Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 674

In front of him-a space tens of meters wide, waved like a twist.

"This...isn't it a sound pressure defense wall?" Qi Lin, who was also flew by the attack just now, pressed her head with one hand and asked Mu Hantian at the same time.

"If it is, that's amazing. The scale is dozens of times larger, isn't it?" Ulyss and Claudia with stern expressions will also get together, whispering.

Soon the sound pressure barrier disappeared, and the four of "Lu" Saluka also assembled on the opposite side.

"Hmph! How about it, are you scared!" Mi Erxue "showed" a fearless smile, and pointed the guitar in her hand at Mu Hantian and the others.

"Let each of us resonate with the pure Xinghuang style armed forces to limit the nirvana that inspires the original power of'Ultra North Lyra'! You have no chance of winning!"

"But you also look quite uncomfortable."

"Hmm...!?" As soon as she heard Shaye poking, Mi Erxue's face changed drastically.

In fact, all the members of "Lu" Saluka "showed" an uncomfortable appearance and sweated.Maybe some of the'resonance' nirvana skills will also cause a considerable burden on them.

"Huh, huh! It's okay. Anyway, this point won't change so far!" As she said, Mierxue raised the guitar again.


"Don't try to escape this blow!" Turia yelled, raising her arms.

Cut, there is no way, if you want to win, you can only rush in and destroy the school badge of Mierxue, or use that one.No, I can only use that one.

Seeing Qi Rin and Uriss's expressions "looking" a little uncomfortable, Mu Hantian made up his mind in an instant, although it was a little embarrassing...

"Broken Army Singer——Waltz!" Mu Hantian tapped his feet, and several slender silver cylinders connected to the heavy body, showing a peculiar shape.Its appearance looks like a huge pipe organ set in a church.

Taking a look behind him, Mu Hantian spread out his fingers and tapped the keyboard of light around him.

"Buzzing buzzing buzzing...!" In an instant, the huge angel from Meijiu standing behind Mu Hantian began to make an amazing loud noise.

The sound reverberated in the silver "color" cylinders connected by rules, and then spread to the surroundings.Cancel the sonic attack from the people of "Lu" Saluka.

"What! Actually..." Mi Erxue looked at Mu Hantian in surprise.

"Wow, player Mu Hantian once again gave us a surprise. What kind of ability is this?" the commentator Mi Zi said loudly.

"It's over!" Mu Hantian threw the'Black Furnace Demon Sword' at Mi Erxue, the goal was her brilliant weapons, and at the same time, she "closed" towards Mi Erxue.

"How can I let you succeed!"

Mavreina's keyboard played a powerful and beautiful sound "color" at a high volume, blocking the "Black Furnace Sword".

"What I said, it's over!" Mu Hantian had already appeared in front of Michelle, and Michelle quickly attacked Mu Hantian with a guitar.

Mu Hantian escaped Mierxue's blow as soon as he fought.Seeing this moment, Mu Hantian pulled out Qian Yuqi who "plugged" in the guitar just now.

Mierxue's eyes were full of consternation.

Mu Hantian adjusted his breathing and slowly waved Qian Yuqi.

"Underworld-the blade of the gale!" A line-shaped sword flashed across.

"Mierxue, the school badge is damaged."

"The game is over! The winner, the Elf Sword Dance Team!"

In the next instant, Mierxue's school badge split in half fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Chapter Eighty Five

"Oh, it's a bit hard work." Mu Hantian, who returned to his room after the fifth round of the game, fell on the bed as soon as he entered the room.

"It's hard work, the ratio of male to female is one to nine, and the yin and the decay are very tired, but the huang-style weapon?" Ye Chuan, who had already come in and waited, joked.

"It's a brilliant weapon."

"I know, I know, but the next step is the semi-finals, which is much smoother than the'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'."

"That's what I said." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly and got up at the same time. When he was about to change clothes, the phone rang suddenly.

"Huh? Who... Oh, it's Saye, what's the matter?"

"Han Tian, ​​can you come out now?"

"Now? Huh? This... well, I see." Mu Hantian scratched his head, walked out of the bed and "showed" a wry smile.



"Yeah, thank you." Sai Ye said, while taking the popsicle that Mu Hantian handed him.

The promenade is "shot" under the sunset light, and the shadows of the juxtaposed trees stretch out, echoing each other with the colorful world, forming a fantasy scene.The two walked side by side in it, and Mu Hantian glanced sideways at Saye's side.

"Unexpectedly,'Lu' Saluka and the others are quite interesting." Saye said coldly.


"Unexpectedly, I don't actually hate them."

"That's it."

"Han Tian, ​​there is something I want to tell you." Having said that, Sa Ye came to Mu Hantian with a brisk dance.

"Huh, then, what are you going to say?"

Saye turned around with a soft smile on her face and said, "Han Tian, ​​I like you."

"Saya Ye?"

This sentence is different from the past, sincere and sincere, and more importantly, very hard work.As if determined to cross the river of hesitation and worry, tell Mu Hantian his feelings.

"If possible, I hope to always stand at the closest position beside Han Tian forever."

The bright red sunset shone behind Shaye.In a world of red "color" and black "color", only Saya's smile gleamed clearly.

"Don't worry, you can answer any time. I just...want to tell you." Sai Ye only said that, and then quickly walked towards the girls' dormitory.

Her footsteps gradually accelerated, and soon after she stepped out of Mu Hantian's sight, she dodged aside and hid in the shadow of a tree.

With her back leaning on the tree trunk, Shaye leaned her hands on her chest and exhaled.Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes closed, she was quite innocent.

It seems that for Saye, today's confession has made considerable determination.

"What the hell is wrong with me, this kind of thing should obviously be rejected, is the memory of the system interfering with me? Or am I really..." Mu Hantian thought in his heart, looking thoughtfully at the place where Saye had left.


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