Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 461

Mu Hantian and other members of the Supernatural Research Department sneaked out of the hotel in the evening, and under the leadership of Asacher, stopped in front of a hotel on the corner of the street.

"Hotel'Da Le', is Leviathan-sama in such a place?" Ise asked, "touching" his head.

Entering inside, crossing the road with a Japanese atmosphere, a single room appeared.

As soon as the door was opened, Seraphim dressed in a kimono was sitting inside.

"Hello! Tianchan and Liasian's family members, it's been a long time since I saw you." Serapura greeted everyone with interest.

"Oh, it's Senior Hantian, you are here." Looking over there, it was the second-year girls of Saji and Xidi's family.

"Oh, Saji. How about Kyoto? Where did you go this afternoon?" Ise stepped forward and put his arms around Saji's shoulder.

"We are the student union. Helping the teacher is over this afternoon." Shi said with a sigh.

"The food here is very delicious. Especially the chicken dishes are even more delicious. Tianjiang, you and Saji-kun, you need to eat more." As soon as everyone was seated, Seraful kept on Additional dishes are here.

"So, Serapura, why come to such a place?"

Regarding Mu Hantian's question, Seraphim replied with a horizontal camera pose: "I came to get the cooperation of the monsters in Kyoto."

Then Seraphim put down his chopsticks, and a shadow was cast on her lovely face."But ah... it looks like the situation is still getting worse."

"Unexpected situation? What do you mean?"

Regarding Mu Hantian’s question, Seraphim replied: “According to the report of the monsters living in Kyoto, the head of the nine tails who manages the monsters in this place has been unclear since a few days ago.”

When Mu Hantian heard these words, what happened during the day flashed back in his mind.

——Return my mother to me!

The girl's words were clearly recalled in her mind.

"That means..."

"Yes. I heard your report from Asachel. I'm afraid...that's the situation."

Asacher drank the wine in the glass, and then said: In other words, the monster who is the leader here has been kidnapped.Nine out of ten people who participated in this incident were the "troubled groups"."

"Oh, it seems that you guys are getting into trouble again?" Ji's eyes twitched slightly.

"Really, we are obviously exhausted because of the school trip and just taking care of the students. It's really capable, terrorists." Asacher spit out these words bitterly.

Seraphim poured wine into Asscher’s glass and said: “In any case, it’s still something that cannot be made public. Anyway, we must find a way to resolve the matter. I plan to still be responsible for it. It's a matter of cooperation with the monsters we are working together."

"I see. I'll act alone. Really, it's all coming to Kyoto, those guys." Asachel, who drank again, cursed fiercely.

"That...that, what we have to do...?" Ise asked tremblingly.

Asacher sighed and smiled bitterly: "In short, you should go enjoy the trip first. You are not needed for the time being."

"Eh, but..."

Asachel "touched" Issei's head with his hand, and said, "Don't worry, if something happens, it will be called to you. But, this is a precious school trip for you guys, right? These adults try their best to solve it, so you should have fun in Kyoto."

"Yeah. Chiryu Emperor Jiang, and the servants of Sannachan too. Let's have fun in Kyoto now. I will go to play too!" Said Seraful.


"Very well, go ahead, Ise."

"Yes, brother!"

early morning.The morning of the second day of travel.As soon as the sky turned white, Mu Hantian was pulled up by Yicheng, and then borrowed the roof of the hotel for training.

Mu Hantian was attacking, and Yicheng was practicing reacting and avoiding attacks from Mu Hantian from a very close range.

"Sorry, brother. I asked you to get up so early to practice with me." Ise said, panting.

Mu Hantian smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay anyway."

"Is it better to have someone practice with a better efficiency?"

This is Kiba's voice.At first glance, not only Kiba, but Xenovia was there.

"It's rare to buy a wooden knife, don't you plan to hone yourself to a degree that just can't destroy this place? The time to play against the next master of the great king's family is approaching."

At this time, Kiba made a short knife in hand, and saw Kiba said to Jerova: "Xenovia, just use this battle when something happens."

"Oh, sacred dagger? If you have this, you can hide it in your school bag. Thank you." Taking the dagger from Kiba's hand, Xenovia turned the sword dexterously. Up.

"Okay! Kiba, Jerova, let's have a better fight before the morning roll call!"

"Okay!" The two had no objection.

"Then, I'm going to see Aisha, you guys practice slowly."

In this way, the morning training began again.

Chapter 605 Sightseeing

"Well, everyone! Let's go!" Kiryu pointed at the bus stop while keeping his eyes gleaming.

The next day's itinerary started by taking a bus from the bus stop near Kyoto Station to Kiyomizu Temple.I bought a one-day bus ticket at Kyoto Station and queued up with other students for the bus.

After getting on the bus, I took the bus to Kiyomizu Temple.Looking at the scenery that I had never seen before, the car arrived at the bus stop where it was scheduled to get off.I searched the surrounding area a bit and climbed up the slope with Kiyomizu Temple as the target.

"It is said that this is a three-year slope. If you fall here, you will die in three years?" Kiryu said while holding his glasses.

"Wow, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Suddenly, Mu Hantian felt that his other hand was also being grabbed. Looking back, it was Xenovia.

"What's wrong? Xenovia, are you scared too?" Mu Hantian asked in surprise.

Although Jelowa's expression remained the same, she still said with a trembling, "Japan has injected terrible techniques into the ramp. It's terrible."

In this way, Mu Hantian became sandwiched between two beautiful girls and climbed uphill.

Up to the end of the ramp, a huge door appeared!This is Kiyomizu Temple!After passing through the Nio Gate, head towards Kiyomizu Temple!

"Look, Aisha! This is a temple that gathers the essence of pagan culture!"

"Yes! You can feel its history from the outside!"

"Long live the heretics!" The church trio uttered very rude words out of excitement!

"It seems that there are many people who have fallen from here to be saved." Kiryu made this explanation.

After that, everyone went around the temple, simply bought some souvenirs, and walked to the bus stop.

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