Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 664

"Your team cooperation is too poor. First of all, Sha Sha Gong, the defender must of course support the forward, but also shoulder the responsibility of suppressing the opponent's defender. In the situation just now, if your firepower restrains my defender, the pressure will not be reduced. Can Dodo and Enfield move a little easier?"

"So that's the case." After accepting the specific testimony, Saye nodded with a surprised expression.

"Then Daodou, your "Lianhe" is a very good trick, but it is not suitable for team battles. It will consume too much time to face opponents with a certain level of strength. Like just now, the purpose is to entangle. Your opponent is just right in his arms."

"Yes, it is……!"

"And Resfit... It's too brave to use this trick against me. Or what? Do you despise me?"

"Because I want to see the teacher's ability actually." Uriss faced Kuangzi's eyes as if "shooting" through people's eyes.

In the face of the'witch' who can block the opponent's ability and turn it into her own use, the attack just now may be a bit rash.But once you hesitate whether to use the power, you will miss the opportunity.Uris wanted to confirm with her own eyes what form of Kuang Zi's ability to block opponents.

"Haha, I'm so courageous. In that case, I'll let you go this time. Please use your brain a little bit before launching the trick next time."

After speaking, Kuangzi's eyes moved to Mu Hantian.

"Why didn't you attack just now? With your ability, you can completely break through."

"It's nothing, I'm just not sure. Even if I launch an attack, I won't be able to defeat the teacher. It's better to save my energy. And the goal this time is to train our team to cooperate."

"Well, it looks like this in general. Individual cooperation is not bad, and a little more experience will make more progress."

"Well, teacher, don't you have my suggestion?" At this time, only Claudia, who was not called by her name, raised her hand gently.

"You're still the same as before, not cute at all. There are no flaws at all, so perfect that you get goose bumps." Kuang Zi said with no interest, and then shrugged exaggeratedly.

"Also, even though you are caught by the human figure, you have been eyeing me as your target, right? You can't relax at all."

"Hehe, it's a pity that I can't find the teacher's flaw." Claudia still held'Pan = Dora', giggling.

"Actually, you should use the ability of'Pan = Dora' as soon as possible. Don't keep it until actual combat. This way, you can break through my puppet line. No matter how strong I am, I can't stop you and Mu Hantian's joint attack.

"Yes, if this was a formal battle, I would have done it a long time ago."

"In my opinion, even the preliminaries should have no regard for the ability to start. The elimination round should abandon the naive idea of ​​keeping it for the next game,'Xingwu Ji' is not that bad."

"I will remember." Claudia smiled vaguely with a vague answer.

"Humph." Kuang Zi stopped talking, and snorted softly.

"Okay, then remember the instructions just now and start the second round. Let's talk first. If you don't improve, I will be rude to you." The corner of Kuang Zi's mouth showed a fierce smile. , Turned the nailed rod on his hand in a circle.

Chapter 795: Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival

"I'll go, this building is too exaggerated, it's completely new."

Looking down from the auditorium of the Sirius Dome, the stage was almost completely changed.

The first change that caught the eye was that the stage was surrounded by moat-like moats.The trench is filled with a protective gel that is said to have been developed by Alicante, and the stage is like a small island floating on the lake.Once the game starts, these protective gels will surround the entire stage.

In addition, the existing protective force field is still set on the outside of the protective gel, and the safety measures can be described as solid.

"It seems that it was rebuilt to improve the safety of the audience, but what you said is correct, it is a bit exaggerated." Juris, standing next to Mu Hantian, looked noncommittal.

Saye and Qi Rin were discussing something in the front row of the audience not far away.

A meeting ceremony for the "Gryphon Star Wu Festival" will be held later today.But before the start, the participating teams have some time to visit the modified venue.Therefore, the auditorium, which could accommodate 100,000 spectators, was completely empty and lonely.

"Hehe, there is no way. After all, I heard that in the next'Wang Long Xingwu Festival', there will be the highest cadres of the integrated enterprise consortium to watch the battle. What if they get hurt, that's terrible."

"The top cadres? Hmm... No wonder the protection has been strengthened to an ridiculous degree this time." Ulis nodded.

