Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 638

The flame-like magic directly evaporates the water like a water snake.

The star of destruction has already landed.

The huge explosion shook the ground, and the mushroom cloud of the Destruction Star slowly rose, and this field also collapsed under the Destruction Star.

This scene made the gods in the battle a little bit stunned. The Sumerian soldiers took the opportunity to start crushing the gods.

"After all, it's an upper god, and there are still two brushes. It's really pleasant!"

Gilgamesh was standing on Vimala, the mushroom cloud passed by, and the violent shock wave was regarded as nothing.

In the center of the explosion, the divine sex was swelling.Suddenly, the mushroom cloud was washed away, and there was a huge figure, a substantive trident, and a huge divine nature in the water column.

This is completely the main god level god possesses.

The two gods chose to merge into one at the last moment, and temporarily became the real main god——!Poseidon.

The trident in his hand was also a genuine authentic product, and the water flow hovered over the trident, exuding a hazy blue "color" brilliance.

Be serious.

Gilgamesh's vision became more and more condensed. The main god and the upper god were not at the same level. When it came to the control of authority, the main god completely mastered a authority.

For example, the sea god, the difference between the main god and the upper god is not only the surprise of the title, but also the difference in real strength.

However, it is only temporary.

However, it is indeed a battle power at the main god level.

Of course, even though that was the case, it was still far from the real main god level. After all, it was not a main god who had become a normal way, not an inheritance, but a temporary manifestation.

Probably it should have the power of 70% to 80% of the proper Seagod.

Can play these.

"Profanity, damn it!"

"The spiral shatters everything, the trident of the whirlpool!"

What appeared in the eyes of the Seagod was ruthless, the trident in his hand that resembled a gemstone suddenly rioted under the words of the Seagod, and the water seemed to converge at this moment.

Above the trident, a huge vortex was condensed, and the water flow cut the surroundings like a knife. Not only the water flow, but also the air were driven, a huge storm, a huge waterspout.

The sky was also faint at this moment, and the fine and dense rain fell down.

"Show your posture at this moment and crush the enemy before me!"

The Poseidon carrier rushed over through the tornado.

The seven hundred and seventieth chapter kills God

Rotating, the spiral water spout crushed everything, and the space seemed to be cut by this tornado. If you count it by level, this trident is definitely one of the best among the a+ treasures.

"Jill, go back!"

Mu Hantian held the storm wing in his hand and stood in front of Gilgamesh swiftly.The tornado engulfed both of them.The destructive power passed by Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh.

Everything seemed to be transformed into nothingness, the waterspout pierced through the sky, the carrier hurricane, the wind and cloud changed "color", natural disasters suddenly appeared, and the war below was "chaotic".

This scene is completely as if the end is coming.

The sea god, the main god's full blow, was terrifying.

"It's still very strong, but it's still not enough."

However, at this moment, a voice appeared in the tornado. Suddenly, the white light burst, and the violent tornado was instantly torn apart. What “exposed” from it was Mu Hantian and Gilga behind him. Mish, there is no scar on their bodies.

"Jill, you step back first. You can't do this without ea, but it's not the time to use it."

"I understand." Gilgamesh nodded and stepped back.

"The blasphemer!"

The Poseidon roared, roared in anger, and the voice was transformed into sound waves and passed out.

Poseidon's trident radiated even more fiery brilliance.

"In the name of Poseidon!"

Poseidon raised the trident, this time it was not a tornado.

"Ocean, gather together into blades and slash the earth!"

There is a condensation of water on the trident, and the water is like flowing mercury, which contains trembling magic.

The blade across the sky was formed.

The body of the Poseidon was spinning in the air, and the long blade moved in the air like a silver tassel, and finally slashed towards Mu Hantian following the movements of the Poseidon.

On the ground, a gully was cut by wind pressure.

This knife will cut the ground open.

There is no doubt!

"Come on, let me kill the gods again!" Mu Hantian smiled arrogantly, and then placed the wings of the storm on his chest.

"Ming Shenliu-God... Extinguish... Sword!" A sword pierced out, without any magnificence, only powerful power.

The ground exploded, and the ground within a radius of a mile collapsed abruptly. It was three to four meters long, and Mu Hantian sank dozens of meters here.

If you look closely, you will still see long and thin knife marks on the ground.


The liberation of the trident was broken and was crushed by Mu Hantian.

The power that penetrated the world was revealed at this moment.

In the faint, there was even more terrifying power hidden in Mu Hantian's body, but it didn't show up.


Mu Hantian rushed towards the sea god, and the water flow swept over the sky and turned into various creatures.


It was just a sword, all the water flow disappeared, and the Seagod's body was "exposed".

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