Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 693

"Ah." Mu Hantian nodded and followed Emilia's footsteps.

Lying Ang, who was ignored, gritted his teeth, as if he had made up some determination.


The event came to an end, and the slums where few people care about them once again restored their original loneliness and tranquility.

Walking with Emilia on the road, the strong wind blows at night, dancing Mu Hantian's hair.

"The moon tonight is beautiful." Emilia couldn't help sighing.

Looking up at the sky from the hair, I have been immersed in the sky over the twilight king's capital-the bright moon shines brightly.The dark clouds have dissipated at some point, and the Mingyue buried under the dark clouds reappeared.

"Yes! In fact, many times, the night is more beautiful than the day, perhaps because the god at night is a woman." Mu Hantian said half-jokingly.

Suddenly, Mu Hantian put away his smile, "showing" an interesting expression.Then he came to a house, raised her foot under Emilia's shocked eyes and kicked it hard.


Countless cracks appeared on the wall of the house that was kicked, and then it began to shake violently, as if it was facing a terrible earthquake, it began to collapse.

"Wow!" A scream came from the uninhabited dilapidated house, and then, under Emelia's suspicious look, a slightly familiar figure quickly ran out of it.

With black hair and a set of black and white sportswear, the slightly embarrassed figure is Lai Yue Subaru.

"Hey, do you want to kill me? If you slowed down just now, I might have been crushed to death." Laiyue Subaru glared at Mu Hantian and pointed her finger at the ruined house.

Mu Hantian shrugged when he heard the words, and said indifferently, "Let's go, what's the matter with you following me?"


Chapter 823 Ramrem

Mu Hantian stepped to the front of Laiyue Subaru, looked up and down this "companion" who was a traverser like himself, suddenly said, "Are you going to live in the wild now, want to find a place to live?"

"Yes!" Laiyue Subaru was taken aback for a moment, and was stared at by a man, uncomfortable, said uncontrollably.

When he recovered, his black pupils suddenly widened, with an incredible expression, "You, how do you know?!"

"Haha..." Mu Hantian smiled triumphantly: "Other than that, what reason do you have to follow? Are you really a stalker?"

When talking about the'stalker', Mu Hantian's eyes suddenly became sharp, as if he had encountered something interesting, the corners of his mouth curled up with a strange arc.

"Gudong——" Seeing Mu Hantian's expression of interest, Lai Yue Subaru couldn't help swallowing saliva.If I admit that I am a stalker here, I will undoubtedly be beaten with a monster-like force by this same age boy in front of me.

The scenes of Elsa being abused suddenly flashed through his mind, and the cold sweat that was frightened flowed down the outline of her cheeks.

"Hahahaha, what are you talking about, brother. Since we are all people who have come to another world, and you have found accommodation, I am not staying in the wild? If it is not too troublesome, can you take me? "Watching Mu Hantian who looked at him playfully, Lai Yue Subaru immediately said with a flattering smile.

"Huh? Han Tian always felt a little concerned about what you said between him."

Seeing Mu Hantian and Lai Yue Subaru standing there, I don't know what they are talking about?Emilia didn't know when she came to Mu Hantian's side and asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, but this kid seems to have nowhere to go." Mu Hantian shrugged and said indifferently.

"Is that so?" Emily looked at Lai Yue Subaru who nodded her head repeatedly, and then she also took in Lai Yue Subaru, who had a kind heart.


Under the leadership of Amelia, Mu Hantian and Laiyue Subaru smoothly came to a luxurious palace-like garden.

"This is really incredible." After a long while, Lei Yue Ang spit out a word.

"It's almost the same as Jules's palace, except it's not that big." Mu Hantian couldn't help but exclaimed.

Looking around the spacious courtyard, Mu Hantian and Lei Yueang as guests still abide by the rules and wait for Emilia to lead them.

Even in the dark, the light in the courtyard is enough to illuminate the entire road.

"Welcome back, Master Emilia."

The two girls standing side by side at the door opened their lips slightly.

Mu Hantian narrowed his eyes pierced by the light and looked at the door of the house with a surprised look.

The two girls dressed as maids turned out to be identical twins.

She is about 150 cm tall, with big eyes and pink lips. The contours on her face make cute and tender at the same time, giving people a feeling of wanting love and pity.The hairstyles of the two girls are short, with opposite sides of the hair, just covering the left and right eyes.

The only difference between the identities of the two women is the side of the hair. The pink "color" and the sky blue "color" are the obvious signs of the sisters.

Wearing a black "color" base skirt, white "color" hair accessories, "naked" and "showing" a strange and beautiful maid outfit with slender shoulders.

"Oh, is there a maid here?" Mu Hantian stared at them, his eyes flashing as if he had discovered something super novel.At the same time, I couldn't help but give a compliment to this somewhat "explicit" costume.

"Master Emilia, Ram was desecrated by this guest's gaze."

"Master Emelia, Rem was smashed by this guest in his head."

The two of Ramrem hugged each other with a look of horror, and stared at Mu Hantian with disgust.

"Really... Hantian, how can you look at the person you meet for the first time with that kind of eyes?" Emilia pouted, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Allah, Emilia, this is just pure appreciation, or are are jealous?" Mu Hantian laughed and stared at Emilia with funny eyes, and joked unceremoniously.

"Don't... don't talk nonsense. Be careful I blast you out!" Emilia flushed, pretending to be angry and said.

"Haha." In the courtyard full of loneliness, Mu Hantian's laughter stirred back and forth.

"Rem, let's stay away from this guest in the future. I always feel that "sex" is so bad..."

"Yeah. Sister, you have to be careful too..."

"Okay, Remram. These two are my guests. Go ahead and make arrangements. I'll talk about it tomorrow." Emilia "showed" a helpless expression, facing Mu Hantian and Subaru Nodded.

"Yes-Master Emilia."

"Since it's Master Emilia, Rem can only be wronged."

Ram and Rem led Subaru and Mu Hantian to arrange their accommodation respectively.


This is a strange ceiling.

With anticipation of a new day and the "lost" of the future, Mu Hantian opened his dim sleepy eyes.

The first thing I saw after opening my eyes was the pure white simple light, the soft luster of sunlight and the white ceiling.

In the center, the hanging exquisite crystal gleams with luxurious brilliance, deeply attracting Mu Hantian's sight.

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