Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 698

Mu Hantian thought for a while, then asked, "The touchstone? Is that the badge?"

"Yes, that's the qualification for the king to participate in the selection. This is a touchstone to confirm whether it matches the throne of the Rugnika Kingdom." Emelia nodded, and took out the careless Ferut from her pocket. Stolen badge.

The emblem on the table was carved with the shape of a dragon with its wings spread out, and the shining brilliance of the orb seemed to faintly confirm what was said.

"Oh? In other words, are you likely to be a candidate for the king of this country, Emilia?" Mu Hantian raised his eyebrows, "showing" a look of interest.

"Continuing from the above, I stand in the position of supporting Master Emilia as the candidate for the king. Putting the'supporter' in another way, I am a decent protector."

"Protect people?" Representatives of supporters.Is it the identity of Rozval?

Mu Hantian lowered his head to meditate for a while, then he "showed" a smile and said, "Then. You should be something amazing too! Loz kiss."

"Well, there is nothing to hide. My title belongs to the Kingdom of Lugenica... Let's be regarded as the identity of Bianhou. Another more prominent position is the palace magician." Rozval said without thinking. .

"That's it."

"What do you want? As far as the situation is concerned, I will not refuse or cover up. Subaru, Hantian, what do you want?"

"Huh?" Mu Hantian didn't understand what he meant.

"Don't be so surprised, this is just a little reward for you to protect Master Emilia." Rozval explained.

"As expected to be a noble, very sensible. I only have one wish, and that is to hire me to work in this mansion." Laiyue Subaru was talking, and stood up at this time, looking like a "sao" bag.

"+1 upstairs, my wish is to eat and drink for free here." Mu Hantian replied with Subaru's chin resting on his chin.

Mu Hantian's request caused the female "sex" lineup behind him to "show" a different posture. Betty, who lacked expression, looked disgusted, Rem looked contemptuous, and Emilia...

"It's not that I want to say, your calm answer really surprised me." Subaru said half jokingly.

"Never mind Subaru. After all, Hantian, you are my savior. Is this the only requirement?" Emilia really can't figure out why Mu Hantian's request is so simple, isn't it a deeper material requirement?This will make her feel that she owes Mu Hantian the kindness.

"Well-Subaru is quite a servant, and Hantian is quite a diners. That's okay." Rozval thought for a moment and replied.

"Let’s say yes, we are guys of unknown origin. Instead of letting it go, we’d better stay in our hands. Therefore, I won’t eat for nothing. I will help Emilia compete for the king’s election.

"Is that so? I hope you can make a good relationship." Rozval closed one eye and looked at Mu Hantian with yellow pupils and replied.

"Okay, then... Parker, Betty will lend it to me today." Mu Hantian said to Parker, who was lying on Emilia's shoulder.

"You guy! Betty is not a thing, bah, Betty is not a tool for casual contact. Be careful, I use magic to kill you!" Betty heard Mu Hantian's words.A hint of anger flashed across his face, and he stood up instantly.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to discuss magic with this loli." Mu Hantian explained at this time, because he knew his words might be misunderstood.

"It turned out to be like this." Emilia nodded, and didn't ask Mu Hantian. If Parker agreed, she had nothing to say.

"Huh, Betty won't..."

"I agreed!"

"Brother!" Betty looked at Parker dissatisfied, wondering why she sold her.

"Betty, I believe in cold weather. Also, you have to learn to contact people and don't stay in the same place. We will have a lot of time together in the future. Let's talk with him today." Parker caught He scratched his ears and said with a smile.

Well, very cute cat.

Mu Hantian touched Parker's cheek with his finger, causing Parker to laugh.

"Huh, let's say it first. If you make Betty unhappy, everything that happens later is nothing to Betty's business." With big watery eyes open, Betty took the lead to leave the place.

Mu Hantian also followed out.


"These books... seem to be expensive books." After flipping through a heavy book at will, Mu Hantian reluctantly closed the book.Because he can't understand.

"From your look, you know you must not know how to read, what a sad boy."

"I'm really ignorant when you say that."

"Even if you say that, you can't hide the fact that you are a pervert." Betty closed the huge book and raised her head dryly, sweeping Mu Hantian with no emotion in her eyes.

"Well, I'm curious. Parker won't really be your brother, right?"

"For Betty, Parker is the equivalent of a elder brother. Just like her brother treats Emilia as a daughter."

"Oh, this is really a complicated relationship."

"Just talk about it, human."

Seeing Betty a little impatient, Mu Hantian smiled and sat cross-legged in front of Betty.

"Emilia, Parker, you, sisters Ram and Rem, and Rozval. There are six people in total, right, I don't know how many are humans?"

"What are you trying to say?" Betty raised her brows, a little impatient with Hantian's nonsense.

"Ram and Rem shouldn't be humans, I can feel them." Mu Hantian asked the question in his heart.

Amelia is a half-elf, Parker is an elf, Betty is an elf, Ramrem is not a human, just don't know if the remaining Rozval is a pure human race.This is simply a gathering place for non-human beings.

"The two twins are ghosts, I think you should have a good relationship with them."

"Oh, listening to you, is it possible that I will not be eaten tonight? To make a good relationship now is to avoid the danger of being eaten." Mu Hantian said jokingly, but there is always a premonition.

That is something will happen tonight.

"If it were you, there should be no problem. But that person named Subaru might not be so lucky."

"Really, but why?"

"That kid has a disgusting witch breath."

"Witch? What is that?"

"What is a witch?"

"You don't even know the witch, Betty really doubts if you jumped out of the stone."

"Talk about it." Mu Hantian looked innocent and ignored Betty's surprise.

With Betty's explanation for half an hour, Mu Hantian finally learned some news.

One, the envy witch is a powerful magician who almost destroys the world.

Second, the jealous witch created Warcraft, which swallowed half of the world, and was later sealed by the powerful.

Third, the unlucky child-Laiyue Subaru, the "Death Return" on his body is the protection of the witch.

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