Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 497

This time it is a movie.On the screen is the gorgeous dance of the girl who drives the flames to fight.

The girl's opponent is a burly boy.Although he wields a huge battle axe that can match his height, a discerning person knows who is at a disadvantage at a glance.

"This is last year's formula ranking battle. NVC was ranked fifth and the princess ranked seventeenth."

"That's it, Uriss is the winner."

"Yes, for the princess, this is the commemorative battle for the opening page. On the other hand, it was a humiliating defeat for NVC. NVC later challenged the princess in the formula ranking battle. The results all failed miserably."

Formula Ranking Tournament is a selection test held once a month by the school.

Because the duel must have the consent of both parties, you can always refuse to fight.In order to prevent the once promoted students from passively avoiding war in order to protect their status, there is this design that must be duel once a month.In principle, in a formula ranking battle, when appointed by a lower-ranking person, you must not refuse the challenge.

"Of course, you can only challenge the same opponent or the same rank designation twice at most. If you don't limit this, someone will make a fool of it."

"In other words, NVC can no longer be designated to challenge Uris in the formula ranking battle?"

"Han Tian, ​​you are right. NVC has a strong self-esteem and is very impatient. He probably won't be reconciled before he succeeds in revenge... Although I don't think he can win." Put it in your pocket.

"what do you think?"

"If you look at the movie just now, it's not that there is no chance of winning. But-the eyes are different."


Uliss' eyes were not placed on Lestar at all.Her eyes looked farther, farther away.On the other hand, NVC only has Uriss in his eyes!Mu Hantian sighed in his heart, no wonder Nexta couldn't compare with Uriss.

"Thank you, Yefu. How much do you charge for intelligence?"

"Forget it, it's free this time, and I'm going to be dazzled by you in the future. It's time to eat! Let's go, Hantian!" Ying Shilang smiled and hugged his arms. Mu Hantian's neck directly dragged Mu Hantian out of the room.

"Wait a minute, night blowing!"

"Our school restaurant has Japanese style and Western food. Which one would you like to eat?"

"This, the gentle breeze is better..."

"If you are in a Japanese style, today's menu seems to be Yuan-yaki of Tofu, thick fried tofu, stewed radish and bamboo wheel... Okay, your thick fried tofu is mine."


Eishiro grinned, loosened his arms around his neck, and patted Ayato's back lightly.

"Don't worry, I'm a good person."

"Good guy? I hope it's not bragging!" Mu Hantian smiled bitterly, and left the room with Ying Shilang.

Chapter 637 We are childhood sweethearts

"Did you see it? That's the new transfer student today!"

"Really he? Such a thin and weak body can beat NVC?"

"Don't say that, he is now ranked ninth in the school."

"Uh, Yeah, did the news spread too quickly?"

"Well, Hantian, you have to get used to it. In this academy, you can't hide news like this."

"Forget it, let's eat first, I'm a little hungry." Mu Hantian waved his hand and stopped the topic.

"Then go!"


"Well, the food in the academy is not bad." Mu Hantian put the last bit of food into his mouth and said with a smile.

"Of course, although it may not be delicious outside, it is also good. But...behind you." As he said, he pointed his finger behind Mu Hantian.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian turned around and saw a dark figure, and when he looked up, it was Lei Shida.

"Lei Shida? What's the matter?" Mu Hantian asked.

"You just said that my skills are not enough, right?"

"Indeed, what's the matter?" Mu Hantian asked with a look of suspicion.

"I want to worship you as a teacher, please teach me the skills of fighting." Lei Shida said sincerely.

"Um,'s okay to be a teacher or something. It's okay to teach you. The'Xing Wu Ji' is coming soon. I also hope you can be stronger. Let's talk about it tomorrow, that's it."

"I know, Master!" Lei Shida nodded with a smile, and then left.

"Oh, forget it, it's up to you."

"Han Tian, ​​you are really good, NVC wants to worship you as a teacher." Ying Shi Lang was very surprised.

"Okay, okay, the meal is almost done, and I'm going back." Mu Hantian changed the subject, and then pulled Ying Shilang out of the canteen.


"Good morning, Jules."

"Oh, good morning."

Mu Hantian greeted the seat next door, and Uriss, with her face on her hands, answered Mu Hantian briefly.

At this moment, the class was suddenly silent.

"Hey, I said, have you heard...?"

"Then... that princess will actually respond!"

"Did I get it wrong?" Then the classmates began to "comfort" again.

Jules slapped the table hard and stood up suddenly.Cried: "You are very rude! Why don't I respond!" Uliss had an angry expression on her face, but the voices of the classmates still kept on.It seems quite surprised.

"Huh? Is that person...?" Mu Hantian saw the seat on the left where no one was sitting yesterday, and he was sitting today.She was a girl with emerald green hair, sleeping on the table.

At this time, the girl lying on the table sleeping raised her head, first looked around, and then saw Mu Hantian.

"Are you... Hantian?"

"Eh, you are... Shaye?" Her name is Shasha Gong Shaye, a childhood sweetheart arranged for him by the system. According to the system settings, Mu Hantian is the adopted son of the Tianwu family, and Shasha Gong Shaye has Tianwuyao was a companion who played together when she was young.

At this moment, Ying Shilang behind Mu Hantian seemed to have discovered a new toy, and his eyes flashed over his body.

"What's the matter, do you know each other?"

"Well, yes, we are old friends, we should be regarded as childhood sweethearts." Mu Hantian replied.

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