Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 662

"I'm fine, it's just the teacher..."

"Sylvia, I promise you that she will definitely be rescued next time," Mu Hantian said.

"I believe you, Hantian." Silvia said, suddenly leaning forward, unable to tolerate Mu Hantian's dodge, and kissed him directly on the cheek.


"Cold weather, we can be lovers. A thankful kiss is okay." Although Silvia said so, it can be seen that she is already flushed with shame at this moment.

"Okay, I'll take you home."



Soon after the end of the school festival, the early summer breeze also began to blow Asterisk.

The clear sky towers high and the blue sky is endless.The verdant trees swayed the treetops, and the dazzling sunlight continued to increase with the day.

Of course, Mu Hantian and others didn't have time to feel the changes of the seasons, but hid in the training room for special training of team battles.

"By the way, I heard Ye Chuan say that the stage is under renovation for the'Gryphon Star Martial Festival'."

"Well, it seems to be. Remember it seems to be refurbishing four large-scale stages and the main stage."

When doing stretching exercises before training, Mu Hantian mentioned the news he had inquired a few days ago, and Uriss replied with lack of interest.

"The venue for the Formula Ranking Tournament was changed to a medium-scale stage, which broke my mind."

The monthly formula ranking battles are mostly held in the arenas in each school.However, the compelling combination of battles will be held on the urban stage where the general audience can also watch the battle.This is during the period when the "Star Martial Arts Festival" is not being held. The core event for tourists to gather in Asterisk-the "Start Page Twelve" competition is conventionally held on a stage above the large scale.

In fact, Mu Hantian and Uliss were also on the main stage last month when Sirius Dome defeated the challenger.Since Uris is good at long-distance combat, the wider the stage is, the better the Emperor Wu.

"Although you say that, didn't you defeat Thunder with an overwhelming "sex" advantage before?"

The Star Guidance Hall Academy ranked seventh, and the user of the pure star-light armed "Nayuta Devil Bow" was an opponent that Uriss had previously said would defeat her.However, in last month's formula ranking battle, facing a strong enemy who is better at long-distance combat than herself, Uriss was always proud in the game and finally won.

Obtaining the new weapon of the radiant long-range guided weapon accounts for a large part, but the most important reason for victory is that Uriss's strength has grown by leaps and bounds this year.From physical abilities to stellar power, the types of tricks and the ingenious timing of their activation...Each item has evolved significantly under the intensive study.

"Hmph, no matter how you say it, there is no way to compare it with you." Yulis said teasingly, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Anyway, anyway, stage remodeling is not uncommon here. In fact, don't worry about it."

"You can't say that." At this time, Saye, who was counting the pistol-shaped brilliant arms, spoke.

"I heard that the scale of this reconstruction is quite large. It even installed a new defense mechanism developed by Alecan."

"A new type of defense mechanism, isn't it?" Qian Yu cut it on the floor, stretching her muscles and bones as if she heard it for the first time, tilted her head and asked "confused".

"It seems to use a protective gel developed by Alicante's "Black Women's School" to absorb shocks."

"Oh, it's so detailed." Uliss was surprised.

Saye looked at the pistol in her hand from various angles, and at the same time answered plainly: "I heard it when I was chatting with Camilla Parret."

"Oh...huh, won't it?" Mu Hantian was surprised. Isn't the two people disagreeing?

"When will your relationship be so good that you can chat freely?"

"Have you reconciled with her?" Not only Mu Hantian who was surprised, even Uriss and Qi Rin looked at Saye blankly.

"Not really. One day, I will have a showdown with her. That's for sure, it's I have no holidays with her."

After returning the Huang-style arms to a ready state, Saye let out a sigh of relief."Not long ago, I began to think about what my own brilliant weapon should look like. Of course, I didn't despise the gun made by my father-but after all, it was made for me and born for me. So I think, It may not be suitable for team battles."

Chapter 793 Team Training

"Oh, it's all here, kids." Mu Hantian and others' class tutor Yatsuzaki Katsuko appeared, accompanied by the lazy greet.She carried the familiar nailed rod on her shoulder, still exuding inexplicable courage.

"Huh, Tanizaki-sensei... why are you here?"

"Huh? Ask me what's wrong, isn't it you who came to me?"

With a bang, Kuangzi smashed the nail stick on the floor, Claudia took a step forward.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. Actually, I want to practice team battles from today... so I hired Mr. Tanizuzaki as our opponent."


"Why didn't you say this kind of thing earlier, Claudia!"

"Sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future." Claudia honestly bowed her head when she was glared at by Jules, but she couldn't hear any apology.

" the actual combat practice is not the previous cooperative practice, but the actual team battle?" Qi Rin asked in a low voice.

"Well, individual cooperation should have been practiced without any problems. The next goal is how much effect can be exerted in the face of the opponents that officially appear on the field, as well as the ability to judge the situation and adapt to the situation in the team battle. These must be through actual combat. To confirm."

"Furthermore, even if there is a simulated battle in a team battle, it is quite difficult to find an opponent. Everyone tries to hide their strength. Unless they have other goals or a team that is very confident in themselves, they are unwilling to accept it. Although there are also simulated battles. This way..." At this point, Claudia "showed" an ambiguous smile.

Needless to say, everyone can understand the following.This practice room is also equipped with a three-dimensional simulator, but there are many restrictions, and it is incomparable with the experience gained in actual combat.All in all, it is quite difficult to accumulate actual combat experience in group warfare.

"So, it's Mr. Tanizuzaki's turn at this time."

When Claudia said this, Kuang Zi followed with an exaggerated breath.

"Well, although it is troublesome, it is also the teacher's duty. Even if you don't consider this, I actually owe her some favor. Let me be your opponent."

"Thank you very much for the teacher's help..." Ulis said as she looked around in surprise.

"But if you want to practice team battles, where are the other players?"

"Ha! Don't worry about that-it's all here,"

As he said, Kuangzi waved the nailed rod in his hand at will, and there were a few nails that were randomly inserted into the rod, and then they glowed blue and white.

A large amount of all-in-one is instantly liberated, and becomes materialized one after another in the whistling whirlpool, just like playing a Nendoroid animation, slowly changing the appearance of an adult from the feet.

There are four human figures with flat faces without eyes, nose and mouth.The whole body presents a deep blue "color" like the deep sea, and each human figure has the same height and body shape as Kuangzi.Of course, there are no clothes or weapons on him.

"This is... a monster similar to Gustav Mullow, isn't it?"

"I feel like the shadow doll made by the prisoner when Sister Flora was kidnapped..."

Uriss and Yiri had different feelings, but it was certain that this should be Kuangzi's ability as a'witch'.

"The ability to absorb the object and turn it into her own use is the power of Mr. Tanizuzaki. This is the first time I have seen it." Without hiding her vigilance, Uriss lowered her voice.

"In other words, the ability to seize the object?" If it is true, it would be terrible, so what else?

"Almost. However, those whose abilities have been taken will not be unable to use their abilities."

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