Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 490

The two froze for a long time without moving.The girl maintains a posture of just raising one foot, which is an amazing sense of balance.

"Sorry! No, uh, I absolutely didn't mean that! I just..." After returning to his senses, Mu Hantian wanted to explain, but he didn't say anything. He could only put the handkerchief next to the girl, and then hurriedly covered it. Keep your eyes open.

"You, you, you...!" The girl also seemed to have finally grasped the situation, her face blushing and her mouth closed.

The girl hurriedly covered her body, while taking a deep breath.With tears in the corners of her eyes, she gave Mu Hantian a fierce look.A little bit shyly said, "Hurry up, turn me over!"


"If you know it, turn it over to me!" Without any room for compromise, Mu Hantian could only obey.

"Hoo... OK, it's okay." After hearing the girl's voice, Mu Hantian turned his head and saw a brilliant and elegant girl in front of him.

Wearing a neat uniform, full of temperament and elegance, it is impossible to imagine the unbearable appearance just now.Although her tight face and steep gaze fully showed her bad mood, it still made people feel very cute.

"Sorry, because this handkerchief... is a very important thing. Thank you." The girl picked up the handkerchief from the ground and thanked Mu Hantian.

"No, I just picked it up by accident."

"But I still have to thank you." The girl politely bowed her head and thanked Mu Hantian.


"Okay, that's the end of the benevolence, right?" The girl still lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Her voice was completely different from before, full of suppressed anger.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian looked at the girl who slowly raised her head, still smiling.But her eyes didn't smile at all.The corners of the lips with a smile showing a perfect arc are twitching constantly.


Chapter 631 Duel

"Then-die." As the girl said, the atmosphere in the room changed instantly.

"What is this feeling?" Mu Hantian asked, feeling the depression of the atmosphere.

"Let's bloom, six-petal explosion flame flower!" In the next instant, a huge fireball appeared in front of the girl, attacking Mu Hantian.

"Ah, what the hell is this?" Mu Hantian hurriedly jumped off the windowsill, adjusted his posture and landed in the air.

There was a roar almost at the same time.Looking up, a huge flame flower bloomed in the air, forming a big wheel of bursting flames with overlapping hot petals.At the same time, the air kept vibrating, and strong winds with heat hit the surface.It was like a bomb exploded.

"Really, what is the drama of this male and female protagonist!" Mu Hantian was very speechless. He was just here to give things away. As for such bitter and deep hatred?

While Mu Hantian was speechless, the young girl leaped down from the open window.Like Mu Hantian, he landed gracefully from the height of the four-story building.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be able to dodge the attack just now. You are good at it." The girl's voice was still angry, but she could hear a little admiration.

"Well, then I will take care of you a little bit seriously."

"Hey, wait a minute!"

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"Eh Duo, I just want to ask, why do you want my life."

"Isn't it common sense to peek at the crime of a young girl changing clothes and to pay for it with "sex" life?" The young girl made a dangerous declaration plainly.

"Then why did you thank me just now?"

"Of course, thank you for returning the handkerchief to me. But... this is different from voyeurism. And if you just return the lost item, why did you jump in through the window? Not to mention the pervert that invaded the girls’ dormitory, just this. This kind of behavior cannot be overstated."

"Nani, is that the girls' dormitory?" After hearing the girl's words, Mu Hantian felt that countless beasts rushed past in his heart.

"you do not know?"

"How is it possible to know that I am a newcomer who was only scheduled to transfer to school today, and it hasn't been long since I arrived here. You see, this is proof." After that, Mu Hantian handed the girl a piece of information.

The girl stared at it with suspicion for a while, then took the information that Mu Hantian had handed over and looked at it.

After a while, the girl raised her head and said to Mu Hantian: "I know, but this is still two different things from peeping."

The girl who was still smiling had a fireball next to her again.Although much smaller than before, there are nine in total this time.

"Let's bloom-the nine-wheel dance flame flower!"

"Damn, do you want this!"

Nine fireballs, like cute primroses, attacked Mu Hantian in different orbits.Mu Hantian didn't want to do anything, so he could only dodge again and again. The fireball hitting the ground made a dull explosion and then burst and disappeared.

Seeing Mu Hantian's movements, the girl opened her eyes in surprise again."So, it doesn't seem to be an ordinary pervert."

Hearing this, Mu Hantian breathed a sigh of relief.But the girl's next sentence threw his thoughts to the bottom.

"It's a perverted skill."

"Is it so difficult to understand each other?" Mu Hantian couldn't help whispering.

"Huh, just kidding." At this moment, the girl half-squinted at Mu Hantian, while pulling her hair.

"It's a fact that you kindly sent back my handkerchief. As for stealing...peeping at me to change...change clothes, I can believe that you didn't mean it. Just for the time being!"

"is it?"

The girl nodded reluctantly, and then continued: "But you broke in without confirming what kind of building this is. It's your fault. Besides, suddenly jumping in from the window, it's really ignorant to the extreme. Even if you say it, I did not do it on purpose, nor is it sufficient to forgive you!"

"Uh... what you said." Mu Hantian couldn't refute it at all.It was indeed my own fault. I just didn't want to climb the stairs. As a result, what happened now happened.

"Even if you have a good reason, my anger still cannot be calmed down. So now I can only follow the rules of this city. Fortunately, your skill seems to be good, don't you have any comments?"

As she said, the girl stared at Mu Hantian's face."Your information says that your name is Mu Hantian, right?"


"Really? My name is Ulyss. The Star Guide Academy is ranked fifth, Ulyss=Elexia von Risfeet." The girl named Ulys put her hand on her On the chest of the uniform, the school emblem of the Star Guild Hall "Akren".

"Under the name of Chilian, who is the indomitable witness, I, Jules = Erexia von Risfeet, apply to Mu Hantian for a duel!"

"Duel?" Regardless of Mu Hantian's surprise, the school badge on Mu Hantian's chest reacted to the application, glowing red.This means that the school badge is waiting for me, and the application for the duel must be accepted or rejected.

"If you win, I will listen to you and leave honestly. But if I win, then I will ask you to let me at my mercy." Uliss's mouth raised, as if it were taken for granted.

"Wait, wait a minute! I didn't..."

"Since I have transferred to school here, I should know what a duel means?" Uliss asked Mu Hantian involuntarily.

"I have heard of this." Mu Hantian recalled the memory given by the system. All the students living in this Asterisk were gathered for a duel.

This is the stage of the world's largest integrated combat performance "Star Wu Festival". Students from each school are candidates for the festival.

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