Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 495

The 635th chapter and the battle with Lestar (laughs)

"Hey, these'First Page Twelve' are too difficult to find! It seems that today I can only sleep in the same room with Ying Shi Lang." (Don't think about it, just sleep in the same room, different Of the bed.)

Mu Hantian looked around and could see a half-doll robot that looked like a doll—that is, the simulant was pruning branches.

The silhouette of the tree shadow became clearer in the setting sun.As Mu Hantian was walking and watching the simulation work curiously, he suddenly heard a roar.

"Then why are you fighting the newcomer!" It was the voice of the young man.This roar shook the surrounding air, enough to scare away the faint-hearted.

Is anyone arguing?

Mu Hantian walked over and saw a small pavilion in a wide area.A trio of male students was standing in front of the pavilion. The students in the middle were particularly burly, and they felt oppressive from a distance.The other two polonium-the thin student and the slightly fat student stood behind him, seeming to be the attendants of the big student.

There seemed to be other people in the pavilion, but they couldn't be seen from Mu Hantian's perspective.


"Answer me, Jules!" Hearing this name, Mu Hantian finally knew who that person was.

"I have no obligation to answer you, Lestar. It is my freedom to fight with whom."

"Yeah, me too."

Mu Hantian moved forward and saw that there was indeed a young girl with shining rosy hair sitting in the pavilion.

She and the big student named Lei Shida stared at each other, and sparks seemed to pop up where their eyes met.Although not hostile, the atmosphere between the two is really not good.

"Similarly, I also have the right to refuse a duel. You don't understand until I say a few times. I don't want to fight you again."

"Why on earth!"

"Do I have to make it so clear?" Ulyss sighed deeply, then stood up and faced Lei Shida.

"Because it's endless, I have beaten you three times, and there is no point in continuing the duel."

"Next time I will definitely win! You just have better luck, don't think you can keep arrogant! My strength is more than that!"

"Yes, yes! If NVC shows true skills, opponents like you are not enough!" One of the two people hiding behind NVC, the fat student took advantage of the situation and ridiculed Uliss.

"Then you prove your strength first, and find an opponent other than me." Uliss seemed to not want to continue to entangle her, and turned around.

"Wait a minute! I haven't finished speaking yet..."

When Lei Shida was about to reach out and grab Ulith's shoulder, Mu Hantian walked out from under the shade of the tree to say hello.

"Hey, isn't this Uriss? What a coincidence, I met you here."

"How will you be here?"

"who are you!"

Probably the timing and lines were extremely clichéd, Uriss and Lei Shida frowned at the same time and stared at Mu Hantian.

", I'm just walking around in a mess."

"Ah! Lestar! He is the transfer student!"

"What did you say?" Lei Shida looked at Mu Hantian's eyes sharper.

If his sight is capable of attack, his eyes should be able to penetrate the iron plate easily.However, Mu Hantian didn't hug his front casually and asked Uriss."Juris, who is he?"

"Lesda Marcofeier, our school ranks ninth." Uriss replied impatiently with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, great, you are also one of the'Twelve of the First Page', come and fight with me, and I can live in a single room if I defeat you."

"Oh, are you going to fight me?" Lei Shida looked at Mu Hantian.

"Of course, don't you want to fight Uliss? Fight with me. If you win, Uliss will fight you!" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Oh, Uriss, is what he said true?" Lestar looked at Uriss, wanting to know her answer.

Ulyss looked at Mu Hantian and thought to herself: That's okay, let me see how much you hide!

At the moment, he said to Lei Shida: "Yes, as long as you beat him, you can fight me."

"Then, fight with me!" Lei Shida looked at Mu Hantian with excitement.


With the recognition of the school badge, the duel between Mu Hantian and Lei Shida immediately began. Judging from the brilliant weapons in the opponent's hands, we can know that this guy's attack is simple and rude. Why?Because he was holding a long axe, plus his size, you can tell at a glance.

"Drink!" Lei Shida's attack was simple and rude, and it was a heavy blow at Mu Hantian.It was just this kind of monotonous action that could not pose any threat to Mu Hantian, but Mu Hantian avoided his attack in order to pretend.

"Uris, can you lend me your sword? I didn't bring my weapon with me." After speaking, Mu Hantian looked at Uriss.

"Take it!" Uriss didn't say much, and threw her rapier directly to Mu Hantian.

"Thank you!" Mu Hantian shook his head as he turned the rapier in Dian's hand. As expected, he was still not used to using such a light weapon.

"Hmph, now that you have got the weapon, go ahead!" After speaking, Lei Shida attacked Mu Hantian with another heavy blow.

"Hey!" Mu Hantian raised the rapier in his hand, blocking Lei Shida's attack.

"Oh, you have a real ability to see you!" Seeing Mu Hantian easily blocked his attack, Lei Shida was a little happy. This opponent is not just a fake.

"It's time for me. Hey, drink!" Mu Hantian blocked Lei Shida's axe and quickly swung a sword.

"Damn it!" Lei Shida yelled and threw an axe at Mu Hantian again.

"You don't have any skills in your attack, Kong has strength." Seeing the attack that came, Mu Hantian shook his head fearlessly.

"Forget it, let's end it! Underworld Flow-Moon of Canglan!" Mu Hantian turned the rapier in his hand to hold the hilt, and then swung the sword back quickly.The sword hit Lei Shida's axe, knocking the axe open.

"Sure enough, the rapier is not good at all." As if dissatisfied with his attack, Mu Hantian shook his head slightly.

"Am I winning?"

"I lost!" Lei Shida said looking at the gap in the axe.

"In fact, you don't have to be discouraged. Your strength is good, but you don't have skills. If you train more skills, your strength will definitely rise."

"I know, thank you!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Uliss again, and then said: "Uliss, I will definitely become stronger, wait for me to challenge you!" The two attendants left.

"Ah, that's great, so I can live in a single room."

"You beat NVC just to live in a single room?" Uriss didn't know how to complain.

"Of course, in fact, any'start page twelve people' are fine, but I searched for it all afternoon, but I didn't find it." Mu Hantian smiled and shrugged.

"You really are..."

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