Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 699

In general, Subaru is a witch who came to clear this different world to accomplish some of her goals.

And Subaru has the aura of a witch, which makes people in other worlds who hate witches hate, so if you follow Subaru together-it's hard luck!

Chapter 829: Conspiracy?

Compared with Mu Hantian's practice, Laiyue Subaru is extremely suffering.

Washing clothes are clumsy, and the fingers of slicing vegetables are bloody. In short, there is nothing that can be done with all housework.

Tired like a dead dog lying on the ground breathing, Subaru turned his head to look at Mu Hantian who was resting on the lawn.

"I'm so envious-I knew I would be a eater too. Alas, a man can't repent once he speaks, so let's learn how to cook with the maids."

"It looks like you are in good spirits." Parker floated in the air watching Mu Hantian's actions, washing his face with short hands like a normal cat.

"What does it mean to be energetic? I'm just tired and take a break."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Parker nodded.

"Well, Betty keeps saying that you are very active, which seems to be the case. Then I won't disturb your practice."

"Come on, Hantian." Emilia walked from one side, holding a cup of tea and handing it to Mu Hantian.

"Thank you." Mu Hantian stared sideways at Emilia's face while raising his head and drinking it all.

——Silver-haired half-fairy, and still the heroine.

Mu Hantian suddenly heard the jealous witch Betty said.

"What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"

Being stared by Mu Hantian's gaze, the gentle smile on Emilia's face became a little unnatural.

"It's nothing, I want to continue practicing. Oh, by the way, the tea is delicious."

Interesting half-elf, still silver hair, oh ha ha ha ha ha.

"Thanks for the compliment."

Time slowly passed away, and even Mu Hantian had to admire the shortness of time.

At dusk, the periphery of the sky gradually dimmed, and some clouds slowly emerged.

"What a beautiful sunset!" Mu Hantian exclaimed, and gradually calmed down as he watched the reddish clouds around him.

The dinner process was much more plain, not too active.

Perhaps it was because Subaru and Mu Hantian were too tired, while Emilia and the twin sisters did not have so many topics.


"Then, what do you think of those two people?"

It's night time—just when the sun sets and the moon is high, secret reports are going on here.

Spacious room.In the center of the room is a couch and a coffee table for welcoming visitors, and inside are the desks and chairs used by the room owner.Documents and feather pens were scattered on the ebony desk, and the steaming cup beside it exuded a soft fragrance.

This is the top floor of the main building of the Rozval Mansion, the office of the owner Rozval.Sitting on the chair, it was him who asked the original question.

Hearing Rozval's question, a hesitant voice came from beside him.

"Hmm...I think the person named Laiyue Subaru can ignore it for the time being, and it feels like there is no possibility of spying, but that Mu Hantian..."

"Well, then Laiyue Subaru just let it go. Watch that Mu Hantian more. After all, his strength can be used." Rozval smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Yeah. I understand..." Ram nodded and accepted the task of monitoring Mu Hantian.

Suddenly thinking of something, Rozval frowned and muttered to himself: "Could it be... Did he know something to do this?"

If he really knows something, then this instability factor has to be removed.

Rozval squinted his green and yellow pupils, and his killing intent was fleeting without any emotion.

"Well... Sure enough, do you still want to get rid of that guy?" Ram seemed to notice the killing intent flashing in Rozval's eyes, and his tone became cold.In her view, all unstable elements that hinder the plan must be eliminated.

"Haha, I am afraid that with your current strength, Ram, it is difficult to beat him. Forget it, surveillance is unnecessary. With his ability, it is useless." Rozval shook his head, expressionless. Glancing at Ram.Although it was only a short time to have breakfast in the morning with Mu Hantian, the impression left on him was extremely deep.

That huge force, even the defensive magic that can cast him on the body, can be easily crushed.It’s okay if you just master strange powers, but it’s a bit tricky if you still have unknown abilities!

Ram seemed to know that he was not the boy's opponent, and he sighed and lowered his head dimly.

"Don't be so depressed, Ram. After all, your value is not reflected here. So, is the matter that I asked you to investigate before that?" As if to dispel Ram's feeling of inferiority, Rozval "exposed" A smile of unknown meaning, said slowly.

"En. The result of Rahm's investigation, in summary." Rahm raised his head, looked directly into Rozval's eyes, shook his head regretfully, and said, "Everything is unknown!"

"Everything is unknown?" Rozval narrowed his eyes as if he was interested in the word.

"En. Whether it is the authenticity of identity, place of residence, name, or the purpose of coming to this country. Everything is unknown!" Ram said in one breath the results of his investigation of Mu Hantian.

"The only thing that can be known is that he emerged from the'slums', where he also met with Lord Emilia."

"Slums? Seeing that he is dressed, it should not be the slums. He doesn't see much on his appearance, and he doesn't wear any weapons or magic items. Forget it, the last question, what do you think of his heart?"

"Very bad "sex" personality. I speak straightforwardly. I don't know what it means to be considerate and gentle." Ram gritted his teeth and answered bluntly.

"Oh, it's not hard to see." Rozval smiled as if satisfied.

Rozval changed his posture as he spoke, and the chair creaked under pressure.In contrast to his previous posture facing the desk, Rozval was facing the large window into which the moonlight poured in.

Rozval squinted his left and right pupils with different colors, and looked at the scene under him, and the corners of his mouth relaxed.

"Okay, you go down first. I need someone to calm down..."

Today is the night of the full moon, and the full moon is hanging high in the night sky. For some reason, an inconspicuous small gap can be seen in the corner of the bright full moon.

Ram bowed respectfully and said'yes' before leaving the room with light steps.


After confirming that the door was closed, Rozval retracted Mochizuki's gaze and raised his white arm with a light wave.


Inadvertently, a breeze swept across, blowing out the only lighting on the desk.Rozval's body was completely concealed in the darkness, and only those strange eyes were shining with strange light.


The bright white light instantly illuminates the entire dark-shrouded room, and it is so dazzling that it is hard to let people open their eyes to look directly, but Rozval quietly stared at the center of the white light without blinking his eyes.

After the white light faded away, a book that exuded purple "color" light, which looked very strange, was floating in front of Rozval at this time.

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