Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 459

"Anyway, go out first. I always stay in the station but I can't get anywhere"

As soon as Ise finished speaking, Kiryu's glasses gave off a chill.

"Ise-kun, it would be terrible to "get lost" in a strange place. A person's wrong judgment will lead to the appearance of the war dead."

"Is this a battlefield!"

"No, Ise. Kiryu's opinion is correct. The map is very important. Let Kiryu take the lead here. Maybe Kyoto has already shown us its fangs."

Suppressed by Xenovana's persuasive alarmism, Ise can only nod and say, "I see...".

"Okay, clear! Go ahead!"

Under Kiryu's guidance, everyone came out of the station and walked towards the ancient capital.

"Ah, it's Kyoto Tower!" After listening to Jerova's words, all the members looked over.Everyone plans to climb the tower on the last day..

Just a few minutes’ walk from Kyoto Station, stands a huge luxury hotel.Its name is "Kyoto Sazaks Hotel"!There is a sign of "Kyoto Seraphim Hotel" under construction at a point next to it.

This hotel is indeed the place run by the Gremory family behind it.Therefore, the room can be booked at a very low price.Show the student ID to the attendant at the entrance, and get a detailed explanation up to the lobby.Seeing the magnificent, luxurious and splendid lounge Kiryu was shocked.

"It's amazing! Is it okay to pay for all the members of the second grade to live in such a hotel?" Kiryu expressed this opinion.

Compared to Kiryu, Xenovia's reaction was much calmer."Well, although I think it's great, it's still a bit worse than the minister's house!"

You can see the entrance of the lobby from the lounge a little bit inward.In the large lobby inside, many students from Komao Academy have gathered.

After the time is up, each shift starts to roll the call to confirm that there are no personnel.Everyone sat on the floor of the hall, listening to the teacher and them explaining the precautions.

But Asacher and Losweisse seem to be having a conversation between the two.Rossweisse stood in front of the students and said, "There is a 100-yen store in the underground business center of Kyoto. If there is something short of it, just make do with it. You can't make pocket money when you are a student. Just spend a lot of money, but you will grow up to be a useless adult. Money is something that circulates in the world. You can buy this, and the other, but you will soon be out of money. So make do in a hundred-yen store Let's take a look-the hundred-yen shop is a treasure of Japan."

Rossweiser's speech ended hastily.Another teacher stepped forward, and this teacher made the final confirmation."Please pay attention to the above points. Then after you put your luggage in your room, it is time for free activities before five o'clock in the afternoon, but please don't go too far. The range of activities should be near Kyoto Station. Please be back before half past five. Go to the room." After hearing the final confirmation from the teacher standing in front--

After all the second-year students answered "Yes", the roll call in the lobby, various precautions in the hotel and the explanation of the afternoon activities finally ended.

Everyone took their luggage and received the room key from the salesperson at the entrance and exit of the hall.

"Ise, this is yours." Ise got it from Asacher.

The hotel room where the students of Komao Academy live is a spacious western-style room for two.There are two large beds in the room, and the scenery around Kyoto Station can be seen from the window.

Ise walked up two floors from the floor where the boys lived. A room in the corner had a gentle sliding door that was clearly different from other rooms.

After opening-

"Is this my room?" Ise came to the 8-tatami-sized single room and blinked.The old TV, there is also a round table.

Just as Ise was about to complain, someone knocked on the door.

"Ise-kun, are you here?" It was Roseweiser and Mu Hantian.

Yicheng approached Roseweiser and asked, "Miss Roseweiser! Why on earth is I the only one to be placed in this room!"

"Please bear with me. This room is where Rias prepared for our discussion."

"Discuss here? Ah, a topic related to demons?"

"Well, that's about it. If something happens in Kyoto, make sure that there is a place for discussion in advance and there will be no loss. So that room was assigned to the remaining Ise-kun."

"Yicheng, do you want to change with me?" Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"Forget it, brother, I still live here, I don't want to be a female public enemy."

"Please bear with me, Ise-kun." As if to instruct, Rossweiser put his hand on Ise's shoulder and said.

"Anyway, I'm going to meet up with other teachers, and then I'll leave you. I feel that the free time in the afternoon must be troublesome. Don't be "fascinated" or "confused" by Kyoto."

"Yes!" Yicheng replied in full spirit.

"Then, the first thing to start is to find the teacher of Asachel. That person... as soon as the confirmation in the hall is over, he disappeared early. Because of this, the Governor of the Fallen Angels..." Reading while leaving the room.

Mu Hantian took out the map of Kyoto and said to Ise, "Ise. Although there is no reservation for the free time in the afternoon, I still want to go to Fushimi Inari?"

"Fushimi Inari? Ah, indeed, is it the place where there are many torii?"

"Ah, I just walked one stop from Kyoto Station. Just now, I asked another teacher, and he said it was okay."

"Hey, brother, since I got the teacher's permission, maybe it's not bad to go around. If you can go to the famous scenic spots in Kyoto but miss it, you won't call to Kyoto to go around."

"Well, I'll invite Aisha and the others."

"it is good!"

Chapter six hundred and three

"Inari Station" is one stop away from Kyoto Station. After getting off the train, you can enter the road leading to Fushimi Inari.

The six Mu Hantian arrived at Inhe Station after bumping in the tram for a few minutes.

"Hey, look, Aisha, Irina. There are many rare things on the storefront."

"Wow, it's a cute fox!"

"I wonder if the pocket money is enough to buy some small specialty products here?"

As soon as they arrived, the church trio began to enjoy the air of Kyoto early.The twittering Aisha and the others look no different from ordinary female students.

Passing through the front archway, a gate appeared.There are statues of foxes like stone lions on both sides.

"Oh, this is a statue to ward off evil spirits. There was originally an aura that didn't allow us demon to come close, thanks to the previous pass, so there was no noise." Xenovia said while looking at the stone lion-like fox.

"Sure enough, have you been monitored by something?"

Ise also spoke out the sense of violation that he had noticed from the moment he left the station.

"Well, of course. We are demons and angels. For the things that are in charge of this place, it is a heterogeneous existence coming from the outside. Although we have said hello beforehand, we still need to monitor it in general."

Everyone didn't care, they kept going, walked into the gate and saw the stairs up to Inhe Mountain.Everyone moved forward while taking pictures.

While looking at the small shop in the rest area on the way, he continued to challenge Fushimiyama.

"Oh, what a wonderful view!"

"Yeah, it's wonderful."

"Then take it all. Speaking of which, this mountain road is also a local school running route? But it doesn't seem to be running today." Xenovia and Aisha were moved by the scenery of Fushimi Inari, while Kiryu While talking about knowledge, I took pictures of the scenery with my camera.

"In other words, no matter how you move forward, there are really a lot of red "color" torii. The company or shop's name is recorded on the torii. It is worshipped to pray to the god of Fushimi Inari."

"Yes, Ise-kun." Kiryu explained.

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