Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 460

"Sorry, I'm going to the top of the mountain first." After Mu Hantian greeted everyone, he quickly ran up the steps.

When running, Mu Hantian tried his best not to hinder other tourists, and kept climbing the stairs.Then, reached the top of the mountain.Standing there is an old shrine.

"Ah, this is the top of the mountain?"

Surrounded by trees, sunlight can barely shine through, and the surrounding area is very dark.

Huh la la...

The wind blows the woods, and there is no popularity.There was no one except Mu Hantian.

"Forget it, feel the scenery and go down the mountain, Aisha and the others should be up too."

"Aren't you from Kyoto?" The voice came suddenly.Pay attention to the atmosphere around...

"Oh, it seems, I am surrounded?" Mu Hantian smiled bitterly, feeling several breaths that were obviously different from human beings.

Although it is not very powerful, there are a lot of them.

What appeared in front of Mu Hantian was a cute little girl in a witch dress.


The blonde hair was shining, and the eyes were golden.It looks like it is about the third grade of elementary school.However, when you look at the things on your head, you know that it is not human.

-Beast ears!

It's like a kitten, with ears on its head.Mu Hantian knew that the slug tail protruding from the "butt" part, the little girl in front of him was a fox!

"You foreigner! How dare...! Go!" Along with the shout of the girl, a large number of black wings came out from the forest, and the head was an accomplice like a bird's mountain hermit.A large number of priests wearing fox masks appeared!

"Oh, it's Yatengu, it scared me."

The girl had no room to breathe for Mu Hantian, and immediately pointed at Mu Hantian and shouted: "Bring my mother back!"

Tengu and fox priests attacked Mu Hantian together!

"Mother... Mother? What are you talking about! I don't know who your mother is, she just came to Kyoto!" Mu Hantian yelled at the girl after avoiding the attack.

But the girl didn't even listen to Mu Hantian's words!

"Stop deceiving! My eyes will not be deceived to me!"

"I didn't lie to you! Really, wouldn't it be so unlucky?"

When Mu Hantian wanted to leave, Tiangu's tin rod smashed towards Mu Hantian.

When Mu Hantian took out Jingjue and prepared to block--


The figure of the tin stick who took over the opponent in place of Mu Hantian is...

"What's wrong, Hantian."

"What? Is it a monster?" Xenovia and Irina came to help!A little later, Ise Aisha also arrived.

Seeing Mu Hantian and others gather, the girl and the group were surprised, and immediately became more angry again.

"Really, you give your mother... you can't spare you! The existence of unclean demons! You have defiled the sacred place! You can never spare you!"

"There's no way, I can only fight. Ise, you guard Aisha. Xenovia, Irina, although I am not very clear, this is Kyoto. Although the other party is stubborn, it hurts or breaks It's bad here. Just rush back if you can."

"Understood!" the three said in unison.


The girls' companions attacked together!

Xenovia and Irina brought them down with a wooden knife, destroying the enemy's weapons while defeating each other.Mu Hantian also put Jing Jue away, fighting with his bare hands, of course, he didn't use much force.Just quickly dodge the enemy's attack, and then kick them to stop the opponent.

The opponent felt that Mu Hantian had the upper hand, so he slowly retreated backwards.

After glaring at the crowd with bitter eyes, the girl raised her hand and said, "Retreat first. The current combat power can't beat them. Damn, evil existence. I must ask you to return your mother! "The girl dropped these words, and disappeared like a gust of wind from her companions.

"Really, what are you doing!" Mu Hantian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Everyone, I always feel that something that I don't want will happen." Aisha said.

"Aisha, rest assured, it's okay with me. Let's go back to the hotel first."


In this way, Mu Hantian and his party went down the mountain.

Chapter 604 Orpheus' Decision

The night of the first day.

Had dinner in the hotel.It's all luxurious Kyoto cuisine.

After being attacked, everyone quickly joined Kiryu and ended their sightseeing in Fushimi Inari on alert.

After returning, Yu Yicheng reported the incident to Asacher and Los Viasser.Both of them felt confused and puzzled.

After eating, everyone talked for a while and then went back to their rooms, ending the first day.

At the same time, in a different space, in a brightly lit palace, Orpheus sits above the first place, and below her nominal subordinates, the Old Demon Sect and the Hero Sect.

"I don't think the group of misfortunes is necessary anymore. I have found someone who can help me more." Orpheus said astonishingly.

"What! Lord Orpheus, are you kidding?" Everyone was surprised.

"No, I didn't joking, well, I'm going to find him."

"Please wait, Master Orpheus, I want to know who you are talking about?" A young man dressed in black with eyes came out.

"Cao Cao, you want to know? Okay, I'll just tell you to wait, he is the sword god."

"Is it him? Master Orpheus, please wait a moment, I want to try whether the so-called sword god has real skills, so please wait for Master Orpheus, give me seven days, I will know within seven days His breath."

"Interesting, okay, I'll give you seven days, go on!"



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