Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 665

"Haha..." Mu Hantian didn't know what to say. Women who can fight Claudia are not easy to provoke.

"I heard that the struggle between the Blanchard family and the Enfield family has been around for a long time, and it continues to this generation..."

"I've heard it all, Uliss." Liexiah glared at Uliss.

"There is one thing I declare first, this has nothing to do with the family. After all, it is just a problem between me and Claudia."

"I'm sorry." Jules looked away and shrugged.

"And more importantly, as a friend... huh! As a long-time old acquaintance, I really can't keep silent about you trying to realize your stupid dream. I will definitely smash your fantasies completely. !" Letixia said, pointing straight at Claudia.

"All in all, since you are going to win the'Gryphon Star Martial Arts', we will meet in the game after all. Of course, if you get knocked out in the preliminaries, it would be a horrible story."

Opening of the 796th chapter

Preliminaries-the list of matches to the third round has been published.However, like the'Phoenix Star Martial Festival', it deliberately arranged not to let the powerful teams fight too early.So at least until the fourth round of the redraw, there will be no Lancelot or Tristan teams.

"Would it be convenient for me to say a few words, Sister Letixia?"

At this time, it was someone Mu Hantian also knew.

"It's a pity, you are not the only one who swears shame."

"Elliott..." Letixia then "showed" a reluctant expression and took a step back.

"I haven't seen you in a year, classmate Hantian."

The object of the salute with a smile was Elliott Fosda, who played against Mu Hantian in the semi-finals during the last Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival.He is good at counterattack, and his swordsmanship is outstanding, enough to be compared with Qi Rin.

"It seems...your strength has improved a lot. Remember that you are ranked sixth, right?"

After a year, Mu Hantian was also a little surprised to see Eliot's appearance up close.

The flowing curly hair is still there, but the appearance is much more mature.Even though his height is still slightly shorter than Mu Hantian, and his body is relatively slender, he can still see the strong muscles from his slender hands and feet even with a uniform.

"No, I'm still a junior. It's just that... I can't forget the humiliation that the school badge shattered under your hands." As he said, Eliot "showed" a fearless smile.

"At least I think I am more diligent and will not repeat the embarrassing failure again."

Contrary to these words, his eyes were full of confidence, exuding a sharp sword aura that was difficult to hide from the inside out.

"I look forward to it."

"Exactly how much you have grown, you will know in the match. I also look forward to that time." Eliot, who respectfully saluted, retreated to Yaniste's side.

"Although it is often said that failure is the mother of success... but now Eliot is very different from then. You have to thank you for this, classmate Hantian." Yaniste happily put his hand on Eliot. Special shoulders.

Then he looked at Mu Hantian and said, "Of course, I won't lose to anyone's desire to fight you."

"Hantian, it's very popular." Shaye whispered.

Mu Hantian gave her a shudder, and then said: "Well, I want to fight you too, the strongest swordsman. And I heard Claudia say that the four magic swords confronted like this. It’s been more than ten years."

The four "color" magic swords refer to the four pure star-like weapons of "Black Furnace Demon Sword", "White Filter Demon Sword", "Chixia Demon Sword" and "Green Demon Sword".However, in the long history of the'Star Wu Festival', there have never been four users in the same era.

Now the "Blue Demon Sword" has not found a suitable one, and the "Chixia Demon Sword" is still being sealed.

"Indeed, but ah..." Yaniste didn't finish, clapping his hands to try to change the subject.

"Okay, I'm sorry to take up your time. Let's cheer for each other upright. Then let's get out of company first-I hope to meet again on the battlefield."

Claudia smiled lightly as he watched the neat and meticulous movements of the Carletovas and his party leaving.

"Hantian, you have to work hard. You are the only boy in our team."

Mu Hantian could only respond with a wry smile.


"It's so boring." The opening ceremony of the 24th'Gryphon Star Martial Festival' has already begun.Seeing Matthias Mesa speaking on the stage, Mu Hantian was also bored.

"Alright, it's over, don't complain." Uliss next to Mu Hantian said lightly.

At the same time, Matthias on the stage has also gone backstage.

"Okay, Jules, I'll buy a drink before I go back, please help me tell everyone"

"You really can't help it."


While thanking him, he hurried to the vending machine area.

On the way, I looked at the hall inadvertently, and the students who had just packed the stage gathered here.Since Mu Hantian and the others were playing in this Sirius Dome, there was no need to move.But students who compete on other stages are crowded.Of course, many students' first battle is not today, but two days after tomorrow.

"cold day!"

At this time, a voice calling Mu Hantian's name suddenly came from somewhere.Looking towards the familiar voice, he saw a white hand stretched out from behind the pillar and waved to himself.

"The student council president is really not easy. He was called out even though he didn't compete."

Faced with unexpected childish behavior, Mu Hantian could only approach with a wry smile.

It's Silvia.Although I contacted several times after the school festival, I haven't met in person like this for a long time.

"No way, it's work. If you have time, you have to attend the ceremony. This time Xing Lu does not seem to be looking for an agent, but is in person."

"That's it. By the way, Silvia. I was a little concerned just now, why are you dressed up like this again?"

Silvia's current costume is the already familiar secretly "touch" and "touch" mode.At the opening ceremony just now, she should be wearing a neat uniform.

"Nothing will happen afterwards, I want to go to the Happy Street area again."

"The number of tourists during the'Star Martial Festival' period increased, and it was easier to mix into the crowd... Ah, of course I will watch Hantian your game, don't worry." As he said, Silvia blinked gently.

"But Silvia, you should be more careful. Are you sneaking out a bit too often recently?"

"This... well, that's right." Silvia was rarely vague in Mu Hantian's words.

Although Mu Hantian didn't know her whereabouts well, he had heard a general report.Silvia recently, especially after entering the summer vacation, the number of times out of sight has increased significantly.Of course, her purpose must be to find her own teacher—Usla Svente.

"Should there be any clues?"

Silvia shook her head regretfully: "No, there is still nothing. Since Ursla was rescued that day, she hasn't seen her again. So it might be a little anxious."

"Really... Well, I know. But if anything happens, please contact me at any time. Do not act alone."

"Haha, thank you." Silvia gave a wry smile with a guilty expression.

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