Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 496

"By the way, Jules, why are you fighting in such a dangerous place?"


"I have heard that you are the princess of a certain country?"

"I am indeed the first queen of Lezetania, but so what? The students in this city are more or less striving for things that can only be obtained here. This is related to title or status. It doesn't matter at all." Although Uliss's tone was calm, Mu Hantian could still feel her strong and unyielding will.

"What does Uriss want?"

Uriss unexpectedly answered Mu Hantian promptly."Money, I need money!"

"Money? Are you not a princess? Why..."

"Do you think my princess really has that much power? That country... is just a puppet of the Tonghe Enterprise Consortium."

"Now, can I know why? Why do you need money."

"For my friends!" Ulyss replied affirmatively, her eyes firmer.

"That's it, I understand."

"I, I want to dominate among all the'Star Martial Festivals' this season. This is my goal."

"Three items?"

"Yes, the first goal is the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts'. At least you must win the championship in this competition."

The bonus of the "Star Wu Festival" depends on the score in the game.It is said that as long as one wins the championship, the prize money is enough for a lifetime to enjoy.

"Oh, so are you looking for a partner?"

"Yes! Don't think about it, the reason why I haven't found a partner, isn't it because I don't have friends? No, it's true that I don't have friends in the academy, but it's a different matter. It's just because there is no one. It only meets the qualification standards of my partner."

"Then let me ask, what kind of partner do you want?"

"Well...First of all, the strength must be equal to me-but this condition is too high, so at least you must have the fighting ability of the'start page twelve' level, innocent, agile, strong-willed, and implicit Noble knight or something."

"Really? I feel that I fit it perfectly." After saying this, Mu Hantian smiled slightly, waved to Uliss, turned and left.

"Exactly? I know, so I decided it was you." Looking at Mu Hantian's leaving figure, Uriss made a decision.

Chapter 636 Information

After Mu Hantian bid farewell to Uliss, he arrived at the boys’ dormitory. Although he had already defeated NVC, one of the “First Page Twelve”, he could only live in a single room tomorrow, so tonight he could only fight with Ying. Shi Lang squeezed a room.

The school building is sandwiched between the male dormitory and the female dormitory. Compared with the classical European style building of the female dormitory, the male dormitory is a very ordinary building.

"Where is Room 211?"

Although there are separate buildings, but on the same floor, you can see students from the middle and university departments at the same time. It feels very strange.All the students who passed by cast a curious look at Ayato, which made people at a loss.But Mu Hantian was used to it and just smiled back.

Finally, Mu Hantian found the room. Room 211 was on the corner of the second floor. The brand-new nameplate also printed the name of'Mu Hantian'.

"Oh, I'm back. Didn't you find the Twelve People on the First Page? Would you like me to provide you with information? Of course, this is for money."

After Mu Hantian knocked on the door, he opened the door of the room. Ying Shilang, who was lying on the bed, waved his hand as if he was welcome back.

"Uh, no, I have defeated NVC, but it is not easy to move at this late, so I have to stay here for one night." Mu Hantian said.

"Restad? Is it the Restad Marcofield? You are really amazing. He is the first grade of the Academy of Star Guidance Academy, ranked ninth in the'start page twelve'. Good at using the pure power of physique In combat, few people can outperform close-range combat. On the other hand, people with abilities such as'witches' or'magicians' often fall into bitter battles. The weapon used is the axe-shaped brilliant armed'lion battle axe'. According to you Judging from the performance in the morning, your ability to beat him shows that your melee ability is very strong!"

"It's okay!" Mu Hantian "touched" the back of his head with an embarrassed expression.

"Yebo, how is your strength."

"Me? I have given up on the'Xingwu Festival'."

"Give up?" Mu Hantian didn't understand what this meant.

"That's right. Although the same as the'Star Vein Generation', not everyone can break into the sky here. As long as you stay here, even if you are not reconciled, you will be forced to face the gap in strength. There is a barrier that can never be surpassed. So the point is, what can these people who give up the game do."

"Do something?"

Seeing Mu Hantian lost in thought, Ying Shilang laughed, and at the same time he straightened his chest."It's very simple. Just look for something worth doing, interesting things, or ways to make money other than the'Star Wu Festival'. As for me, it's the news agency."

"But I have never heard that news agencies can make money." Mu Hantian couldn't imagine how to "make money" in student club activities. Generally speaking, these clubs also need school funding.(Ps: I am the author too!)

"Please, you are inferior. Don't underestimate the news agency, you can make a lot of money. You should have seen Asterisk videos on the Internet or on TV. If those videos are on the inside of the academy, almost They were all filmed by the student reporting department. External media agencies are subject to agreements and cannot enter the academy."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I understand, Yepiao, you will sell these images to the major media organizations outside."

"That's it." Ying Shirou smiled with satisfaction, while raising a finger.Then he said: "There are also many people who have a skill. As far as the organization is concerned, the Falling Star Engineering Research Association, which specializes in the customization and transformation of Huang-style armed forces, has much better technology than the Equipment Bureau. Of course, if it is better than that, it is better than no. Let’s go to Alicante, which claims to be the No. 1 in technology of the Six Academy. In addition, some are not open to publicity. Most of the casinos related to duels in the Academy are tapped by students as the dealer."

"Opening a casino? Wouldn't it be banned by the school?"

Eijiro shook his index finger and explained: "You know, in this world, rich is the uncle. What's more, the senior level of the academy is a consortium of integrated enterprises."

The Consolidated Enterprise Consortium regards stimulating and stimulating economic activities as its most important goal.For this goal, money must flow.Therefore, consumer activities are fueling the flames and become the trend of "sex" in the world.Asterisk is also based on this concept.

"There is also a simpler way, that is to be a follower of the strong students. Especially after being promoted to the level of'start page twelve', there will be a lot of light."

"So? So...couldn't NVC also have a follower?" Mu Hantian thought of the two students standing behind NVC.

"Oh, are these two?" Ying Shi Lang "fuck" as a mobile phone, and immediately added two more space windows.

One is a thin boy, the other is a little fat.The two are just the opposite in appearance, only the bowing eyes are very similar.

"Yes, these two people." Mu Hantian nodded.

"This thin man is called Silas Norman. Although he is a'magic', he has no dazzling record. The ability is to'fuck' objects. The fatter one is called Randy Hook, and seems to have been listed in It was once in the "Famous Sacrifice Book", but it has been squeezed down. The weapon used is a bow-shaped weapon."

"Wait, did you just say that this fat guy uses a bow?" Mu Hantian suddenly thought of the sudden attack in the morning.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing!" Mu Hantian thought for a while. He felt that Lei Shida should not be such a despicable person. It may be just this person unilaterally, or it may be just a coincidence. After all, there are still a lot of bows, but Mu Hantian Still feel something is wrong.

"By the way, I have another question. Are there any holidays between Nevada and Ulis?"

Hearing this question, Ying Shirou smiled happily."So, I said you, do you really want to chase the princess?"

"Uh, I didn't plan to do that."

"It's okay to tell you, but as I just said, I have to pay next."

"I understand."

"Yeah!" After receiving Mu Hantian's answer, Ying Shilang opened the space window again.

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