Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 675

"Oh, I didn't expect Sha Sha Gong to be such a young girl." Ying Shi Lang, who was hiding in the treetops and peeking at Saye's appearance, smiled so much that his shoulders were shaking.Of course, no sound can be heard from such a distance, but by lip reading.

Eishirou hides in the corner of the green trees in the Star Guidance Hall Academy.Although it is autumn, the maple red period is still early, and the leaves that hide Yingshiro's figure are still very green.

"Hey... Shasha Palace actually said that you can answer at any time, how can there be such a thing! Really, anxious!" Ying Shilang said, muttering with an unbelievable appearance.

"Forget it, I should go too..."

"Really, I used the art of vision to do this kind of voyeuristic activity. I thought you were a little grown up, but I didn't expect it to be the same, Eishirou." Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from behind.

Eijiro quickly turned over and landed to the ground, shooting "sex" with a backhand holding a short sword-shaped brilliant weapon, but like a few celebrities seeping from the shade of the tree, he quickly surrounded Eijiro silently.The figures are covered with all-black clothing except for their eyes, not to mention their age, and it is not even clear whether they are male or female.

However, Ying Shilang knew the figure just now, and it should be said that the hoarse voice just now couldn't be more familiar.

"It turns out to be Father. I didn't expect to see you here... It's a blessing to see that you are still alive." Ying Shirou kept sweating on his forehead, but he still "showed" a sarcastic smile and answered the figure on the tree.

The other person is dressed the same as the figure surrounding Yingjirou, but differs from the others in that the head is "exposed".An elderly man of medium build with deep wrinkles on his face, his hair "touched" by his hands and his thick eyebrows have turned pale.

"Huh, insincere compliments will be spared." The old man, Ying Shilang's biological father, Ye Chuan Chenzhai's "Lu" made a noncommittal expression, and sighed as he sat cross-legged on a branch.

"But the old man heard that you are still idle."

"What do you say?" Ying Shilang looked around with a bright weapon in his hand, and answered casually at the same time.

"Still pretending to be confused. I heard that you are in a movie star but you take another job, and you even have a close relationship with others, right?"

"No, no, no, that's just a superficial disguise, my father. Although I do pretend to have friendship with all walks of life, it's all for the mission. The most important thing in this world is to eat everywhere."

"If you don't have'hair' on your mouth, don't talk too much about the task. It's really embarrassing. My clan is the two masters who are loyal and innocent, so that we can maintain our blood."

Eishiro casts a flattering smile on the face of Yanchenzhai who is supporting his face with his hands and looking down at him, but he is extremely unhappy in his heart.

In ancient times, the Yingshiro clan, who had titles such as Yarongzhong and Night Run Ninja Army, was the so-called ninja blood clan.Long before the occurrence of the'falling star rain', it was influenced by the imperial seed body passed down from ancient times in the village, maintaining the bloodline of the clan body that can surpass ordinary humans.

"Well, you won't come here just to preach to me. Is it a commission that must be done by your father?" Yingshiro looked back at the surrounding atmosphere while stepping back.

The figure surrounding Ying Shi Lang is the elite of the highest class in the clan, there are five people in total.At the same time Ying Shi Lang also noticed the aura of about ten people lurking nearby.

"Now I am going to listen to the report."

"So, the composition of such a fanciful force was designated by the other party?"

"Well, that's it."

"Once we accept the commission, we will not bring any personal affair. That's why we will come to see you before accepting the commission like this."

Only when he heard this, Ying Shilang understood the content of work received by Dan Chenzhai.

"That's the case, the Galaxy is finally going to be real, has the chairman been cleaned up?"

"Who knows, I haven't heard the content of the commission anyway."

Although Dachenzhai pretended not to know, but this period actually used the Yechu clan, and he was definitely not far from it.

"But if that's the case..." At this time, Dachenzhai's eyes suddenly flickered, and a murderous feeling of oppression struck Yingshilang.

The bitter cold, like a blade of ice piercing through the heart, made Ying Shilang instinctively break through the encirclement of Jiaying, trying to distance himself from Chenzhai.


The Jiaying who had already seen through their intentions stretched out their arms, preparing to suppress Yingshiro.

Ying Shirou's figure flashed, and at the same time he wrapped his right foot around one of his arms to make the opponent lose his balance.Then he jumped around behind him and twisted his neck.While jumping away from that Jiaying, he further sharply kicked the neck of another Jiaying who struck from his right hand.

But other Jiaying didn't care about his companion being knocked down.When Ying Shirou cut down another Jiaying with a short knife in his hand, he was immediately caught and hit the ground and was subdued.

"Oh, one person defeated three Jiaying. It seems that your physical skills are quite good." Dachenzhai "touched" his chin while speaking with admiration.

At this time, the three Jiaying who were lying on the ground just now seemed to stand up casually, standing beside Ying Shilang in silence.

Of course the three of them couldn't be unharmed, they just didn't care about the injuries.Based on Ying Shilang's understanding of Jiaying's skills, still surrounded by five people at the same time, there should be more methods that can easily suppress Ying Shilang, but it takes more time.

The Yechu family would not do this.In any case, the tribe will give the first priority to achieving the goal quickly and reliably.Ying Shi Lang hated the idea of ​​his tribe from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter 806 An accident happened to Claudia

"Listen well, silly boy. Don't do anything more imperceptible. This is the advice of being a father."

"Thank you so much." Ying Shi Lang, who was suppressed to the ground by Jia Ying with the strength that would not break his arm, still turned his head and stared at Chen Zhai on his head.

Looking around the surrounding trees, you can see that there are "insertions" in the trees that depict complex marks.It's an enchantment.Ying Shi Lang, who gave up resistance, relaxed his whole body strength.No matter how much resistance it is, it will not help.

"The old man is still fancy your talent. It would be a pity to lose you here. Can you appreciate the hard work of the old man?"

"It's a good fancy, isn't it?" Although Dan Chenzhai said so, Ying Shilang knew it very well.Once he interferes with the task, he will cut his throat without hesitation.


"Hey..." Seeing the fierce light in Dan Chenzhai's eyes once again, Ying Shilang sighed deeply.

"I know."

"Very good." At this moment, the strength to suppress Ying Shilang suddenly disappeared.

When Ying Shilang stood up and took the dust off his clothes, Jiaying and Dachenzhai had long been gone.The setting sun was almost sinking, and a lonely gloom gradually enveloped the trees.

"Tsk." In the gloom, Ying Shilang uttered a tongue, and he hesitated for a while before he took out his phone.

"Nevertheless, let me do a little bit of morality, my father." A man murmured. After Eijiro set the phone to voice communication, he dialed Claudia's number.


When Mu Hantian was about to go to bed, the phone rang on the bed.

"Strange? Who will it be so late...?"

As soon as the space window was opened, Claudia appeared.

"Good evening, Hantian. I'm sorry, but I still contact you so late, can I take some time?"

"It's nothing, but are you in a hurry?"

"Well, there is something very urgent." Claudia rarely "showed" a serious expression, but did not see the usual smile.

"What happened?"

"Well, actually-I heard that classmate Sha Shagong has confessed to Han Tian, ​​is this true?"

"Damn." Mu Hantian almost vomited blood due to an unexpected question.No, this is not the key, the key is...

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