Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 695

"Ahhh! Don't close the door and enter again at this time!" The young girl curled angrily at Mu Hantian, shouting loudly.

This room is very suitable to be called a'book library'.The area is twice the size of the previous guest room, and the bookshelves are so high that there is no gap in front of the ceiling.The books on the shelves are also closely arranged, and the collection of books is unimaginable.

"Well, there are a lot of books, but none of them I can understand."

I flipped through a few books on the shelf at random, and I couldn't see that a book was written in Japanese.There are also no Western European alphabets, many of which are hieroglyphs seen on the streets before.

"It's a really hot kid..." Looking at Mu Hantian, he flipped through the book as if he was using this place as his home study, curling up the young girl with a dangerous sneer.

However, Mu Hantian didn't pay attention to the warning words of the curly-haired girl, but looked at the books here with interest.

"Don't ignore other people's warnings so naturally! You annoying kid! ... Or do you come here to find fault on purpose? I won't show weakness in that way!"

It seemed that he finally heard the words, Mu Hantian put down the book in his hand and walked to the face of the young girl Curly with a happy smile.

Immediately afterwards, under the dumbfounded gaze of the other party, Mu Hantian stretched out his hands and "kneaded" hard on the young girl's face.

"Although Tsundere Lori is very affectionate, it is a pity that I am not Lolita. But to be honest, you are so cute."

The young girl in front of me was younger than the Firth I met in the slums. I am afraid that she was only eight or nine years old. Undoubtedly, she was a young girl.And her luxurious dress with a lot of folds matched her lovely appearance.

The most obvious feature is a long, curly, long, light creamy hair.If you smile with a cute face, no one can fight it.

At this moment, this cute, foul-like little face has begun to be seriously distorted, and finally completely distorted.


The young girl raised her arm and slapped Mu Hantian's hands on her face as she continued to "knead" her, and her eyes instantly burned with anger.

"Don't worry about the rudeness of the kid who just came, why is there another one now? And, and..." The young girl curled her shoulders and roared at Mu Hantian like a flash flood.

"This face boy needs to be even more unscrupulous, even more rude! Touching Betty's face with those hands... Unforgivable!"

"Oh?" Hearing what the young girl said, Mu Hantian curled up his mouth and said, "So that kid has been here too?"

"Death to Betty ten thousand times!" The young girl "Mao" raised her right hand and pointed it at Mu Hantian, her voice filled with unforgivable anger.

Immediately afterwards, the originally quiet library began to scream.

An extremely destructive invisible air current burst out from the young girl's hand, rushing towards Mu Hantian with an unstoppable momentum.

Chapter 825 Love and Kill with Loli

Suddenly, centered on where Mu Hantian was standing, a violent gale suddenly hung up.The wind was howling, and Mu Hantian's black hair was swaying in the strong wind.

"Oh, magic." Feeling the ominous wind hanging around, Mu Hantian looked at the angry Betty indifferently, and the corners of his mouth raised an interesting arc.

"Betty can't bear it anymore, it's time for you to see the terrible end of angering Betty!" Mu Hantian looked at Mu Hantian, who was still calm and unhurried, even facing his angry self.Betty raised her hand with a face full of endurance, and an invisible air current rushed towards Mu Hantian.

Betty looked at Mu Hantian who hadn't noticed the magic attack at all, and stood still on the spot.Snorted triumphantly, and said with a disdainful face: "Huh! I know that Betty is amazing..."

The words stopped abruptly, and Betty's eyes widened as if seeing something unbelievable, with an expression of disbelief.

Mu Hantian snapped his fingers casually, and then under Betty's stunned gaze, the magical attack with a strong offensive "sex" instantly disappeared without a trace, and even the strong wind hanging in the room stopped strangely.

"What did you just do?" Betty asked loudly, her brows wrinkled unconsciously with shocked "color" on her delicate doll-like cheeks.

"Ha...what did you do?" Mu Hantian blinked, and then a rounded corner of his mouth, said faintly: "Didn't you see clearly just now?"

This boy is not easy!Never careless...Betty warned herself so in her heart.

"Since you are finished, can I go now?"

"How can I let you leave so easily! It's just shattering the lower-level magic, so do you feel like this? Let you see what the real magic is!" He said, waving his little hand. In the midair around Mu Hantian, several different colored balls of light appeared, like a football being kicked out, flying towards Mu Hantian.

If she can't clean up a mere "hairy" kid, what face does she have to continue to assume the role of guardian of the forbidden library?

"Existence is fixed!"

"Huh?" When he raised his fist and was about to aim at the ball of light, Mu Hantian gave a startled suspicion, and suddenly realized that his body seemed to be imprisoned by something, as if he could not move at all.

Mu Hantian looked forward and saw that several colorful balls of light had already rushed in front of him, and then slammed heavily on Mu Hantian's seemingly fragile body.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!!!

Five explosions sounded in succession, and the aftermath of the explosion caused the entire library to be upset and confused.Betty swept across the books falling on the ground casually, and finally stopped his gaze in the dust that was lifted up.

"Huh, rude kid. Should you taste the pain this time?" Betty snorted expressionlessly. No matter how strong the kid's body is, it is impossible to resist so many magical attacks at the same time, right?

When he took a step forward and was about to recover the boy's'corpse' and hand it over to the two twin maids, a familiar voice came from the dust.

"You are too happy too soon."

Betty looked at the figure walking out of it with an incredible expression.

Actually... really blocked it?!

Mu Hantian, who was holding the magic attack frontally but still safe and sound, moved his body and loosened his muscles and bones. He smiled and said, "I will accompany you to have fun."

Betty looked at Mu Hantian, who was hit by her own magic, and was still jumping like an okay person, and she was stunned.

Betty's sluggish gaze has not fully recovered, and the blue crystal-like pupils are full of incredible, staring at Mu Hantian, as if to see him through, trembling and saying, "Is this guy really human? ?"

A magical attack that was enough to paralyze a weak human body on the bed for a month was so easily blocked by the body of a human teenager, and it did not cause any harm.

This caused a huge impact on Betty's worldview as an elf.Or, the young man in front of him is definitely not a simple human species, but does not know the superposition of species?

"Who knows. You think it is." Mu Hantian shrugged indifferently.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, if someone told Betty that there were human beings who could resist multiple attack magic with their bodies but were unharmed, Betty would just laugh it off and treat it as a joke.

However, it turns out that this kind of monster exists and is right in front of her at this moment.

"What are you talking about!" Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Betty said loudly with an expression of "You are teasing me".

In the blink of an eye, the same attack magic as before appeared again around Mu Hantian, but this time there were more balls and more powerful.

"You really have a bad temper." Mu Hantian shook his head, facing a magical attack that could blow up ordinary people, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Without dodge, he slammed the ground with one foot and took the initiative to face the ball of light.

Looking at Mu Hantian coming straight, Betty's exquisite puppet-like cheeks revealed a little solemnity.

After hesitating a little, he waved his small hand gently.The right hand fell, and the ball of light smashed towards Mu Hantian like a cannonball.


Looking up at the smashing ball of light, Mu Hantian twisted his leg casually and left.When the foot touched the surface of the light ball, it was undoubtedly crushed again.

The shattered ball of light turned into a gorgeous colorful star, which fell down in mid-air, creating a picturesque scene.

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