Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 508

"Oh, Uriss, morning." Mu Hantian said hello.

When Mu Hantian sat in his seat, Uriss beside him was reading a letter.


"Ah, oh, good morning." Uriss put the letter away in a panic, keeping her eyes away.

"Okay, okay, everyone sits down! Let's call the name!"

Although Mu Hantian doubted Uliss' attitude, teacher Kuang Zi entered the classroom murderously, so he could not confirm with her.Uriss can hardly concentrate during class, and she feels nervous.

"What's wrong? Uriss?"

After school, Mu Hantian thought it was easy to catch the opportunity, but Uriss didn't even look at Mu Hantian and got up.

"Sorry, I have something today."

"Huh? Wait a minute, Jules?"

Seeing that Uriss ignored her, Mu Hantian could only watch her leave the classroom quickly.

"What happened to her?" Mu Hantian looked suspicious.

"Oh, she seems to be back to her before." Ying Shi Lang said with a smile.


Ying Shilang shrank his neck and answered Mu Hantian's question.The princess had always been like that before you came, exuding a strong aura of'don't care about me' all over.It was a pity that I finally thought there was some progress."

Although I am a little concerned about Uriss, I have to report yesterday's incident to Claudia first, and ask what happened to Uriss by the way.


"Oh, hello, what's the matter?" Entering the office, Claudia greeted Mu Hantian with a consistent smile.

"Yesterday Ulis was attacked again."

"Well, I heard the news. It seems that Rewoff's students have been found this time."

"The news is very clear. However, I already know who the prisoner is."

These words of Mu Hantian surprised Claudia."Oh, can you be sure?"

"Well, it's definitely that guy, what you suspect-Silas!"

"Sure enough, it's him, is Uliss aware of it?"

"Although she has not confirmed it personally, I think she should have noticed."

"So where is Uriss now?"

"She said she has something, and she will reply right away... No, Uriss is in danger." Mu Hantian thought of Uriss' sex. Once she knew who the prisoner was, how could she fake hands with others.

"It looks like it's a bit troublesome now." Claudia also thought of Uris's "sex" character that makes people headache.

"Claudia, no matter what, you must find Uriss now."

"But where do you go to find her? Although Asterisk is an artificial island, it is not small in size. Finding a needle in a haystack without an aim is definitely futile."

"I know, but... sorry, wait a moment." At this moment, Mu Hantian's cell phone rang.

Originally thought it was Uris's call, Mu Hantian quickly opened the space window.

"Han Tian, ​​help me!"

The person who appeared on the other side was Saye with a look of sleepiness and frowning.

"Saye, what's wrong?"

"I'm lost."

The simple and clear answer made Mu Hantian shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Saye, you're "lost" again...but sorry, I'm busy looking for Uriss now."

"Risfetter? I seemed to have seen her just now."

Shaye's words made Mu Hantian and Claudia look at each other.


Shaye at the other end of the screen nodded.

"Saye! Can you tell me in detail where you met her just now! No, where are you now?"

"If you know, you don't have to ask for help."

"Uh, that's really the case." Mu Hantian was speechless.

"Excuse me, Sha Shagong, can you point the camera at the nearby scenery?"

"Is that so?" Hearing Claudia's sudden "insertion", Saya said "confused", but she still followed the instructions and took pictures of her phone around her.

"It's outside the redevelopment zone, and it should be possible to narrow down a lot from here."

"Thank you, Saye! Really saved!"

"I'm not saved yet."

"Uh, yes. It really is.

"I will arrange for others to pick up classmate Shasha Gong, Hantian, you can feel relieved to find Uriss."

"Sorry, please, Claudia."

"It's okay." Claudia smiled, and marked the corresponding locations on the map one by one.

"Okay, it's done!" At this time, Claudia sent the map to the phone.

"Okay! Let's start a thorough investigation from the nearest place."

"Please wait a minute." Just as Mu Hantian was about to rush out of the office like a bullet, Claudia hurriedly called him.

"That's ready, please take it."

"Oh,'Blackforge Demon Sword?' I understand."

At this time, Uris came to the abandoned building in the redevelopment zone.

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