Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 661

"I want to erase your memory."

"What kind of person are you...!"

"Resistance indiscriminately and be careful of mental breakdown, of course I don't care about it."


Just like this, the body feels much easier.It seems that the effective range of her power is quite short.

"Really tenacious. It seems that your star power is quite abundant."

"I'll ask you again, who are you?"

Even though Silvia stared at each other, the other party didn't care.

"What can you do if you know it? You should have known it a long time ago. I can't answer the answer that satisfies you, right? Why do you even ask me specifically?"

Silvia clenched her fists when she heard the other party's plain words.

"Forget it, I also learned that humans are such creatures. Although I find it boring."

With that, the other party slowly shortened the distance.Silvia stepped back step by step, at the same time preparing to take out the brilliant weapon from her waist-but hesitated for a moment.

What should I do if I hurt Usra.This kind of thinking made Silvia's judgment appear slightly slow.

"Too naive." In the next instant, the black light attacked Silvia again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the severe pain which cannot be compared with the previous moment ran through his mind.


Suddenly someone called his name, and the black light was cut off in an instant.

"Unexpectedly, cut off my power...?" The other party's voice wavered for the first time.

On the other hand, Silvia, who was relieved from the severe headache, felt that important things were protected, and the feeling of relief made her feel weak.

When the consciousness was gone, and he was about to collapse, someone gently picked himself up.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Huh...?" Silvia opened her eyes and saw Mu Hantian's worried look at her immediately.

"Well, it's okay...Thank you, Hantian."

For some reason, Silvia didn't dare to look directly at Mu Hantian, don't look away from her.

"So, is she the enemy?" Mu Hantian protected Silvia while holding the'Black Furnace Demon Sword' with one hand.

Chapter 792 was rescued

"So, is it the'Blackforge Demon Sword'? But—"

This sentence had just landed, and the black light came out again.Silvia couldn't help being stiff, but the pain just now did not strike.

replaced by……

"What!" The black "color" light entangled Mu Hantian's "Black Furnace Demon Sword" holding the universal crystal, gradually swallowing its red "color" brilliance.It looks like the black "color" light is devouring the red "color" light.

As the red "color" light weakened, the outline of the pure white blade also became blurred, and it didn't take long to maintain its appearance, and it disappeared like melting.

"It deserves to be the famous pure star-brilliant weapon. Although it is quite difficult, it will not be awakened for the time being."

Mu Hantian "Lu" made a surprised expression and looked at the "Black Furnace Demon Sword" with only the hilt left, but then smiled slightly and the "Black Furnace Demon Sword" appeared again.

"how is this possible?"

"You are too confident in your abilities, you know? If it wasn't for Teacher Silvia's body, I would have destroyed you long ago."

"Who do you think you are?" The other party was still full of disdain.

"Really? The'Black Furnace Demon Sword' told me just now, your real body is the necklace, right?" Mu Hantian didn't care, just narrated slowly.

"Cut." The opponent was moved this time, there was no other action, but he started to retreat slowly.

"Can you run away?" Mu Hantian stretched out his right hand and grabbed forward. In an instant, the surrounding temperature dropped to zero, and Ursila's body was gradually covered by frost, which seemed slow but extremely fast. When people reacted, Ursila's lower body was frozen.

"Hantian you... are you a magician?"

"That's right." Mu Hantian didn't give too much explanation, after all, Shishino's ability can also be said to be a kind of magic.

" she okay?"

"Don't worry, it's okay. But... how long do you have to hide, or maybe you dare not come out?"

"Oh, I thought I was hiding well enough, but you still discovered it."

"President Fan Xing'Lu,' what do you seem to know."

Yes, that's right, the owner of this voice is Wanyoutian Luo Fanxing "Lu", but this time, when Mu Hantian faced this world dragon's strongest person, his expression was a little gloomy.

"Well, I'm sorry, there are some things I can't say, but I can tell you, I'm not your enemy." Fan Xing said "Lu" spread his hands.

"Forget it, let's take this necklace off first." Mu Hantian stepped forward, preparing to remove the necklace from Ursila's neck.

Suddenly, a man in black clothes and a mask appeared in front of Mu Hantian.Without a word, he attacked Mu Hantian.

"Who are you?" Mu Hantian asked aloud as he stepped back.

But the other party had no words, turning around and shattering Ursila's frozen part.

"Don't even think about it!" Mu Hantian was about to stop, but he was still a step late.

The black "color" light swelled instantly, and this time plunged the surrounding area into darkness.


The darkness that couldn't see the five fingers completely robbed Silvia and Mu Hantian's vision, and they couldn't even feel any breath.

Before long, the darkness gradually faded like a haze, and when the vision was restored again, the man in black and Ursila were long gone.


"It seems so."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it seems that there is nothing wrong with my mother."

"Sylvia, are you okay?" Mu Hantian didn't care about Star Lu, but looked at Silvia.

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