Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 456

"Yeah!" Ise and Aisha were taken aback by the sudden loud shout, and their bodies jumped.Aisha was so scared that she hid behind Mu Hantian.

"I'm sorry, but I scared you. My name is Madara Tawan's Zhatouji! I am a demon who is cultivating towards the master of magic!"

"Mr. Zatoki, I brought the two children." Lias introduced Ise and Aisha to the man named Master Familiar.

"Oh. The dumb-faced young man and the fair-haired beautiful girl. Ok! Leave it to me! As long as I shoot, whatever kind of enchantress can be caught on the same day!"

"Ise, Aisha. He is a professional in the field of envoys. Today I will follow his advice and catch the envoys in this forest. No problem, right?"

"Yes!" Ise and Aisha immediately agreed with Lias.

Zhatouji asked kindly: "So, what kind of envoy do you want? Strong? Fast? Or poisonous?"

"Please don't say anything that is extremely dangerous when you come up. So, do you have any recommendations?"

After listening to Ise's question, Zhatouji smiled, and took out something that looked like a catalog.He pointed to a fierce beast that had been drawn on two consecutive pages with a powerful drawing.

"If it's a month earlier, my recommendation would be this! The corner of the Dragon King-Timayat, the Dragon of the Devil! That is the legendary dragon! It is also the only female "sex" in the Dragon King! There is not a demon that the guy has caught! Of course! Because I heard that it has the strength to compete with the Demon King! But she had left a month ago."

"Cough!" Mu Hantian coughed.

Yicheng understood in an instant, just listen to him saying to Zhatouji: "Uh, that person, my cousin, Timayat is already his envoy, so you don't need to say it."

"Ah, I didn't expect that you are so powerful, you can subdue Timayat."

"Haha, well, let's talk about business." Mu Hantian waved his hand and changed the subject.

"Okay, let's do this! Hydra!" He pointed to the "insertion" drawing of a huge snake with many heads for Ise to see.

"This guy is very powerful! He is poisonous! What kind of devil can't stop this guy's poison! And it's still immortal! It's the worst monster that even the master can poison! Isn't it? Very efficient? "

"Can I beat someone? Minister, can I beat this person?"

"Calm down, Ise. Isn't Hydra rare and precious? I remember, it's in the depths of this forest... It seems that you can go home within today." Lias said, Look into the depths of the forest.

Zhatouji made a decision with a thumbs up."Hahaha, go and experience the adventure!"

"Don't be kidding! I don't want a monster stronger than me!"

"What a demanding young man. Then what do you want?" Zhatouji became awkward.

"Are there any cute envoys? Girls or something."

As soon as Ise asked a question, Zhatouji put on an unhappy expression and was speechless.

"That's why Xiaobai's values ​​of the ambassador is completely unsatisfactory. Can you hear it? The ambassador, grasping the kind of useful and powerful is the best. Besides, each individual's ability is different. If the master is the target, you should catch many of the same type, and then select the most capable male and female among them. Then let this male and female mate to produce offspring with extremely high abilities. More..."

"I also want a cute envoy." Aisha said from behind Mu Hantian's face.

"Well, I understand." Zhatouji immediately stopped the long talk and replied with a smile on his face.

"Yicheng, it seems that you have a long way to go to catch the envoy."

"Brother, don't ridicule me."



"You know, this spring water is where the elves gather." Zhatouji said in a low voice.

What appeared before everyone was the clear and transparent spring water.The sparkling light gleams, and it makes people feel sacred to look at.A group of people concealed their breath in the shadows beside the spring.

"Yes, Wendini, the water wizard who lives in this spring, rarely shows up in front of people."

According to Zhatouji's explanation, Wendini, the water spirit, seems to be a girlish existence with a clear heart and a beautiful appearance.And it's a healing system!

"Oh, the spring is beginning to shine. Wendini is about to show up." Zhatouji said, pointing in the direction of the spring.

What appeared there was the existence of a giant... with long shiny aquatic hair and wearing a transparent feather coat.

The round upper arm with the muscles of a monster, the legs that are thicker than Ise's body, the thick chest plate made of iron plates, and the scars on the face like a warrior who has experienced many battles.

The scene that was too traversing before him made Isei suspicious of his eyes."Rubbing" his eyes over and over again.I firmly believe that this must not be reality.

Chapter 600 Cang Thunder Dragon

"What is that?"

"That's Wendini, "Sao" year." Zhatouji's cruel words reached Yicheng's ears.

"No, no, no, no matter how you look at them, they are all cultivating fighters bathing in spring water. Look, those sturdy arms are all trained to destroy human flesh. Just use a straight punch. It looks like you can take the world in a surprise attack. There are no flaws at all. Strong man, strong man."

"Hmm, because it is said that there is still a territorial dispute between Wendini. If you are not strong and physically weak, you will not be able to get your own spring water. The world of elves is also powerful. However, This is really a strong Wendini. This kind of rarity is quite high. I recommend catching this one. Water spirits with excellent boxing ability are also quite good."

"It's not good at all! What, it's not a cure at all! It's a murder! I don't want a healing elves with strong boxing ability!"

"But, it's a female "sex" type? And, it's very powerful."

"I don't want to know that fact!" Yicheng covered his face with both hands, crying loudly!

"Ise, the world is always changing." Lias put her hand on Ise's shoulder, um, affirming, but what's the matter with your uncontrollable smile.

"Ise-kun, you see, her pupils are very clear. She must be a girl with a very pure and kind heart." Aisha said with a smile.

"Ah, the other one has appeared." Hearing Zhu Nai's words, Ise cast a look of expectation "this time definitely" over there.In the end, what appeared there was a "big man" with the same sturdy body.

"Woo, oooh..."

"Ise-kun, this isn't the kind of thing that deserves that kind of whimper, right?"

"Oh, look." Zhatouji pointed to the spring water.Looking around, there were two rugged Wendini, staring at each other.The fierce hostility dominated the surrounding world, and the space between the two sides was distorted because of quarrel.



Strike the opponent's abdomen with a strong iron arm, or hit the opponent's chin with an uppercut.The sharp lower kick made a huge explosion sound on the opponent's thigh, and the straight punch hit the opponent's face deeply.The two sides, where Qiqiao began to spray blood, performed a majestic fight.

The elven spring that "exposed" a sacred breath, suddenly became a cruel arena.

"It looks like they are fighting for territory. And both sides seem to be fierce fighters who have been fighting for a long time." Zhatouji happily supported his chin and nodded.

"Competing for territory... can't, do you have a more magical fight? Is there no such thing as elven magic?"

"After all, this is the world where power speaks."

"Minister, can I go back? I'm already crying?"

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