Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 493

"That's right, but now this classroom is having tutorial classes."

"Do you have to tutor in the first class?"

"Well, after all, the motto of our academy is both civil and military. So please be careful." Claudia, who was walking in front of Mu Hantian, turned around and smiled on the way to the student union office.

The school building and appearance of the Xingdaoguan Academy are quite classical. Unlike the girls’ dormitory, it is an open high-rise building in modern style.

The three campuses of the University Department, the Higher Department, and the Middle Department surround a large atrium. Among them, the Higher Department has the largest number of students.

"By the way, classmate Hantian and I are in the same grade, so you don't need to be so restrained when speaking."

"Are you a first-year student?" Mu Hantian was surprised when he heard that Claudia was a first-year student like him. The first-year student president?Although I don't know the selection system here, it is an impossible task to become the president of the student council in such a short time.

"That's right, I have been the student council president since the middle school period. Now it is the third session." Claudia said lightly while walking on the glass corridor where the bright sun shines into the interior.

The higher or middle department here does not have its own autonomous organization, but only has a student union that coordinates all affairs of the school.Therefore, the members of the Student Union are not only students from the middle department, but also from the university department.

"It's really amazing!"

"Well, so, please call my name later, just call me Claudia!"

"Uh, I see, Claudia!"

When Mu Hantian called her name, Claudia squinted her eyes with pleasure.

"Then I will call you Hantian from now on?"


"That's fine, I'll call you Hantian from now on." Claudia looked very happy.

"Okay, that's it. Please come in!" During the chat, the two arrived at the student union office on the top floor of the higher school building.

Claudia passed the school badge certification system. After opening the door, Mu Hantian appeared in a spacious space that was completely unimaginable as the student union office.

The floor is covered with dark brown "color" carpets, and a full set of leather reception tables and chairs are arranged; the walls are hung with paintings of the distant view of the Star Guild Hall; a heavy oak desk is placed in front of the huge glass windows that look like cutting the sky .

Claudia clasped her fingers expertly at the desk, exhaled slowly, and said to Mu Hantian: "Then again...Welcome to the Academy of Star Guidance Hall, Hantian, welcome you. "

Then, Claudia stared at Mu Hantian who was standing at the table, and then turned the chair around, looking out of the window.

"Also welcome you to'asterisk'."

Mu Hantian also followed her gaze, and the street overlooking from a height was very orderly.The artificial city floating on the huge crater lake is formed by regular hexagonal city blocks and six school gardens with large vertices protruding like bastions. The appearance is like the crystallization of snow.The official name of this city will be called'Liuhua', which may be derived from it.

In addition, every school has a straight avenue that crosses the city block and connects the diagonal school.The shape is indeed like a star-that is, asterisk (six-pointed star).

"Han Tian, ​​let me introduce you to the Xingwu Festival! The'Xingwu Festival' is actually just a general term, and is actually divided into three items. The first year of the summer, the'Phoenix Xingwu Festival', and the autumn of the second year Team battle'Gryphon Star Martial Festival', and individual battle'Wang Long Star Martial Festival' in the third winter.

In each conference, outstanding students and affiliated schools will get points. After the end of the "Wang Long Xingwu Festival", the overall score will be determined.In other words, it is divided into three years—that is, one season.

But in recent years, our school’s performance in the "Star Wu Festival" has not been ideal.The overall ranking last season was fifth.Kwai Enweier, the sixth place, has never been considered in the overall ranking due to strategic policy, so we are essentially equal to the last place.In any case, we must break this deadlock, so we have to ensure that every capable student is as good as possible."

"So, does this have anything to do with me?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Of course, because you, as a special transfer student at the Academy of the Stars, we have only one expectation, that is to win." Claudia was still looking down the street.

"If you dominate in the'Star Martial Festival', then our academy will fulfill your wish. As long as it is a wish that can be achieved in this world, we will achieve it for you."

"That's good, and in this way, both of my tasks can be completed, eh!" Thinking like this, the corners of Mu Hantian's mouth rose slightly.

"Oh, Han Tian, ​​looking at you, it seems very interested!"

"Of course, leave the champion of this season to me!"

Chapter 634: Mu Hantian's Doubts

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, the smile on Claudia's face increased!

"Great! This is also the main reason why I strongly recommend Han Tian you to join Sing Tao Guan Academy! This year's Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, please help us win back the championship!"

Huh?Did Claudia recommend me to join Singdaokan Academy?

Mu Hantian was a little surprised, do I know her?But it's not in the memory, what's the matter?

"By the way, I remembered one more thing, can I say it?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you just say that you have to go through the'final transfer procedure'!"

"Oh, that...I..." Claudia was suddenly silent.Then it seemed to be thinking about something, and then nervously looking around.

"what happened?"

"Ah, no, nothing! I didn't mean that." She shook her hand quickly, her attitude was obviously different from before.Her cheeks seemed to be flushed with fever, and her eyes kept drifting downward.

"This... this, can you please close your eyes a little?"

"Huh?" Why do I have to close my eyes when applying for transfer?Although "confused" in his heart, Mu Hantian didn't think too much, and closed his eyes.

I only heard the creak of the chair.After that, there was a gap...

"Huh?" A gentle shock came from behind.Mu Hantian was a little surprised, but it didn't hurt at all.It should be said to be very soft.

Mu Hantian opened his eyes and found two graceful bracelets hugging his abdomen.

"K...Claudia. What are you?"

"Finally...finally I can see you." Mu Hantian could feel that the voice faintly coming from behind was both slender and faint, as if it contained feelings that were difficult to suppress.


Claudia did not answer.

After the two were speechless for a while, Claudia let go.

"Hehe, kidding. Are you scared?" Mu Hantian looked back, Claudia smiled, as if nothing had happened.

"Suddenly being hugged from behind, anyone will be frightened." Although it felt very wrong, Mu Hantian still did not ask.

"Please don't get me wrong. I don't want to do this to anyone casually. I'm very defensive." Claudia covered her mouth and smiled slightly.

"and then?"


"Couldn't this hug just be the transfer procedure, right?"

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