Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 431

"Lias, Saji defeated the Chiryu Emperor. He is no worse than you and Ise-kun. Don't underestimate that child. You are not the only ones desperate."

"I know, I have felt it myself. Okay, let's decide the outcome, Cangna."

Lias took a step forward.It seems to be going one-on-one.

Then, the battle between friends began.

Water gathered around Cangna, and Lias' magical power was destructive.Its attack will bring destruction to the enemy.Lias did not hesitate, and "shot" a magic bullet at her friend Sona!Its number is comparable to machine guns!

Although the magic bullet is only as big as a tennis ball, you can feel the high-purity magic from it every shot.Rias also succeeded in her practice.Presumably the reason for this is based on the rule of not destroying buildings.

Cangna used the water to create a wall to defend the Minister's attack.When Lias' magic power touched the water, the water immediately decomposed and disappeared.

"Okay, Lias. Just let me show off my water skills."

Cangna converted a large amount of water into magic power, and made numerous flying eagles in the sky, giant pythons wriggling on the earth, brave lions, groups of wild wolves, and huge dragons.

"It's just what I want, Cangna!" Lias laughed fearlessly, constantly compressing the power of destruction, and unfolding countless magic bullets in the air.

Both of them set up a posture.Then the two attacked each other at the same time...

"Confirmed surrender. Lord Lias Gremory won."

Chapter 575: Aisha's Trouble

After August and a half.

The people in the Supernatural Research Department ushered in the time to say goodbye to the underworld at the station in front of this residence.

"Then, Hantian. Let's see you next time. If you want to come, just come. Just treat the Gremory house as your own." Lias' father said.

"Thank you very much! But this is not good."

Although Mu Hantian was smiling bitterly, Lias' mother said, "There is no such thing. Hantian. Lias asked you when she was in the human world. Because my daughter is a little bit headstrong, I am worried. ."

"Mom...Mom! What are you talking about!" Lias blushed immediately.

"Yes, yes! I will, don't worry!" Mu Hantian smiled and nodded.

"Oh, my tears can't stop. The future of my family is bright!" Lias' father was crying.

Rias' mother beside her also sighed."My dear. At this time, you should say like a father,'My daughter won't give it to you!' That's right?"

"How can I say this, Han Tianjun already has the power to surpass me, is it enough? I think I should be able to relax now."

"If you want to live in seclusion, at least wait until Rias graduates from high school."

I always feel that something has been misunderstood.Mu Hantian thought in his heart.

"Lias, at least write a few letters back during the rest of the summer vacation." Suzex said while hugging Miligas.

"Yes, brother. Miligas should take care, too."

"Well, I will, Sister Rias!"

Everyone got into the train, and they said their final farewell from the window.


The train on the way home.

Mu Hantian was writing in a notepad, and life in the underworld was really an amazing experience.Moreover, it was a good study.Life in the underworld is really very happy.

When the train reached the underground platform of the human world, Mu Hantian stretched out."Well, it's here. Then, I went back to my house, Asia..."

Aisha turned around.At this moment, a gentle man who did not know approached Asia.

"Aisa Aljet... finally see you."

"Please...Excuse me..." Aisha was quite troubled.

"Do you have anything to do with Aisha?" Mu Hantian came between the two and asked.

The man ignored Mu Hantian, but asked Aisha with a sincere expression: "Did you forget me? I should have seen it before."

After speaking, the man suddenly opened his chest, showing a big scar.It is a deep scar.When Aisha saw the scar, her eyes widened.

"This injury, could it be..."

"Yes, although I didn't see the face at that time, I was the demon at that time."

"My name is Theodora Astarot. Although there was no time for the scar to disappear at that time, I saved my "life" because of your artifact."

So, this guy was the demon that caused Asia to be exiled by the church.Mu Hantian thought in his heart.

"Theodora? Theodora?" Lias seemed to think of something.

Ah, yes.It was the meeting of the young devil!That beautiful young superior demon at that time!If you remember correctly, this is the family from Beelzebub!

Theodora knelt down in front of Asia and kissed Asia's hand!

"Aisha, I'm here to pick you up. I'm sorry for not being able to say hello to you during the meeting. However, you and I are destined to meet again. I hope you can become my wife. I love you. "

"You are really boring." Mu Hantian walked over, took Aisha's hand, and after leaving this sentence, he left, followed by Xing, Heige, and Timayat.

"Aisa, I will definitely marry you." Diodora called from behind.


"Han Tian, ​​I won't marry him, don't worry." After returning home, Aisha said.

"Aisha, what are you talking about, I don't mind, after all, a girl like Aisha will definitely be liked by many people." Mu Hantian said after "touching" Aisha's head.

"Really? I understand."

"Master, you're back." Sakiya walked out in a maid costume.

"Sakuya, take the two of them to find a room, and then cook, Hei Ge, you stay." Mu Hantian pointed at Xing and Timayat and said.

"Okay, please come with me." Sakuya nodded, and walked ahead, and the two followed.

"Hei Ge, don't want to leave, just stay here, if the can visit her every day, do you understand?"

"I know, Meow." Hei Ge said as if resigning.

"Well, good. Your room is cleaned every day. There is no problem in moving in, so..."

"Well, then I'll go to rest first." Hei Ge finished, and walked into this familiar and unfamiliar place.

"Aisha, let's take a break first, and then eat."

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