"I heard that Chairman Matthias Mesa succeeded in making the next'meeting talk' held in this asterisk. So let it go, it seems to be reviewing the final watching and participating ceremony."

When it comes to the highest cadre of the consolidated enterprise consortium, it can be regarded as the most powerful person who actually controls the world today.They rarely come outside, but every few years there is a summit called "Conference Talk", and the consortium consortiums will send several representatives to attend to adjust their long-term interests.

"Speaking of which... Does the chairman of the operation committee of the "Star Wu Festival" have such a big influence?"

Matthias Mesa, the current chairman of the "Star Wu Festival" operations committee.According to various rumors and the feeling that Mu Hantian himself had talked with him several times in person, the impression was not bad.

But Mu Hantian could still feel that this person was a little hypocritical, or that he was hiding something.And the advice given by Helga Lindoval, the captain of the Star Hunter Guard.

"Don't trust Matthias Mesa too much." This sentence still clearly remained in Mu Hantian's heart.

Claudius lowered his voice and began to answer Mu Hantian's question: "Yes, from a standpoint, Matthias Mesa is at best the backbone of the Galaxy. Judging from his origin, it should be impossible. Go further. Generally speaking, it should not be possible to have the right to decide where the "Conference Conference" will be held..."

"However, the "Star Take Festival" does occupy a very special place in the consolidated corporate consortium. After all, this is a unique event jointly organized by the six consolidated corporate consortiums. Therefore, the members of the operating committee are appointed by the consolidated corporate consortium. It is also adjusted to a certain ratio. Among them, if the operating committee members come out in large numbers, how many advantages it can bring, shouldn't be explained."

"You mean, is he an exception?"

"Of course, once any problems arise, they will be immediately removed from the position. The last chairman of the operation committee seems to have used political skills to try to avoid his resignation. But with the current results, Matthias Mesa really has nothing to do. Where to criticize."

"Sorry everyone is talking freely, can it be convenient to interrupt? Everyone from the Enfield team."

Behind him suddenly sounded like a familiar voice.

Mu Hantian looked back and saw that the students of the San Caledo Vas Academy were lined up neatly, wearing the aperture school badge symbolizing order.When Uris saw this, her eyes widened in surprise, Chirin and Saya also turned their heads back with surprised expressions.

"I haven't seen each other since the school festival, Mr. Fairclaw."

With that, Mu Hantian stretched out his right hand.Standing at the front of the group-Yaniste Fairclau's correct appearance, immediately "showed" a perfect smile similar to Claudia, and shook Mu Hantian's hand back.To be honest, Mu Hantian treats his senses very well

"It's great to see that you are energetic, classmate Hantian."

"Hello, Your Highness'Paladin'. I personally lead Lancelot and Tristan on the stage. The lineup is really luxurious." Claudia returned with the same smile and bowed as if greeting everyone.

The Lancelot team is composed of the first to fifth rankings of the Twelve People on the Start Page. Four of them are the same team members that dominated the Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival last year.The Tristan team, ranked sixth to tenth, although commonly known as the Second Army, is only compared with the Lancelot team.

"Nothing, because someone can't wait, I must say hello to you."

Yaniste's words came to an end, and the woman with bright golden curly hair quickly walked forward out of the queue.

"Oh. It's been a long time, Letixia."

"Yes, it's really long...! Three years after the humiliating'Gryphon Star Martial Festival', the chance of shame has finally come! This time, I must beat you this time. Come on, Claudia!"

"Lu" looked provocatively at Claudia's female "Sex", who was ranked second in the Saint-Caredovath Academy, and the "lightwing witch" Lethecia Blanchard.

"Said to shame, but didn't you win at that time?"

"It has nothing to do with that, it is a question of my personal dignity!"

Obliquely looking at the two of them, Uriss said in a low voice with a noncommittal face: "Hey...they are still the same, nothing has changed."

"Do you know her, Jules?"

Regarding Mu Hantian's question, Ulis crossed her hands and glanced at her at the same time.

"Like Claudia, I met several times at the opera ball. She seems to have known Claudia longer than me, but since then. Every time I meet, I have a quarrel. Lethecia has always wanted to talk to Klaudia. Lautia is competing."

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