Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 734

"It turns out that it's like this. It's still the same, the old family's knight rules are really troublesome--. It's great that Phyllis is a declining noble here~"

"As a knight, I don’t find it troublesome. But just to help friends, I need to worry about various things, which is a bit troublesome. — Although it doesn’t matter, Julius Ukuleus’ confinement sanctions, It was lifted in the middle of the night last night. Let me explain this first."

"It's a boring pre-explain...Does the pseudonym still have meaning in this way?" Listening to the conversation between Julius and Phyllis, Subaru smacked his tongue badly.

Seeing Subaru's attitude, Julius suddenly turned his eyes.He let the earth dragon come over, facing Subaru.

"It's better to be more energetic than you think.-But how is your physical condition?"

Hearing Julius's remarks about his body, Subaru was suddenly dazzled by anger.

Julius's question can only be regarded as teasing or sarcastic, enough to remind people of the humiliation a few days ago-for Subaru almost two weeks ago.

Hearing this speech with enough "containment" significance, Subaru finally suppressed his anger at the last minute, and resisted not cursing.

"Ah, well, it's just a bruise anyway? Just apply a bit of saliva and heal it? It's on your side, saying that it was reinforcements, but unexpectedly late? Why? Could it be because the layman took seriously for the sake of I can’t get too busy writing reports and reflections that I submit to my boss or some big man?" Subaru speculated on the background of the incident that could be thought of from the “confinement sanctions,” and counterattacked with provocations he was good at.

"What I want to ask is not the injury at that time, but the glorious injury during the crusade against Beasts... But if the injury at that time is also healed, then it would be best. The injuries should just look serious. It's just that. You who are good at drawing sympathy, pretending to be exaggerated, fell to the ground, pretending to be painful."

The people around were still wondering if they should do something in this situation, but Mu Hantian, Phyllis and Ricardo watched them thoroughly as if they were watching a play, and Mi Mi also ran into the opposite team to find her younger brother. .

"It's almost time to relive the old feelings, right now is not the time to do this kind of thing, right?" said the old swordsman Wilhelm who was driving the earth dragon close to the two.

"The expression has changed, Master Wilhelm."

Julius said this to Wilhelm calmly.

Julius looked at Wilhelm’s eyes that seemed to have gotten rid of the possessed evil spirits, and nodded with emotion: "When we met before, it was a world of difference.... In this way, Rein Haru Special can be redeemed too."

"Yes, nah." Wilhelm "touched" his chin with his hand, lowering his eyes.

"For him, I can't pluck up the courage to face it. Although I understand that in his opinion it is not a fault, nor is it out of malice, but I still cannot forgive myself. — One day, I will get retribution."

"Even if you just know that you think so, it must be enough for him to feel relieved."

Wilhelm's answer was full of bitterness, but Julius still affirmed.Then he slowly turned his eyes as calm as the lake to Mu Hantian.

"I have to thank you."


Julius lightly jumped from the earth dragon.Then he raised his head, looking at Mu Hantian who was sitting on the back of Earth Dragon, bending down.

"This beluga crusade was originally the long-cherished wish of the Knights of the Kingdom. You have marked a terminator for the disasters that have been ignored for many years, and I am grateful for that." Julius thanked him with grace.

"It doesn't matter, it was originally my enemy."

"Thanks to you, people have been able to let go of those years of fear of fog. ——Master Anastasia, I must be very happy too."

"And, my friend's regrets over the years... can also come to an end." Julius closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

Chapter 861 I will go alone

"Thank you or anything, we don't have to, we are going to fight against the people of the Witch Cult next, are we coming?"

"Of course." Julius did not refuse.

"However, why did the people of the Witch Cult attack the Mezas collar? I remember Rozval did not do anything to collide with the Witch Cult." Ang asked.

"'Jealous Witch' Satira is devoutly believed in by the Witch Cult. You know that."

"For the time being. To be honest, I just know it, that is, the level of reading on the picture book." Ang nodded.

