked the kitten.

"Yes. Although I didn't feel it just now, I can feel that the guild leader’s qi is on the roof. The enchantment just now is to make us think that the guild leader is there to create a false phantom, and it is still our own qi. The special enchantment that also covers the location well." The kitten's cat ears moved, looking for Cangna's aura.

Kiba pointed the sword at Jinra and the'monk' on the opposite side.

"Okay, what should I do next? All swordsmen, do you want to use the sword to determine the victory?"

Jinra answered Kiba's question."That's not bad. In chess, most of them become'queen' when they are promoted, but some become'knights' depending on the situation. Although chess and ratinggame are very different - but it is also a game. Nice game." In this way, the battle between Kiba and Jinra was decided.

The rest is the opponent's'monk'.

At this time, Zhu Nai, who was emitting a golden aura all over his body, entered Kiba's sight.

"That's right, use this disgusting power in front of him... and cross this hurdle."

Zhu Nai slowly raised his hand.

"Disappear for me."

After releasing extremely forceful words, a high-density lightning appeared in Zhu Nai's hands, and then attacked the'monks' of Xidi's family!

Boom boom boom boom boom...!


At the moment of the direct strike, the'monk' stretched out his hands and planned to reverse the lightning strike.

Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt! The violent lightning strike wrapped the'monk'!

Failed to reverse the lightning strike, and was completely hit by Zhu Nai's attack!Then, at the same time, she was wrapped in light and disappeared!

"It doesn't seem to work. Although I want to reverse the lightning strike, this strike is lightning. Thunder and light. If you reverse, the reversal of the light part is not enough."

"One of the'monks' of Lord Canna Sidi, exit."

"It won't work if the object of the reversal is different."

Seeing that Zhu Nai had resolved the battle, Kiba first smiled, and then chased after him with great speed!While sprinting, he created the Holy Demon Sword and slashed it at the moment of catching up!Although the first blow was blocked with a long knife, it is completely unclear when the anti-shooting artifact will be used!

Jin Luo took a vial from her arms.——'Tears of Phoenix'!

Jinra threw the vial to Kiba, then cut it through with a long knife.The "liquid" inside fell on Kiba's body!


The moment the tears fell on Kiba, Zhenra shouted!Kiba thought of Aisha, and quickly turned the holy magic sword into a water sword!


The wave of water mixed with tears.After the tears are mixed with other things, they lose their original effect.Then, "reversal" also becomes meaningless!

"A slight loophole is enough!" Jinra stabbed Nagato Kiba!

"So that's it, it was a feint until just now. But..."


The holy magic sword bloomed around Jin Luo!Several holy demon swords appeared from the floor and destroyed Jinra's long sword.

"There is no such thing as flaws for me now." When Kiba swung the second sword, she called the mirror in front of her.Kiba tried his best to reduce the sword to just enough power to destroy the mirror and chop it down.


The dreamy mirror broke, and the impact was doubled back to Kiba

He was hurt, but Kiba didn't care, gritted his teeth and raised his right hand to the sky.

Then, speak these words powerfully.

"Peter, Basil, Dionysius, and the Virgin Mary. Please listen to my voice." The space was distorted and cracks appeared!Kiba reached in!

"It's a lie!? How could there be such a thing!"

"Under the name of the saint who is lodged in the sacred blade, I order you to be liberated.——Dylandal!" Kiba took out the legendary holy sword, Dylandal!

After taking it out, Kiba slashed directly at Jinra!Under the attack of the holy sword, Jinra suffered a lot of damage.

"This is Xenovia's proposal. If she stops her function, she will waste this sword, so she will transfer the right to use it to me then."

"But, your suitability for the holy sword." Jinra, who was about to leave, said so.

"It's different now. Although it also allows me to witness the hell...but it's different now. Thanks to Forbidden Hand, I can now even use Durandal."

Buzzing buzzing...

Durandal let out waves quietly.Unlike Xenovia's use, there is no uncontrolled fluctuation.

"Um! This...! It's better than what Xenovia used!" Jinra said.

"Because Xenovia is purely pursuing destructive power, Durandal responded in the same way. However, I chose the real "sex" over might. I paid more attention to ability than might." Although I heard it was one The criticism of the disobedient Hummer was true.This sword is more difficult to control than I thought..."

"It's really out of calculation, Sanna! Compared to Houto-kun...! The real trump card is...! The most important family member is...Kiba Yuto!"

"Ah, my heart wants to protect everyone, so I can't lose."

What was left of the other party was—'Wang', Canna Sidi.The roof of the mall.The sky outside was exceptionally white and there was nothing.Because this is the space for the game.

The remaining four people rushed here.In front of everyone is Cangna.

Cangna looked at everyone and smiled bitterly.At this moment Lias asked, "Sangna, why is it on the roof?"

"The'king' will live to the end. This is the duty of the'king'. If the'king' is killed, the game will be over?

"Well, then I won't go into it."

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