Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 457

"Hahaha! Look at it, boy! The one who wins is your envoy! Windini's peak decisive battle! This is a great adventure! Oh! A straight punch, this is really a rare form of boxing. Ah!" Zhatouji slapped Ise on the shoulder and smiled.

"Ha ha ha, ha peat ah ah ah! Adventurous adventure is annoying! Such an adventure is totally undesirable!"

"Whether you use Wendini's Dini sauce for your name and name?" Aisha murmured while watching the tense game in front of her.

"Aisha, it is too much pressure for us to think about that Dini-chan. Give up, that child can survive alone. Look, no matter how you look at it, her body has successfully evolved to be strong enough to destroy The degree of the enemy. Give up Dinichan, what is Dinichan. Can't name it! By the way, which one is Dinichan?"

"Hey, boy! Dini sauce is dangerous! I just had a back fall!"

"Zhatouji! Shut up the bastard!"

"Haha... I got it. Anyway, let's go and see somewhere else first. This will never end." Lias sighed.


"Cang Thunder Dragon?"

Facing Ise’s question, Zha Touji nodded and said, "Yes, it is the Blue Thunder Dragon. As the name suggests, it is a dragon that uses a blue lightning strike."

The people leaving Wendini's boxing ring were talking about some rare dragon as they walked.

"That guy, isn't he incomparable?" Ise asked with trembling shoulders.

Zhatouji smiled triumphantly."Don't worry, that one seems to be a little kid. If you want to catch it, just take advantage of it now. When it grows up, it will definitely not be caught. Although it can't compare to the Dragon King, it is also ranked at the top of the upper level in the dragon clan. "

Suddenly Zhatouji came next to him, "Oh wow!Yelling loudly.

Everyone looked up...the scales of blue light were released.A dragon-shaped creature about the size of a sea eagle inhabits the tree to rest its wings.

"Cangleilong! That's it!" Zhatouji tried his best to suppress his own voice, encouraging with joy.

"Cang Thunder Dragon. It's the first time I have seen a real thing. The scales are so beautiful. It shines with blue light like a blue diamond." Lias moved her eyes to glow.

In a blink of an eye, the Blue Thunder Dragon flew onto Aisha's shoulder, "licking" Aisha's face.

"I heard that Cang Leilong will open up to people with clear hearts. It must have been completely promised to this girl." Zhatouji explained.

"Please...Excuse me, can I make this dragon my servant?" Aisha asked embarrassedly.

"Of course, Aisha-chan." Ise has no objection.


" the name of Aisha Aljet! You, you, my envoy, respond to the contract!"

Everyone returned to the entrance of the forest.Aisha unfolded the magic circle glowing green "color" before her eyes.In the center of the magic circle is the Blue Thunder Dragon.Currently, she is carrying out the envoy contract ceremony with Aisha.

Of course, because Aisha is still a beginner, Zhu Nai is also supporting her.However, the contract ceremony went quite smoothly.

"Generally speaking, Blue Thunder Dragon will not bow down to serve the devil, but this girl's heart is especially clear. Unheard of before, the contract seems to be completed soon." Zhatouji said.

"Hey, in other words, Asia is perfect because of the extremely rare conditions and got the extremely rare dragon. Sure enough, it's amazing."

At this time, the light of the magic circle had dimmed.The contract had been completed, and the dragon flew on Aisha and started playing with Aisha.

"Hmm. Itchy. Lei Jun."

"Lei Jun? Aisha, is this male sex?" Ise asked.

"Ah, yes."

"Really? Then please take care of me, Lei Jun."

Yicheng approached Xiaolong, but Xiaolong's body let out a blue flash——.

Snap!Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!

"Ah, quack, quack, quack!"

"Forgot to say, the male sex of dragons hates the male sex of other species the most."

Sure enough, it was also added by Zhatouji, who was also charged into coke.As expected, the Kiba behind with a hearty smile turned into a scorched black shape, but Mu Hantian had moved away early.

"It's naughty, Lei Jun." Lias smiled covering her mouth.

"It looks like Ise has a long way to go to get her own ambassador. Well, since Aisha has already got her own ambassador, this matter is over. Let's go back."

"it is good."

Chapter 601, the journey begins

"In the future, I will set up a school for teaching Nordic magic in the territory of Gremory, so that many valkyries will emerge from the "sex" of the devil, so as to create a new business." The future in my imagination.

"Ah, it's really... it's a great honor for me as an angel to visit the mansion of a superior demon! This is also the blessing of Lord Domon and... Lord Demon!" Irina was also very happy.

The school trip date is approaching, and Mu Hantian and others are drinking tea and chatting with Lias’s parents in the restaurant of Gremory’s home.

While tasting black tea elegantly, while chatting.This may also be a hobby of the upper class.

"Hahaha, Miss Losviaser seems to be very interested in the devil's industry. As the head of the Gremory family, I am looking forward to it." Lias' father smiled heartily.As always, quite aristocratic.

Rias' mother took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and changed the subject."Speaking of which, Hantian, your sophomores are approaching school trip, right. Are you going to Kyoto, Japan?"

"Yes. I am going to Kyoto as scheduled." Mu Hantian replied.

"Last year, the Kyoto pickles that Rias bought as a souvenir were very delicious."

"Well, that junior will buy some when traveling."

"Ah... I didn't mean that... I'm sorry, you don't have to bother so much?" After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Lias's mother gently covered her mouth with her hand, her cheeks flushed.

Afterwards, we talked a little bit more, and the commemorative tea party gathered together ended smoothly.After the tea party was over, everyone used the magic circle to go home through transfer.


On the day of the school trip.

Mu Hantian and his party came to a corner of the waiting hall, trying to avoid everyone's eyes and ears and gather.

Only Rias in the left-behind group came to see off.Although Zhu Nai, Kitty and Gaspar also want to come, today the first and third grades will have regular classes.Because she must not fall behind in school, only Lias rushed to the station.

"Here, this is a certification for each person."

Lias handed out something like a card to the second grader who was about to travel.All members received the hand and confirmed.

"This is the legendary...?" Kiba asked.

Lias nodded in affirmation."Yes, this is the so-called'free bus ticket' that the devil must use to enjoy Kyoto travel."

Most of Kyoto's scenic spots are temples. To be more specific, there are countless places full of spiritual power in Kyoto. Usually, demons have various inconveniences to walk around in Kyoto. After all, in general, temples are not places where demons should approach.

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