Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 494

"Oh, that thing is deceptive."

"A lie?" Mu Hantian's mouth twitched after hearing Claudia's words.

"You can use it as an excuse. You have officially become a member of our academy, and there are no formalities left. But this is the most effective way to clean up the situation." Sex is very serious, so I know she will not break the rules in order to continue the duel."


"Oh, wouldn't it be better if I didn't stop her just now? Ha ha, if you continue to fight, what will happen? I and the school don't want that kind of consequences."

"That way, I understand! By the way, I want to ask, can I live alone?"

"Want to live in a single room? I understand, but... In Sing Tao Pavilion Academy, two ordinary students share a room, but you can enjoy the list as long as you get on the list of'Twelve on the start page' The room is gone."

"Well, I know, I'll find a Twelve People on the First Page in a while, and then defeat him."

"Well, it's cold weather, the class will start soon, so let's stop there. If you have any questions, please feel free to tell me. I will assist you as much as possible." Claudia said while watching Mu Hantian left.


"That's it. This is Mu Hantian, a special transfer student, so let's get along with each other casually."

"Really casual introduction." Mu Hantian was very speechless.Squinted at the female "sex" standing beside her.She is the teacher of the third class of the year, Tanizuzaki Masako. She is thin and tall, with sharp eyes... Maybe it should be said that the eyes are fierce.Her tone and attitude are not like a teacher, but to be honest, she is a bit like a bad person.

"Hey, hurry up."

"Ah, good. Everyone, my name is Mu Hantian, please advise."

The eyes of the classmates looking at Mu Hantian were also varied.Some are full of interest, some don't care, some are testing him, and some are on guard... Although transfer students will inevitably become the focus of everyone's attention, it seems a bit too much.

There was only one person, and a girl looked at Mu Hantian with a very complicated expression on her face.But Mu Hantian also knew the reason for her complicated expression.

"The seat...well, just right. There is an empty seat next to the fire girl, you go sit there!"

"Who is the girl playing with fire!" The girl that the teacher said--Juris blushed and jumped up.

"Huh, who else is there besides you, Resfit? I had a lot of fun early in the morning. If someone else takes the initiative to find the ballast, then forget it, when is it, the'First Page Twelve' are so frivolous Look for fights everywhere. When we are Rewolf here?"

"Um...!" Ulith reluctantly sat back in the second-to-last row.There are two empty seats beside her.

"Unexpectedly we are in the same class."

"Is this a cold joke?" Mu Han said hello as he sat and sighed, lying on the table.

"Although a lot of things happened this morning, I'd better advise."

Uriss squinted at Mu Hantian and said, "I owe you one time today. I will help you as long as you speak, but only once. Besides that, I don't want to have any intersection with you." Uriss rolled her head.

At this moment……

"Haha, are you dumped?" A voice that was half sympathetic and half teasing came from behind.

Mu Hantian looked back, and a boy with a sharp-looking and amiable smile stretched out his hand.

Mu Hantian held the boy's hand and shook it happily."My name is Eijiro Yabuki, so I'm your roommate."

"Roommate? I'm really sorry, I plan to live in a single room."

"Huh? Are you going to challenge the'First Page Twelve'?"


Eishiro seemed to be a very happy boy.

Originally thought he couldn't see it when sitting, but he seemed to be a head or so taller than Mu Hantian.Although the actions are still childish, the posture and expression are quite mature.There is a slightly obvious scar on the left face, which matches the asymmetrical charm of the teenager.

"Oh, on the morning of the first day of transfer, the'starting page twelve people' were on the bar, and the princess was overthrown under everyone's eyes, and then they had to challenge the'starting page twelve people', which is really interesting."

"Wait a moment. I have a question, is'Princess' Uriss' nickname? I think everyone seems to call her that."

"Well, not so much a nickname... It should be said that she is a real princess."

"Nani? Princess? Is it the princess from a fairy tale?"

"Yeah. Cursed by the evil witch, waking up under the kiss of the prince, seems to be almost forced to a political marriage, from the magic kingdom, the princess who was once caught by a half-orc or a tentacle. Also called a princess."

"Something strange seems to be mixed in."

"Don't care. Don't care. You should know that since the'falling star rain', the monarchy has not been restored in various parts of Europe? Of course, for the conglomerate that actually controls the political and economic power, there are these symbolic "ness." The quality royal family is very convenient in many places. In short, one of them is the first emperor of the Kingdom of Lezetania, that is the princess. Her full name is Ulyss=Elexia Mary ·Ferlendre·Lenati·Von Risfetter. Her name is also on the European royal roster."

"Why are you so clear?"

"Because I rely on this to eat. I am also a member of the news agency anyway." Ying Shirou "showed" a confident smile.

"Then why does the princess go to such a place to participate in the battle? Generally speaking of princesses, shouldn't they be more calm and restrained?"

"This is really beyond the scope of my understanding. Actually, I want to ask more than you." Ying Shirou nodded seriously, and said in a low voice: "If you really ask, I must write the front page news. ."

"Sorry, wait for me." Ying Shi Lang raised a hand to interrupt the conversation, and then took out a cell phone that was vibrating slightly from his pocket.

"Hello, what happened to the president?"

"You are so embarrassed to ask me! Didn't you tell you that early in the morning is the deadline for proofreading the proofs! What are you doing!" As soon as the space window opened, there was a roar from a girl combing her sister's hair.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I have other things in the morning."

"Don't make any excuses! Now, come to the agency immediately! Within five minutes!" Then the window disappeared with a beep.Ying Shirou smiled bitterly and "touched" his nose.

"That's it. If I don't go, I'll be in bad luck."

"Well, see you then."


"By the way, before that... Ye Blow!" Mu Hantian threw what he was holding to Ying Shilang who was about to leave the classroom.

"Oh?" Ying Shirou caught it with a surprised look, but smiled immediately after seeing the thing.

"What? You discovered it."

"I would like to thank you first."

"How do you know it's mine?"

"Listen to the sound!" Ying Shilang was stunned for an instant when he heard Mu Hantian's understatement.

"In that kind of chaotic situation, can one of the crowds onlookers remember my voice?" It seemed surprised, but Ejiro quickly left the classroom.

Mu Hantian was left staring at the door for a while, and then smiled slightly."It's still interesting here, I'm looking forward to it more and more."

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