Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 694

"I really don't know what to say."

Putting his palms next to his eyes, trying to hide the dazzling light, Mu Hantian muttered to himself.

Mu Hantian put away his "confused" gaze, and lifted the soft-touch quilt covering his body.Supporting his body and slowly sitting up, Mu Hantian looked at the surrounding arrangements curiously.

"It looks like an upper-class room. Oh, the mural hanging on the wall will only make me feel weird, and what the hell is this unesthetized picture? Can it really be called a guest room?"

"You're awake, guest." Rem, with short blue hair, stood by, watching Mu Hantian quietly.

"Yeah, I woke up. But what are you doing here? Is it giving me benefits?"

Listening to Mu Hantian’s jokes, Rem stared at Mu Hantian blankly and slowly said, “It’s already 9 o’clock on the sunday, the male guest eating rice. And the guest who seemed to be useless had already been there. I got up at 7 o'clock."

"Really." Seeing Rem directly ignored his own jokes, Mu Hantian curled his lips uninterestingly.

"En? Sister maid, where is the suit I am wearing?" Mu Hantian only found a new set of male butler uniforms from the corner of the bed.

"Are you talking about that set of clothes that is as strange as another guest?" Rem thought for a while and replied, "Because Rem saw that it was a little dirty, and it was still a little broken. So Rem took it without authorization. Go and clean it again, and it will be returned to the guests after the repair is completed."

"Oh? That's it. Thank you so much." Mu Hantian nodded.After that series of events, it is inevitable that the clothes will get dirty. As for the damage, it should be made during the battle with Elsa.

"Sorry, we don't have any extra male'sex' costumes here, so we only have housekeeper clothes. Rem will repair the clothes as soon as possible and return them to the guests." Mu Hantian found that Mu Hantian had been staring at the casing suit and was silent, thinking that the other party I didn't like it, Rem apologized.

Chapter VIII Lolita?

"Oh oh, this is the housekeeper's uniform... Although it is a little frustrating, it seems to be acting in a role. To be honest, I haven't worn it yet." In front of Rem who whispered apologizing, it was a housekeeper. Mu Hantian dressed up.

Seeing Mu Hantian looking at the housekeeper's uniform with interest, Rem "exposed" an incredible expression.

Maybe it's because of Mu Hantian's broad shoulders and thin body. Butler-style clothes look particularly good.

"You are really a strange person, guest." Rem expressed his own thoughts.

"Hehe, isn't it? Since coming here, many people seem to say that." Mu Hantian shrugged and said indifferently.

"Really? That's really rude, strange guest."

"Haha, you are also very interesting." Mu Hantian replied with a smile casually, and at the same time secretly added in his heart, you are probably not a human being?

Although he was "confused" about the identity of the other party in his heart, there was no movement on his face, nor did he say what he wanted.

"Haha, this look is also very interesting. Just tell me if you have something to say. If you keep holding back, it would be very rude to the guests." Mu Hantian, who was about to push the door, suddenly felt that the maid had been He stared at himself intently, as if he had something to ask, but he hesitated to speak.

"May I ask the guest's name?" Rem thought for a while, then continued: "Of course, if you don't suggest that we keep calling you'guest', then there is no need to answer Rem's question."

"Name? Didn't Emilia tell you?" Mu Hantian asked "confused" suspiciously.

Rem shook his head and said softly, "No, Lord Emilia came back to her room last night and stopped resting. She didn't mention anything about the two guests."

Listening to Rem’s explanation, Izayoi first showed a surprised expression, and then smiled with interest, "Haha~ It’s really funny. Emilia brought two unidentified people back. Don't you all doubt that we are some dangerous people?"

"Master Rozval told us not to interfere too much with Master Emilia's affairs." As he said, Rem looked at Mu Hantian with a serious expression, "That guest is completely a waste of ordinary people. , So it shouldn't be a dangerous person. But you should be."

Listening to Rem’s unconcealed words, Mu Hantian "showed" a smile from his heart and said, "Thank you for your honest answer. Also, my name is Mu Hantian. As you see, I am a very gentle Of course, that’s for friends."

"Really?" Rem "showed" a skeptical expression.

"It's fine if you don't believe me, but I still have to ask you for advice. Maid sister~"

"Rem's name is Rem. Please don't call me that." Rem corrected expressionlessly.

"I see, sister Rem."

"Please don't call me that."

"Sister Rem."

"Please don't call me that, guest!"

"Okay, okay, let's call you Rem. Why are you so serious, really."

"Remember, those who eat rice will call me Rem."


There was a loud closing of the door, and looking at the hurried back, Mu Hantian shook his head.

"Yes, now I am a guest eating rice again."


When I walked out of the room, what appeared in front of my eyes was a wide corridor with a unified warm color tone on the walls and floor. The two passages on the left and right were continuously extending, and the end was not visible at all, which made people fearful.

And Mu Hantian gazed at this corridor with no end in sight.

Mu Hantian walked briskly on the corridor, and the clear footsteps broke the dead silence of the house.

There is complete silence, and the sound of life is totally inaudible here.If it hadn't been for Rem, who had just met one of the maids here, Mu Hantian would have begun to wonder if there was no one living here.

"Rozval..." Mu Hantian "touched" his smooth chin with his hand, whispering this strange name in his mouth.

This name was just heard from Rem, and it was called "adult" just like Emelia.

And Emilia said before that she also temporarily lived in this mansion.Combining the above points, this man named Rozval...

"That is the owner of this mansion?" Mu Hantian has no interest in the owner of this mansion, he is just thinking about another question.

First it was Emilia, then the twin maid sisters, and then Mu Hantian who was the newest guest... By the way, there was also the Laiyue Subaru who came with it.

Finally, coupled with this Rozval who has never met, is there only six people living in such a huge mansion?

"Ah, speaking of it, I forgot to ask the maid sister where the bathroom is?" Mu Hantian sighed heavily for his mistake, then came to a gate and pushed casually.

Then, when I opened the door, I saw...


A young girl with golden curly hair squinted her eyes and yawned heavily in front of Mu Hantian.It’s as cute as it is.

"Huh?" Opening her eyes, looking at Mu Hantian who suddenly broke in the door, the curly-haired young girl jumped up from the chair with her eyes wide open.

The thick book lying flat on the young girl's lap fell to the ground with a clatter, making a slight noise.

"You, you..." The curly girl tremblingly pointed at Mu Hantian, as if she wanted to say something.

"Huh? Seven people... It turns out that there is still a young girl hidden here." Mu Hantian gently closed the door, and then called again and waved his hand at the curly girl.

"Good morning, little girl."

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