Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 639


Seagod's body was completely unable to withstand Mu Hantian's destructive sword. After all, he was not a complete master god.The water god and ice god vomited blood at this moment, and they are already dead.Together with the divine "sex" are all crushed.

Poseidon's trident quietly "plugged" on the ground.

"Poseidon's trident can be given to Jill, so that her inventory can be enriched again..." Mu Hantian smiled and grabbed the Poseidon's trident.

But after all, it was a weapon that represented the power of the Seagod, and it also had an ego, unless it was the Seagod, otherwise no one could force him to control him.

Of course, with Mu Hantian's power, the Trident could not resist.

The power of the rules can't restrain Mu Hantian, he can only break the rules by injecting his own power into it.

"Want to run? Can you run away?" Mu Hantian couldn't help laughing as he watched the trident transform into a water-blue "color" through the space.

"Leave it to me!" Mu Hantian shattered the space with a powerful punch.

On the other side of Poseidon's trident was a big hand.Glittering gold, exuding a feeling of indestructibility, like a golden stone.

"Isn't it a god of the main god level? Not enough!" Mu Hantian urged his strength to snatch the trident back from his big hand.

Mu Hantian could even vaguely hear the angry voice of the opposite god.

The space was healed, and Mu Hantian looked at the restless trident who wanted to escape, and directly asked Gilgamesh to open the King's Treasure and threw it in.

In the King's Treasury, even this Poseidon's trident can't reveal any tricks!

The death of the water god and ice god was also the fate of the group of god soldiers.

All the soldiers of the gods were slaughtered, and the Sumerian soldiers suffered a little loss, but most of them suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

Soaked in the blood of the gods, the descendants of this group of human soldiers will have even more fascinating talents, and will become the pillars of mankind in the future.


"The trident was taken away!"

In the meeting of the gods, Ninurta, the god of war, whose arms were irregular, was expressionless.

But they all knew that the anger in the heart of God of War Ninurta might have already reached its peak.

Mu Hantian snatched the trident from his hand, and was beaten into a broken bone. This incident must be the laughing stock of the gods.

"The Seagod appeared temporarily but was defeated. The power made me feel terrified, but it seems that this should be something that Mu Hantian can use temporarily, otherwise he would have waged a war against us a long time ago, but we don't know how much Mu Hantian is. You can use this power for a long time. It's best to get rid of him while we are out!" God of War Ninurta suggested with a blank expression.

The gods knew that Ninurta was going to shame.

Moreover, Mu Hantian's power could indeed kill them, even if Ninurta said so, but they were unwilling to use their "life" as a bet.

Ninurta glanced at the gods and sneered.

"I will apply to King Anu for the Gun of Death to kill Mu Hantian, but I need your support to let King Anu give me the Gun of Death!" Ninurta said.




In less than a quarter of an hour, Ninurta was holding a dark, unknown gun, standing high above the sky, looking toward the ground, and it was Mu Hantian that was reflected in Ninurta's vision.

At this moment, Mu Hantian had already reduced his strength, and that kind of deterrent force was also gone.But even so, Ninurta would not fight Mu Hantian head-on.

With this gun of death, as long as it is a sneak attack, then it will be fine.

Even as the God of War, a sneak attack would be criticized, but the glory of killing Mu Hantian was enough to conceal this, and he could still wash away the humiliation of being robbed of the trident by Mu Hantian and being injured.

As the God of War, it is totally intolerable to be beaten to fracture.

The title of God of War is crying.

Looking at Mu Hantian below, Ninurta slowly dived with the Gun of Death.

Assassination, Ninurta is also aware of the assassination skills, even before from the upper god Shadow God.

kill you!

Looking at Mu Hantian, Ninurta was murderous.

Chapter 771 The Immortal Soul

The long spear penetrated Mu Hantian's chest. If it weren't for Mu Hantian's use of Storm Wings to block it at a critical moment, perhaps this long spear would have penetrated Mu Hantian's heart directly.

pain!The power on the spear quickly spread and eroded, and the whole body seemed to be decayed, and the pain instantly swept across the body.

"How is it, Xian Wang, how does the pain feel? My spear is made from the spine of the underworld god. After you die, your soul will be absorbed by my spear, and you will suffer eternal life in it. pain!"

Ninurta, the god of war who attacked, showed a cruel smile on his face. As he spoke, he turned his spear on purpose, causing Mu Hantian to shake his body.

"To be honest, you are really amazing. You killed so many gods, yeah, so many gods! But at this point, your soul will be judged, and then in my spear Fall into the abyss!"

Ninurta drew out her saber again and put it on Mu Hantian's neck.

"Who do you think you are, do you want to kill me like this? What does this pain do to me!" Mu Hantian grabbed the spear that pierced his chest at this moment.

The sharpness in the eyes made the god of war Ninurta horrified.

"I really can't understand your gods, do you really think you can dominate all things?" Mu Hantian's eyes seemed to burn, and the god of war Ninurta was a little stiff under Mu Hantian's gaze.

What kind of look was this, and the spirit contained in it shocked him.

"Compared with the pain Enqidu is suffering now, it's nothing!" Mu Hantian said disdainfully.

Now, Enkidu was wandering between death, and that feeling was even more cruel than the pain he was suffering now.Since Enqidu had been able to bear it and was waiting for him to return, how could he have fallen here?

"God's bones? So what!" Mu Hantian shouted angrily, and the wings of the storm severely slashed the spear in his chest.

"Are you crazy? This spear is made from the bones of the gods of the underworld, and the souls contained in it will eat you up. Just die, don't pull me!" Ninurta, the god of war, screamed, directly. Released the spear and ran backwards.

This spear was made by Anu's spine, the god who ruled the underworld tens of thousands of years ago, killed by Anu. Up to now, I don't know how much resentment he has absorbed. If it bursts out, even he will fall.

"Clang!" Stormwing only left a gap in the spear.

After all, it is an artifact that has been sacrificed for tens of thousands of years, how could it be cut off so easily.

"Yeah, I am too sensitive. How could you cut off this artifact? What's more, now you are about to be corroded, and your strength is greatly reduced!" Ninurta, the god of war, had already retreated to the distance. Smiled at this scene.

However, the hidden or emerging danger from Mu Han's body still made him afraid to step forward.

The gods value their lives very much. Especially the main god among the gods like Ninurta pays more attention to his own life, and only when he is alive can he enjoy everything that his identity and power bring to him.

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