"Basically none of the guys who have actually experienced it are alive anymore, of course. The Sajia is just hearsay. Well, you only need to know that the faith of the witch cult is that Shatila. Then, you know that it is called Sha. The witch of Tira is a half-elf, right?"

"Well, well." The information on the picture book that Subaru was reading was not so detailed, but he did hear about it when asked about the'jealous witch' from Betty.

And when I was in the royal capital, I often heard that Emilia was compared to the "jealous witch" because of her appearance and birthplace.

And Subaru is also indignant every time he says "This is not the reason she should be blamed".

"Amelia's appearance is exactly the same as that of a witch? However, that doesn't mean that the child should be blamed. Those are just venting behaviors by mistaken subjects."

"Most of the guys don't think they are wrong. After all, Satira has done something like that. So, back to the question of the Witch Cult... The reason is simple. For them, the existence of half-elves is very eye-catching. ."

"Huh?" Subaru couldn't help being stunned, and there was a short sound in his throat.However, it can be seen from the reactions of people around that Ricardo holds this view.In other words, this is a common view.

"Why? Generally speaking... Although those guys can't think about it with ordinary people's thinking, generally speaking, the persecution and the favorite witch are also half-elves. This kind of thinking..."

"Because she believes in Satila and believes that there is no more noble existence than her, so it is impossible to allow different existences of the same appearance. Similar but different, imitations.-Confusing existence. Ang, it is not difficult. Understand, just like the fanatics of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages, you should understand?" Mu Hantian said his opinion.

"The people of the Witch Cult have problems with their heads, and this is not something that we only know now. What kind of things-all right? The question is who is leading the Witch Cult and who is targeting Emilia-sama One."

"Yes, the Great Sin Secretary." Ricardo agreed with what Phyllis said.

"Do you also know?"

"Is the Witch Cult's Great Sin Secretary famous?" Mu Hantian asked.

"I probably just know that there is such a group of people. I heard people gossiping before, saying that there were witches before the'jealous witch' turned the world upside down."

"Arrogance, anger, laziness, desire, gluttony, ****.-The six witches who were called big sins. Then everyone's existence was swallowed up by Satila, who had the name of'jealous'. "

Mentioning witches in this world is basically talking about jealous witches, and witches named as other serious sins almost no longer exist.

"It's just that the cadres of the Witch Cult... I don't know if it is appropriate to say that, but I heard that they are replacing the disappearing witches with the name of great sin. Jealousy is a symbol of their faith. In other words, other than this. Six people--the six great sin teachers."

"Six people..." After listening to Julius' explanation, the degree of mystery of the Witch Teaching in Mu Hantian's mind has increased.

When Petrchius reported his name as "Lazy", he had anticipated that there would be other serious crimes.When it comes to the seven deadly sins, Mu Hantian is very familiar with it. After all, he used to watch anime a lot like these myths before.

"However, the beluga that was supposed to be a'gluttony' has already been attacked by us. The other great sin priests should not come forward to lead Meses. This is a good opportunity to severely inflict the Witch Cult. They were killed in one fell swoop, but I don't know where they are. It's a pity," Mu Hantian said.

"Oh, I'm so confident~, but if you want to say that this is a good opportunity to defeat the unidentified Witch's Cult in one breath, Little Philip also agrees. They really don't put Lugunicard in their eyes. "

"They are the scourge of the world just like the Beluga Whale. They are the opponents that the Knights regard as thorny. Most of the knights except me should think so. It is lucky to have this opportunity."

Phyllis and Julius both agreed with Mu Hantian's opinion, Ricardo "showed" a belligerent smile, Wilhelm just nodded solemnly in agreement.


"Then, as planned, I will go to investigate the situation first." Holding the reins of the earth dragon, Mu Hantian said to Rem and Ang in front of him.

"Han Tian, ​​be careful."

"Don't worry, Rem, I'll be fine." This is the truth. If it wasn't for the hapless kid like Lei Yueang last time, Mu Hantian would have killed the'laziness' long ago.

"The witch teaches perennial gods mystery, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, Wilhelm."

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