Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 509

The building that is undergoing demolition is shrouded in the darkness of dusk.Part of the walls and floors have been removed, and it looks very spacious, but the waste materials piled up around have formed a lot of blind spots.However, Uris still entered the interior without hesitation. The sun setting in the western mountains formed a weird way, and Uris walked silently with a stern expression on her face.

Just as Uris had just stepped into the deepest area, the waste material changed from the upper part of the ceiling, aiming at Uris to fall.These waste materials are enough to crush a young girl into meatloaf, but Uris does not raise her head, muttering in a suppressed voice.

Dao is in full bloom-isolated red umbrella flowers."

At the same time, the pentagonal petals that protect Jules appeared, and all the falling materials bounced away.It's like an umbrella formed by flames.

"You don't think that this kind of bug carving technique will be useful to me? I advise you to get up and show up quickly-Silas Norman.

The moon slightly floated in the sky beyond the ceiling that passed through the roof.

The bounced reinforced steel frame "plugged" into the floor.In the dust raised by the falling waste material, a young man slowly appeared.

"Disrespect and disrespect, even after the show can't even talk about a license

The skinny boy-Silas lowered his head pretentiously.

"Sure enough, it's you," Uliss said through gritted teeth.

Chapter 646 The Truth

"What is your purpose!"

"Oh, don't be so anxious. For me, of course it would be better if you can communicate peacefully. I am looking for you especially because I hope to communicate." Silas smiled fearlessly.

"How long do you have to open your eyes and talk nonsense."

"No, no, I mean it. I also tried my best to avoid direct conflict with you." Silas tried his best to defend, but his calm attitude remained the same.

Before coming here, Uriss had investigated a little bit.Silas is not only outside the rankings, but also has no experience in formula ranking battles.His strength is unknown.And there were at least three attackers, even if one of the men in black was Silas, there should be two other accomplices.

"I know, just listen to what you have to say." Ulyss believes that it's best to see what happens to the opponent first, and it's good to be a late shot.

"That's right. In fact, like you, I'm here for the purpose of making money. So I always thought that the two of us are like-minded." Silas also nodded with an arrogant smile, and then continued: "You should know, my condition is that you must give up participating in the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival'. In addition, if you can testify that I have nothing to do with the attack, it would be better."

"Oh, is this good for me?"

"Of course, is it not enough to ensure the safety of you and Mu Hantian?"

"Shao idiot said a dream." Uliss flatly refused.

"As long as I beat you here, there is no need to talk nonsense. Besides, even if I am dull, the student union should have locked you in."

"I have my own way over there. After all, there is no evidence that I did it." Silas said.

"Oh, is this really the case?" The sudden abuse made Silas's face difficult to look.

"It's you!"

"That's right!... I'm sorry, Uriss, I’m late, but you’re so true, aren’t we partners? Why don’t you tell me, come here alone, if it’s not Saye and Claudia , I can't find it here yet." Mu Hantian said.

"Huh, it's okay, I'll catch you all at once today." Silas snorted coldly, without saying anything. With his wave of his hand, countless figures suddenly appeared in the shadow of the building.

"What! Actually..." Ulith didn't expect that there were so many people hidden here.She didn't notice it at all.

"Juris, don't worry, these are not human beings." Mu Hantian smiled fearlessly at the surrounding figures.

"You are right, they are indeed just dolls, but..." Silas smiled after hearing Mu Hantian's words. With his smile, more and more dolls appeared, and soon the surrounding people The space is full.

"Here is the maximum number I can "fuck" at the same time. There are a total of 128 dolls. If you can knock them all down, then I can only surrender. If you can't, I'm sorry, I can only ask you to die. By the way, these dolls are specially made. In order to deal with Uriss you, the heat resistance limit has been specially increased."

"Really? Look at this trick! Let's bloom! Swallow the dragon and bite the flame flower!" A magic circle appeared on the orbit depicted by Uliss rapier, and a fierce heat wave burst from the magic circle.Then there appeared a huge flame dragon that seemed to break through the magic circle.

"Oh, this is the first time I've seen this trick." Silas whispered in a slightly admiring voice.

It's no wonder, after all, this is one of Ulys's killer trump cards, and it is impossible for others to see it easily.

The roar of the flame dragon shook the surrounding air, and immediately smashed the doll in front of Uliss with its dragon jaws.

"Oh, can't it?" Even if the specially-made doll has raised the heat resistance limit, it is helpless under the overwhelming destructive power of "sex.

"It's really amazing. It's not just talking about ranking fifth. But, there are so many dolls here, can you do it?"

"I'll know if you can try it, but I just understood one thing." Mu Hantian said with a light smile.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"That's the person behind you, Alicante Academy, right?"

Mu Hantian's words made Silas's smile disappear.

"You just said that these dolls are specially made. But where did you get the dolls that can defend against Uriss? Not to mention mass production so much, technically it can’t be done by others. garden."

"Really keen-but in this way, I can't let you go."

"Come and give it a try, Uliss, protect yourself!"

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself." Ulis responded.

"Well, then, this should be the first time I have used you. Please advise, "Black Furnace Demon Sword"" Mu Hantian finished speaking, and removed the starter of the'Black Furnace Demon Sword' from his belt and took it off. When it was opened, the sword of light was born in the middle part, and the blade was pure white like fresh snow, and it did not know when the black "color" pattern appeared.No, it should be said that the pattern really floated away from the blade, as if wrapped around the blade.

"That is the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'?"

"Yes, but the original'Black Furnace Demon Sword' is too big, so it is now based on my will." Mu Hantian said.

"Hmph, even if you have the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'. Next, I'm going to exert my full strength." As Silas said, the "chaotic" and disorderly dolls just started to form a neat formation. .

The avant-garde is a long-handled weapon such as a spear and a battle axe, and the guard is a gun or a crossbow, and a doll holding a sword and a hand axe fills the gap.The last column was supervised by Silas himself.

"This is the essence of my'No Mercy Puppet Army'! The destructive power is equal to a military squadron. If you have the ability to challenge, just come!"

The avant-garde doll suddenly launched a rush.

Mu Hantian jumped up instantly and avoided the tip of the gun that pierced him, but the light bullet had already aimed at Lingdou and fired.Mu Hantian quickly smashed it with the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'. This time, the doll holding the sword came and attacked Mu Hantian's flaw in the landing.Mu Hantian jumped back quickly afterwards.

"Hmm... It's a shame that you can hide. But can you just keep hiding?" Seeing Mu Hantian's continuous defense, Silas'showed' a provocative smile.

"No, I'm just thinking, now, I have fully understood the blow just now."

"fully understand?"

"Yes, Silas, there are only six types of dolls that you can individually drive, right?"

Silas frowned in surprise, and said angrily: "I thought what you were going to have a problem with your eyes? Am I driving more than a hundred dolls right now?"

"Just look at it. There are six kinds of people who can move completely freely, and the others can only perform a certain degree of patterning, but at most there are only about sixteen. The rest of the puppets can only pull the trigger. It's just a simple gesture like waving the wrist."

"This trick can be used for bluffing at best. But I also fully understand why you only dared to attack others. If you use this crude ability to fight others head-on, you will immediately show off."

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