Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 491

"Then quickly accept the duel, the crowd has gathered around." Hearing this, Mu Hantian looked around.The crowd did not know when, and began to circle around the two of them.Sure enough, it is human nature to love to watch the excitement.

"Hey, what happened?"

"I heard that'Huayan Witch' is going to a duel!"

"Really!? Isn't she the'First Page Twelve'! You must not miss it!"

"By the way, who is the opponent?"

"I don't know, it seems like a new there on the Internet?"

"I'm looking for...but there is no him in the "Book of Sacrifices"!"

"The nameless boy, it's because of him that he has the courage to fight peach."

While listening to the voices of the onlookers, Mu Hantian frowned.He doesn't really like being the focus of everyone's eyes, it makes him very distressed.

"Why do you attract so many people?"

"There are two reasons. The first is to collect strong students-that is, my information. How can I say that I am also the "first page twelve people" of this academy. If you find an opportunity, you want to squeeze me down. In the minority."

"'The first page of twelve people'?"

"Is it necessary to explain from these?" Uliss stared at Mu Hantian in surprise.

"Forget it, do you know that each school in Asterisk has a ranking system? Although the detailed regulations of each school are different, each school has a ranking list that clearly distinguishes the strength of students-that is,'in The name sacrifice book'. There are a total of seventy-two places, of which the top twelve are listed on the first page of the list, so they are commonly known as the'first page twelve people'."

"That's it!"

"In short, if you really don’t want to, I can’t do it. You also have the right to refuse a duel, but then you will be sent to the guards of the girls’ dormitory. For me, it’s a bit of being unable to clean you up by yourself unfortunately."

"Ah, but I don't even have a weapon." Mu Hantian didn't want to "expose" himself too early, and suddenly a sword or something appeared, he would definitely be investigated.

"You are not a'magic', what weapon do you use?"

"Swords are best, guns or bows are fine."

"Who would lend him a weapon? It's better to be a sword." Uris asked the crowd onlookers, and soon responded.

"Take it, use this one." Following these words, an object was thrown towards Mu Hantian from the onlookers.

Mu Hantian took a look, it was a short stick-shaped machine.The size is just right to hold with one hand, and the tip is inlaid with green "colored" ore-the so-called universal mine.

"Is this the activating body of the brilliant armed forces in memory?" Mu Hantian thought to himself.

"Don't tell me you don't even know how to activate this." Ulyss "showed" a confident smile.

"Xiaoguang, can my magic power be transformed into star power?" Mu Hantian asked Xiaoguang in his heart.

"Yes, master."

"Really? That's good!" Mu Hantian took a deep breath, then according to his memory, activated the Huang-style arms in his hand."

Wanying Mine reconstructed the memorized elemental mode, and instantly a mechanical sharp-angled "knife and collar" appeared from the empty air.After the mode further enters the activated state from the standby state, Wanyingsu immediately clustered out of thin air and shaped it into a dazzling blade of light.The length of the blade is about one meter, and it has hardly been adjusted. It is an ordinary Huang style weapon.

Upon seeing this, Uriss also took out the launching body from the sleeve that was hung around the waist of the uniform, and activated the brilliant armed.

Her brilliant weapon was different from the one used by Mu Hantian, it was a slender and flexible western sword of light.

"Are you ready?" Ulyss held the rapier gracefully while staring at Mu Hantian intently.

"I, Mu Hantian, accept Uriss' application for a duel." Mu Hantian put his hand on the school badge on his chest and said.

Mu Hantian's school badge once again radiated red "color", representing proof of acceptance of the duel.

Chapter 632 The battle is over

"Let's bloom-sharp spear and white flame flower!" Jules swung the thin sword like a baton, and the huge blue and white "color" flame spear appeared with the trajectory of the sword.The flames resembling trumpet lilies rushed toward Mu Hantian like a rocket.

"Sure enough, this world is not an ordinary day-to-day life. This kind of power is very strong when it is obtained in the world of Seraph. The ghost curse and weapons are completely compared." Mu Hantian thought in his heart, but the movements in his hands were Not slow, when Uris's flame hits, she smashes it to pieces without a hassle.

"Oh, that newcomer is quite strong."

"Yes, I can bear the flame of that princess."

"Couldn't it be the princess's mercy?"

The voices of the onlookers heard in her ears, and Jules frowned slightly.

Of course, he did not show mercy.Although she did not exhaust her best, she still faced her opponent very seriously.

In fact, anyone would think that Uriss had the advantage.Mu Hantian only smashed Uriss' attack, but he did not connect to Uriss.

Keeping a distance with the opponent, and then using superior firepower to block the opponent is the basic tactic of Uriss, which is the most ideal situation.The rapier "Corolla Rotary Sword" in his hand is only used to contain the opponent when he approaches.

But Uris felt something was wrong.I can't tell where it is right now, but I just feel a little strange.Perhaps it is a fact that he suppresses his opponent, but he has almost no touch.Moreover, although Mu Hantian had been defending, he was able to attack her with ease.

"Uh, Jules... classmate, you should almost forgive me, right?"

"Just call me Uriss, so, do you plan to surrender?"

"Well, no, I actually didn't want to fight you from the beginning."

"Well, if you want to surrender, I have no objection. However, your fate was either I treated it as a pervert and cooked, or was captured by the guards of the girls' dormitory. By the way, I was caught by the guards a few days ago. The underwear thief can only speak a few words after being'punished', and in the end he becomes a waste person who dare not step out of the room."

"Uh, I'll work harder." As if seeing his fate, Mu Hantian "showed" a stiff smile, holding the sword again and putting it out of the stance.

"That's right." As if to make up a certain determination, Ulis concentrated on the star power.

Star power is the root of the power of the Star Vein Generation."Sex" is similar to the aura that is invisible to the naked eye. By focusing on the star power, it can increase attack power or defense power.In addition, for a "witch" or "magic" like Ulyss, it is also an indispensable energy for mobilization.

Of course, the'witch' or the'magician' must allocate the star power to their own abilities. This "sex" quality inevitably reduces the proportion of the star power allocated to their defense power, thus making them easy to get close. Suffer in battle.But as long as the opponent is not allowed to approach, this weakness is not a weakness.

"Let's bloom—six-petal burst flame flower!"

As soon as the huge fireball appeared in front of Uliss, the onlookers began to "combat".

This was the same move that blasted Mu Hantian out of the room, but it was two full turns larger than just now.

"It's miserable! It's a big trick."

"Hey, this is not a joke!"

"Run away!"

Of course, you have to be responsible for being affected by the fighting, so the onlookers hurriedly distanced themselves.

Ulyss didn't even look at the people who were joining in the fun, and quickly calculated the most suitable trajectory before firing.Although Mu Hantian was bent, Uriss clenched her fists hard before the fireball was flashing past.

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